The Governing Body intends to announce significant changes in academic literature (DOCTRINES) - Brazil

by Dogpatch 375 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheOldHippie

    Changes in or dropping door-to-door is no reason for a special meeting or course. It is stressed on a weekly basis that one should look for alternatives to d-t-d work as people are not at home etc. And changes in conventions or meetings or other organizational stuff is no reason for special meetings. I don't think this is anything but a normal course, but IF something special is to be discussed, then it HAS to be something "theological", some doctrinal change, as all other things are easily dealt with thru letters or talks and are unimportant as such. A pioneer school of one week's duration is to be held in December, likewise in January, so there are no signs of any revolution at the doorstep.

    I wonder how many times I have read here that the CO arrangement is going to be dropped "next year" .............

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It'll be hardly anything. Everyone's getting all worked up over nothing.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Very odd. Any of the above mentioned changes is possible. What's weird is the almost apologetic tone of the letter.

    When doctrine changes or "new light" have occurred in the past, there is NEVER any "prep work" beforehand. . . It's Here's your new light, LOVE IT, OR LEAVE IT.

    The only thing it does show is that as 2014 approaches, the GB are getting squirrelly. . .

  • Pistoff

    If any one thing would be changed, what would/should it be?

    My vote is the end of door to door.

    It doesn't work, maybe never worked.

    Supposedly, a higher up told longtime bethelite Delmar Wilkie that we would have millions more in the truth if we dropped the requirement to go door to door.

    Think about that statement.

    If the goal of the 'slave' is to multiply the domestics, then they should DROP the door to door requirement if it is a stop sign to potential converts.

    What is more important, to be a religion of door knockers, or to increase the number of 'worshipers of Jehovah'?

    In the parable scenario, Jesus might say: you knew you could multiply the assets but held on to a practice that didn't work?

    My vote: END of door to door, maybe just wishful thinking.

  • metatron

    Respectfully, Old Hippie, ending the door to door work is a big deal for them and they know it. It is a big deal that differenciates them from other churches and........................

    Let me reinterate: saying 'you don't have to go door to door' may not be enough. They may have to disavow the door to door work, period. Otherwise, the potential liability doesn't go away. They may have to disavow publishers as volunteers or people who represent the WTS in any way, to protect themselves.

    Here's the hard pill to swallow: after decades of saying that 'apostates' want to end the door to door work, that's exactly what they would end up doing. If they are detecting problems with the credibility of the Governing Body, then this is a real ugly situation. If I were them, I'd want to get the elders up to speed on this, to be able to 'explain it away' or spin it so they don't have a mass exodus.

    The CO rumor thing? I think that was real because (again) it is a major liability problem - especially with pedophile cases. The lawsuit goes up the hierarchy into 'deep pockets' of the Society because the chain of command is unbroken. That's why they have a "COBE" instead of a Presiding Overseer, phony as that is. They balked at it because they know from the start of the elder arrangement that losing CO's means losing control over congregations ( they freaked out when the new elders started saying, 'the CO is just another elder, so what?')


  • skeeter1

    Stop everyone. Look at this other thread - reporting from Spanish ex-JW sites:

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Look for the Society's biggest dollar drain, and bingo!.. that's where the change will be made

  • skeeter1
  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Someone just told me this ..."An elder who attended the recent KMS said that the WTBTS now claims that Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT representing the Watchtower Society OR Jehovah's Witnesses when they go from door to door.

    I know for sure a WTS Atty made that statement...I think it was in Steven Unthanks case? But if this statement above is true from this elder, it may be something to consider or is it a simple case of playing telephone?

  • doinmypart

    Skeeter I think that is a valid point regarding Disfellowshipping and losing money. When I was an elder almost every situation that came before the BOE was treated from the standpoint of disciplining instead of pastoral/really trying to help someone. The harsh treatment was one of the things that made me start questioning everything.

    In one congregation the BOE privately reproved a sister who was one of the bigger donors. She was later DF and never came back...goodbye $$$.

    So to the point of the topic; I can see an adjustment in handling "wrongdoing" & judicial procedures. That would take a day to discuss with the elders and couldn't be handled through a BOE letter. The WTS loves to have demos and pose questions and make sure everyone leaves with the same understanding...hence the need for face-to-face time. Conducting the training in a week across the globe ensures that the new policies are implemented at the same time.

    I think there will be an adjustment to handling judicial cases, DF, DA, reproof, shepherding; not any other policy or doctrine. I think some of the elders at HQ might care a little bit about the flock, but the bottom line is that the WTs is losing too many members (i.e. money) out the back door and not getting enough through the front door. That is the motivation.

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