Killing Ananias and Sapphira

by irondork 313 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Hi Paulapollos...I'll help you with that...this is how you see god through christ. You put these on when you read 'scripture'...ROFL

    Here, I got you a pair....they make everything beautiful! and full of peace...even murder...there is nothing they can't do. You will see everything differently. What is bad will be good. In fact, it won't exist...because it will make the writings of they lying scribes invisible so you can only see the truth. Hope that helps...

  • tec

    can I just ask, what does this actually mean: "seeing God through Christ"? I really don't understand.

    It is actually very simple, so I don't mean to have made it seem confusing.

    Christ is the image of God... so God is as Christ showed/shows Him to be.

    Christ served; forgave; showed mercy; healed; taught; helped. He could be 'harsh'... though in reality, He was simply truthful. No 'pc'. But He was not a tyrant, he did not execute people. (For example, when Peter cut the ear off (or wounded, depending upon which gospel account) Christ put a stop to it, and healed the one who had been injured.)

    So God is no tyrant either. God is as Christ showed Him to be... not as the Israelites or the bible or religion showed Him to be. None of those, other than Christ, are His Image.

    Just, for my sake, use this account, to explain it to me. You read an account like this, and Christ....? Shows you what it supposed to mean?

    Sometimes, if I ask, and if I can hear His answer when He answers me.

    Or if it is really true? Or.....? I'm a bit confused here.

    For this specific account, I look at what I know of Christ. Did He execute anyone while He walked in the flesh? In fact, He stopped Peter from retaliating. Is it in character and of His teachings, to execute these two? Because if it is not in or from Christ, then it is not in or from God.

    To state that God did this goes against the example, teaching, and image Christ gave us.

    So while I may not yet know what exactly happened, or if anything happened at all... I can trust what I DO know of Christ, and so God.

    Also, since I presume you wouldn't know of Jesus, except thru the Bible, how is it that you don't view the Bible as necessarily reliable?

    I do not presume this though. It is possible that I might not know of Christ if there were no written accounts of Him passed down. (God is another matter) But it is also possible that I would have known of him, because God showed me His Son.

    The bible is just a compilation of books, history, moral lessons, parables, poetry, witness accounts, prophecy, personal letters.

    At most, for me, some of the books of the bible are like a witness pointing TO Christ, and God. It can teach us a bit about Him, a bit about the people who knew Him, a bit about the history of Israel, and before Israel. But there are other witnesses, and the Spirit of Christ is alive and a witness to God.

    Hope that helps, but if not, please ask more and I will try to be more clear.



  • NewChapter

    I actually heard a program on a religious station where this woman explained that you needed Jesus between you and his father to be forgiven and avoid hell. She actually said that God will look at you through his Jesus Glasses. LOL

    That's how some portray this father figure---the only thing standing between you and his murderous rage is Jesus. Funny.

  • tec

    But I certainly do feel sad when people believe in such an awful abuser, are enslaved actually, and make up all kinds of excuses for it.

    But I don't believe in an awful abuser. That is your image of God. Christ is mine. And Christ is not a brutal abuser. Christ taught mercy, forgiviness, love, truth (which is not always 'nice'), to give to the poor and the needy. Do you worry about people who follow such a man and who follow such a spirit?



  • still thinking
    still thinking take these off...

    And put these on....

    so you can understand this better....

  • NewChapter

    You have ditched the bible, Tammy, but not everyone has. So when you claim to speak about the god of that bible that you have ditched, others that hear you will turn to that bible, because they realize that without it, you would not have your information at all. Those are the people that will see this horribly brutal god and get caught up in the disfunction of defending the brutality. Way to groom spouses and children to take abuse in the name of love.

    So you have surpassed---risen above---the need to read, and you get your info directly from the source. But you still direct them to the god of the bible, and he is pretty much a monster. Not everyone can be as advanced as you are---so I question the god of the bible. I have no idea who your god is---I suppose whoever you are told he is through some line of communication---or who you believe him to be---whatever. But just because you have reached Nirvana doesn't mean that the majority have.

    I cannot actually discuss anything with you, because I can't argue what your lord tells you. But I can state my case for other people who are looking at the bible god.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    It's a shame god doesn't just bypass the bible all together...and people who tell us about him, and just talk to everyone directly before they get sucked into religions.

    Maybe when we are children he could have a wee chat. It would save a lot of confusion. Especially for people who never even get to read this bible in the first place and never even discover from it that Jesus existed, or who he was, or how he bahaved, or that he is supposed to be the image of god.

    And before the bible became public reading, when it was only for the priests and religious...they had NO chance of ever reading about him in the first place. We only had what people told us, and wanted to tell us...shame he didn't have a chat then. But I guess you had to have the right kind of faith in this entity you really knew nothing about before he would talk directly to you.

    And before christianity invaded the rest of the world with its ideas...shame those people never got to be in direct contact with Jesus.

    It really is a shame isn't it?

    It's also a shame that people are born in the wrong countries and religions and never learn about Jesus...since he doesn't bother to help them out with a wee chat. Thats a shame.

    It seems to be a lot of work has to be done BEFORE you can hear Jesus....poor buggers that never find this out. Such a shame.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    oops...double post.

  • NewChapter

    I suppose it's a shame, but it is confusing too. If the bible is unnecessary and so full of bad information, then why didn't other cultures stumble onto Jesus? Why does it ALWAYS start with this book that is full of lies? If Jesus is able to communicate directly---then why doesn't he? I mean, why does he, but only for a select few?

    All you have to do is be open to it---but then---do you need this book of lies to even understand that you need to be open? I get quite confused at this point. Did Jesus require poor, weak, confused humans to rely on a book penned by lying scribes to start them on the path?

    But again, I don't understand. I've never met anyone who is unfamiliar with the bible that also stumbled onto Jesus. I mean, the eastern hemisphere had him for over a thousand years before the Native Americans caught wind of him----why would that be? Did Jesus not bother to contact the Native American? Why did knowledge of his existence only come with the bibles?

    LOL---can you see some of today's Christians acting as missionaries in that day.

    "Hello Native Americans, I want to tell you about Jesus. His life is written in this book. This book is full of lies and misrepresentations, but it does tell us about Jesus. NOW---throw this book away. You already got the important information out of it. So much of it is corrupt that it is nearly useless. It's only value is to tell you the existence of Jesus. Go with your heart!"


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    dont forget the free pair of glasses otherwise you could be guilty of misleading everyone.

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