Booted! On the ship! Kicked off! Df'd!

by teejay 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    Over at kent's cozy discussion forum, at, RedhorseWoman started a thread wherein she wanted comments about an old highschool classmate (also a JW) that she recently met again.

    Responding to her post, I said

    Too late for your situation, but I'd treat her as I've come to treat my JW family: leave religion, the truth, Jehovah (and the rest of that JW baggage) out of all conversations... unless they bring it up. And even then, don't expect much. It's not my job to 'help' them see things from my point of view.

    Even in my own family, no one sees things from my perspective. Though all of mother's offspring were raised in the truth, there in now only one active/loyal Witness. There are also fundy Christians, a very inactive but loyal Witness, an orthodox Muslim and at least one agnostic. I've been forced to learn to live and let live.

    Point is: When people are ready to think, they will. Until then, trying to MAKE them think is futile.

    That's it. My one and only post in the history of Two posts later, in that same thread, the board owner posted—off-topic!!—the following:

    Do us a favor, and stay away. I don't want you here at all. You are one of the persons responsible for this board being made - and I will hope you can stay away. Play somewhere else!

    Yachyd Da


    (emphasis mine)
    I just went to the thread to post a follow-up to think41 who had commented on my post, but... for the life of me, I was not able to log on!

    The error messaged said that I was not logged in so I clicked on the appropriate link and logged in (I thought). Then an on-screen prompt said this:

      1. You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.

      2. You do not have permission to access the page that you were trying to. Are you trying to edit someone else's post or trying to access administrative features? Check that you are allowed to perform this action in the Forum Rules.

      3. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

    Well, I tried again. And again. And again. Still, no success. Rats! I wonder what this means!!!? I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Any help from anyone?

    I'm thinking that maybe... just maybe I was a little too honest when I registered. Maybe I shoulda used a name other than "teejay", ya think?

    btw, Pete started a hilarious thread... "Who flushed the toilet over at Simon's?" Norm got rid of him. Reminds me of post the wrong kind of post, get df'd forthwith... which... um... reminds me of still another group.

  • bigboi
    btw, Pete started a hilarious thread... "Who flushed the toilet over at Simon's?......


    Pure unadulterated hilarity! That is classic, ya hear me? Classic!



  • NewLight2
    btw, Pete started a hilarious thread... "Who flushed the toilet over at Simon's?" Norm got rid of him. Reminds me of post the wrong kind of post, get df'd forthwith... which... um... reminds me of still another group.


    Yeah, and I think that it was these VERY SAME posters who complained about the H2O Modies deleting things! NOW look who is doing the deleting and stifling the free speech of others!!!!!



  • think41self

    So Teejay, what were you going to say?


  • bigboi

    Talk about hypocrisy?!

    Norm the moderator over there said in this post:


    Banning anyone from the board will be a democratic process although spammers are subject to immediate removal...bold mine
    So surely there must be some mistake, yes?



  • gravedancer

    I don't blame Kent one bit.

    You call the owner names and he boots you....oh poor baby!!!


  • spider

    This seems to explain things :

    It seems we have got the braindead morons visiting. Just an advice. Anyone who want to keep posting on this board, should respect the simple guidlines. We do NOT want the wars we have seen where we all came from.

    The ones trying to stirr up trouble will simply be booted - without any warning - and without any notice.

    The ones who don't like it - can go wherever they want - or make their own board!

    There is simply a lot of people I and the others on this board know during a long time - and we don't want them here.

    Simple as that.


  • NewLight2


    Norm/Moddy says:

    On this site there will be no FPP, no rules concerning language. You are all adults and will be expected to behave accordingly. People will naturally be irritated at each others and there will probably be hot feelings and quarrels. We will not interfere in such matters unless such behavior is seriously disrupting the board, then you will be asked to take it into private e-mail.

    And Dear Ole Kent, himself says that he doesn't want you to post there after just ONE - ONE, mind you, - little posting!


  • waiting


    Since when is the owner of a forum above criticism? Simon's not - and proved it. Lord, he's taken all kinds of crap from people - and he's never banned anyone for it!!!!!!!!

    Even with Tina, Simon deactivated her after she repeatedly demanded that he deactivate her account. His vicious sin? He publicly warned her. Simon deactivated 3 men - and no one seemingly blinked.

    And, to my knowledge, he's NEVER closed someone's account because they spoke against him. Actually, has anyone else EVER visited a board that the forum owner just banned people he didn't like? Not even on H20, to my knowledge.

    Talk about strict moderators!!!!!!! WOL is back as atheistic apostates!

  • gravedancer

    Oh c'mon you think Kent can't read the stuff Teejay said about him today?

    Thats like writing stuff on the bathroom walls in a pub frequented by someone and slandering thst person, then signing your name and acting all surprised when they tell you to suck wind if you go over and visit.

    Get a clue...

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