wts made a video about masturbation IN SIGN LANGUAGE, WITH GESTURES

by rebel8 293 Replies latest members adult

  • Finkelstein

    I don't think we are laughing at the use of sigh language per se but the way these JWS men overly use their facial expressions is comically funny,

    particularly the second guy.

    Maybe they thought they were going to be counseled on their gestures and use of emphasis, like a talk during the ministry school.

    A matter of fact the second guy did it so well, I'd suspect he was well versed in self sexual gratification himself.

  • ziddina
  • hamsterbait

    If the Guy doing the video is ACTUALLY deaf, dont you see that we are calling abuse behind a deaf HUMAN?

    What exactly is the joke? He cannot hear our laughter, or is he ridiculous?


  • slimboyfat

    I agree hamsterbait. I think this thread is somewhat in bad taste. I said earlier in the thread that I do not find it funny.

    I find the way the Watchtower talks about masturbation generally to be disturbing, but no more so just because it is deaf people communicating the official line on the subject.

  • ziddina

    Uhm, guys...

    Are you as sensitive to the feelings of various elders who knowingly spew the Watchtower spiel from the podium, when they have a pretty good idea that it may not be biblically accurate AND may harm people?

    Deaf or not, they are following the edicts of the Watchtower corporation - including the parroting of the Watchtower attitudes towards normal, healthy human sexuality.

    We'd comment freely regarding elders giving such a talk VERBALLY - and we have done so, remember?

    To 'exclude' deaf brothers from similar commentary, would be like handling them with 'kid gloves' due to their 'handicap'.

    Which is exactly the opposite of treating them like everyone else.

  • Fernando

    A new series in the making?

    DPA (Deaf People Ask)?

    "In the light of this new 'old light' from the 'unfaithful and indiscreet slave' please could we have a similar serving of 'meat in due season' on 'oral sex'? Not to put too fine a point on it, but could we also please have clarity on the scriptural differences between cunnilingus and fallatio? We would also appreciate frank and honest comments comparing what the 'ruling religious clergy class' say in public and do in private in this delightfully delicate matter."

    (BTW, on a far more serious note, I believe Jesus' only real enemies in the WBTS are the 'ruling religious clergy class', barring of course those troubled by their conscience. Jesus deeply loves everyone else as his brothers and sisters in the making. His love, care and compassion for the disabled and disadvantaged is undoubted. I feel the same way toward the deaf community who are even more vulnerable to WBTS deception.)

  • Violia

    surely there must be a more polite way to sign masturbation. After all, we don't say " jerk off " or all the other words used to describe the act. ( in polite conversation) Why is it necessary to use vulgar signs? Surely if we can find a word to describe it that is not offensive, someone should be able to come up with a sign that is not vulgar to look at.

    It is too funny.

  • Finkelstein

    I wonder how many of the GB members masturbated in their young teen years before they were married ?

    Probable answer = all of them

    In light of this probable answer .........


  • Scully

    I'm wondering whether the target audience for these videos (and the brochure from which they are derived) is non-JWs / Bible Studies™ rather than active JWs.

    It would make sense to use "beautiful and flawless ASL" (as Vanderhoven7 described) in that case, so as not to seem overly prudish, particularly since JWs would be seeking out adults in the deaf community and Studying™ this material (or similar) with them in their homes. I highly doubt that this video would be broadcast in a Kingdom Hall™ Meeting™ where families with small children would be present, because that isn't the target audience.

  • Finkelstein

    I highly doubt that this video would be broadcast in a Kingdom Hall™ Meeting™ where families with small children would be present, because that isn't the target audience.

    No probably not but they do give talks on masturbation and other sexual activity in the KD Halls in front of very young children.

    I remember one talk this goof Elder gave, going into great detail of the wonderful creation of the female vagina, how it magically lubricates itself for

    the insertion of the male penis. The talk was really inappropriate for young children, boys and girls to hear something a bit more appropriate for

    young adults or mature adults. There were a lot a disapproving frowns during and after the talk.

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