Booted! On the ship! Kicked off! Df'd!

by teejay 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Oh great, more Cuba bashing!~

  • waiting

    lol.......only if one doesn't care for dictators. Kent might consider it a positive comment, eh?

  • mommy

    LOL Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour.


    Since you never went to H20, and you were pleased at it's problems, and didn't like the H20 would you know so well the rules of the old H20?From whom did you learn them? Perhaps you only heard of one side of the rules?
    Let me reply to the part I understand. I was registered at H2O, I posted at H2O, I was deleted at H2O, I went to H2O(had to, to get registered, post, and get deleted there.)So the first part of your statement is incorrect. How would I know of the rules of H2O? I read the FPP after I was deleted there. So I know, that I was deleted for no other reason than they did not like what I had to say, not because I broke a rule. As for me being pleased at it's problems...I have no idea what you are talking about. Could you expand on that half a thought for me?
    edited typos
  • expatbrit


    Now may not be the best time to get heated up about this, my friend. You have important things happening! Deep breaths, now!


  • mommy

    I forgot to address what you said about me not liking the H2O posters. I did not like the fighting (much like this thread now) that was going on at H2O. It was a turn off for me when I was looking for a DB to join. I am sure there are many like me now who are looking for a DB, and stumble upon this insanity, and are turned off as well. I am part responsible for contributing to this thread. With that in mind I am taking my leave.

    I suggest that anyone who wants to continue this "we are better than you, give me an Amen, high five at ya, I agree he is an asshole," type of discussion really think why you are doing this. Surely it can only be for selfish gain. The Net is big enough for all of us IMO, those who must continue to stir contentions, and can't let go need to really turn off the PC and smell the roses. Or move on to a place that is more healthier for them. There are too many Jw's and Ex-Jw's in pain and needing comfort, for us to play "As the Web Turns"

  • mommy

    You are right, I agree...walking out the door now

  • NewLight2
    So I know, that I was deleted for no other reason than they did not like what I had to say


    That is not true. Your post was deleted because it was UNDER another posting that got deleted. The Moddys had no choice - it was the boards software that caused you to be deleted - unlike Simon who can delete just one post. Any postings that were UNDER a deleted post also got wiped out when the top post was deleted. This was explained to you then, but you did not "get it" and you still don't.


  • waiting

    Gosh Wendy,

    There are MANY good threads on this forum RIGHT NOW besides this one......I've just read & posted on a recent CO's visit, the changed baptism questions, etc., etc. Perhaps you should widen out in your affections - there are many new people here, and a lot of us visit with them. This is just ONE thread of many pages - and some good threads.

    I read the FPP after I was deleted there. So I know, that I was deleted for no other reason than they did not like what I had to say, not because I broke a rule - wendy
    That is not true. Your post was deleted because it was UNDER another posting that got deleted. The Moddys had no choice - it was the boards software that caused you to be deleted - unlike Simon who can delete just one post. Any postings that were UNDER a deleted post also got wiped out when the top post was deleted. This was explained to you then, but you did not "get it" and you still don't. -NewLight2
    Perhaps you're wrong, wendy.


  • mommy

    Okay I admit to being human, I came back

    New Light(wondering what new lights old name is now)
    I would have understood that explanation, then and now if it was true. I am afraid that info is incorrect.I was deleted on two threads, you must be speaking of the first thread. On the second thread, the person below me was deleted. The moderator came in and kept my post, he posted below me, I remember this clearly. My post was there for all to see for almost a day, then it was deleted. I bet the only person who would take notice of "our" little exchange would be the monitor himself, I believe he was Mod101? Yes, I think that is who it was. Anyway, I don't care either was over a year ago! I just couldn't let your false statement stay.

  • waiting

    Well, whatever happened........I hope all goes well with your baby, and may your enlarging family have a good springtime.

    Only time will tell with Kent's forum - just as Simon's, H20 & Eden Outpost - and I'm sure there are others.

    Perhaps if the insults would stop on both forums, things would go more smoothly. I doubt if Kent would allow me to venture in over there, since we've disagreed before, so I wish you peace in your travels.


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