wts made a video about masturbation IN SIGN LANGUAGE, WITH GESTURES

by rebel8 293 Replies latest members adult

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet


    They could have chosen:
    -not to make this video at all (They need to keep deaf friends up to speed with current teachings, so this isn't an option)-to add subtitles to a video of someone giving the talk (People born deaf are not normally accustomed to English in writing, so it would not be understandable. In order to read and understand English properly, one needs to hear and sound out the words, which deaf people have not been able to do.)-to sign by spelling out the saucier words (Spelling/reading is not an option in ASL. There is no longer any written ASL material. They tried years back, but the deaf and mute found it pointless)
    Instead they chose:
    -demo (Deaf friends SEEING the sign for masturbation is the same as us HEARING the actual word 'masturbation'). The word 'masturbation' is simply the English word created for the act. The visuals from the video is the ASL description of the act because they don't use words.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Timely and nutritous spiritual food from the slave?


    The WBT$ makes their 1st Soft Porn Video..

    It`s ok though..

    The Actors are Jehovah`s Witness`s in Suits!..

    As WBT$ GB member Anthony Morris is Demonstrating

    Pretending to Masterbate in a WBT$ Video doesn`t look as Bad.

    When your wearing a Suit and Jewelry..

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • hamsterbait

    Did any of the MEN in these videos NOT have a wedding ring?

    You unmarried ones cant have what we have, so dont even hope to assuage your sexual torment with the BIG M.

    A bit like waving sandwiches under the noses of starving children.


  • rebel8

    People born deaf are not normally accustomed to English in writing,

    Hi Rubber Mallet, I did not know this. It seems unnecessarily disabling to not read in addition to not hearing! I am pretty shocked.

    Another question, couldn't they have chosen to use the other language that lends itself to spelling things out and such? Refer to my earlier post about how the dubs here viewed ASL.

    You unmarried ones cant have what we have, so dont even hope to assuage your sexual torment with the BIG M.

    Good point lol

  • hamsterbait

    I have watched this video again, and frankly dont see what is so hilarious.

    Deaf human beings have a language that enables them to express every thought possible.

    If this were a SL video about the evils of rape, would we expect the sign for rape to be omitted? or s-p-e-l-l-e-d out in case hearing people were offended?

    These gestures are part of a respected language. To claim they shouldnt be used is like saying we should only say "you know of course that M - A- S-T--U-R-B- " GET THE PICTURE?

    I remember my Grandmother and her friends merely mouthing or spelling words i wasnt supposed to understand.

    It made me even more curious.

    Dont infantilise the deaf. They can take every word just like we do.


  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    People born deaf are not normally accustomed to English in writing,

    Hi Rubber Mallet (Greetings and peace to you! lol),I did not know this. It seems unnecessarily disabling to not read in addition to not hearing! I am pretty shocked. (It's rough, because there's a HUGE learning setback. I guess it would be like someone placing a book of only Chinese symbols before you and telling you to find your way from A to B in China using only that book. There are no reference points for you to even begin to understand what's written! To make it crazier, others around you speak the language, but can't read it. How to you make connections? How can you learn? It takes many over a year WITH reference points (a first language) to even have a normal conversation in Chinese, so imagine not having that. Deaf and mute have no connection between spoken word and written, and that's an imperative part of learning language. Therefore, the process is extremely difficult for deaf ones, so most never learn.)

    Another question, couldn't they have chosen to use the other language that lends itself to spelling things out and such? Refer to my earlier post about how the dubs here viewed ASL. (I am not completely sure what you're asking, i apologize)

  • hamsterbait

    Nuthouse - would you be offended if another adult spelled out a word to you, because he thought you might find it offensive?

    Words are words. If you find a word offensive try suing the people who print dictionaries.


  • hamsterbait

    I KNOW!!!!

    Lets all alugh at the deaf peoples crazy way of saying the same things as us only in gestures we think are RUDE.

    We have all come across names and words that are rude or funny in other languages. What's different here?

    An American TV producer with the name FUKUTO (" fuck you too") The name HOY in Russian is "cock".

    We are behaving like adolescents laughing at this.


  • hamsterbait

    Just found a raft of poetry in deaf SL with no translation.

    Are these not just one great big effin joke?


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