Killing Ananias and Sapphira

by irondork 313 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I don't quote lying scribes... Christ would not point me to them for certain, unless it would be to point out what was wrong... and the 'they' is people such as yourself, so maybe you should tell me why...

    Well, the fact that you quote the verses that tell about the lying scribes shows that in fact you DO quote them.. since it is more likely that the lying scribes wrote those particular verses...LOL

    And I would help you out with that...IF I needed them...but I don't.

    It would appear that the bible really is just a useless pile of paper...LOL Even you think so. I find that funniest of all...ROFL

  • tec

    Well, I don't find it useless. But I dont' find it to be the Truth or Word of God either. A book can have use without being those things, but if it comes to a choice between the two: the Truth and Word of God (Christ)... or the bible; well, I choose Christ.

    Peace, and good night for real now, lol.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    goodnight tec....I'm still LOLing that you don't find the bible to be the truth OR the word of god....LOL

    Maybe it's usefull for balancing table legs...

  • irondork

    NewChapter: I can't tell you how happy I am to know such a being does not really exist.

    That being whom you know doesn't exist sure does have your panties all up in a wad.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, it’s only a story. There is supposed to be a parallel between Ananias and Sapphira- and Achan in Joshua 7, but Luke (the author of Acts) was a Gentile, and he liked to incorporate works from other contemporary authors into the Book of Acts, such as Josephus' The Wars of the Jews, and Antiquities of the Jews, as well as Euripides' play The Bacchae. So the story of Ananias and Sapphira could be taken from a real life event, or 1st century legend: maybe someone had a heart attack in a synagogue or temple, and Luke added the ‘Godditit’ part to it! Anyway, by the time the Book of Acts was written the Temple had been destroyed, and the Jews were being taxed heavily, so very many people would have been converting to Christianity, and Luke wasn’t worried about scaring them off with this story, lol.

  • Paulapollos


    can I just ask, what does this actually mean: " seeing God through Christ"? I really don't understand.

    Just, for my sake, use this account, to explain it to me. You read an account like this, and Christ....? Shows you what it supposed to mean? Or if it is really true? Or.....? I'm a bit confused here.

    Also, since I presume you wouldn't know of Jesus, except thru the Bible, how is it that you don't view the Bible as necessarily reliable?

    Serious questions, I'd love to know the answer, never understood it.


  • NewChapter

    That being whom you know doesn't exist sure does have your panties all up in a wad.

    No, Dear, he does not. But I certainly do feel sad when people believe in such an awful abuser, are enslaved actually, and make up all kinds of excuses for it. When critical thinking is thrown by the wayside and potential is lost. When I see people promoting such, I feel the need to speak up about it. Sometimes it is by pointing out the brutality in this 'god of love' that people open their eyes and see it for what it is: A brutal concept created by a brutal culture by today's standards. Or perhaps you would rather I didn't comment on the subject. A good atheist is a silent one?

    I think it is quite valid when I watch people rewrite this god into whatever they want it to be to point that out. It is a discussion board, afterall. I'm sure there are places where such notions can be discussed unchallenged. This god is still doing a lot of damage and will continue to do so as long as people refuse to break it down. Others come here truly seeking to form an opinion, and it is only right that they should see the many understandings of this issue. Or did you just want to be able to share your own view and lead them in your way?

    And lastly, do not concern yourself with my panties. Concern yourself with your own habit of picking and choosing and rewriting.

  • tec

    Paul, when I get home from work, I will do my best to answer your questions as clearly as I can.

    Peace to you,


  • DaCheech

    this is getting quite long.

    my little little word is: 1/2 the population should be dead for they swore to god to keep their mate (during wedding vows) for better or for worse. and they decided to divorce................. poof dead people who lied to god.

    YOU can't argue with zealots, show them all the proof of what a tirant god is!

    remeber the she-bear who killed all those innocent children because the children laughed at god's chosen one! He called death upon them

    the whole trying to stick up for god is LOL LOL LOL

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    dacheech, if you see god through christ, you read that account as those children actually eating gummy bears, not bears eating children.

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