The Governing Body intends to announce significant changes in academic literature (DOCTRINES) - Brazil

by Dogpatch 375 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balaamsass

    What is costing them the most money, that if they suddenly stopped..... would cause a rift ?

    Calling the police on Child molesters would save money, be appauded and require only a letter. No longer re-appointing child molesters..ditto. Obeying other laws..elders call legal on EVERY major case anyway, so those things could change in one hour.

    Field service changes...everyone hates it anyway. Just an announcement in the KM.

    At ELDERS school they LOVE to have YOU write notes in the margin of the FLOCK BOOK so THEY didn't "put it in print". Since the NEW Flock book is already on the WEB in PDF and can be used against them in court. Child custody issues. Blood issues. Something they don't want on the net in PRINT.

    What could hang them if in print court...and cause a rift amoung the dubs........ hummmmmm?????

  • Aware!

    "academic literature" is a mistranslation. I understand some Portuguese and the correct translation would be "doctrinal field".

  • JeffT

    I could be wrong, I thought this might refer to dropping d2d, but then I dismissed it unless they can come up with some really creative way to keep the r&f busy. They run the risk of having everybody just stop all activity. Maybe an emphasis on street work or some such? Most people aren't home these days anyway. But they'll have to give them something to do. If they just say the work is done because the end is so close in a year or two everybody is going to wonder where it is.

    I don't think they'll want to take control of the KH's. If they did that they could loose them in lawsuits, better to stay diversified.

  • Aware!

    If what the poster said is true, there WILL be changes hard to take in. I could also be wrong in the translation because of false cognates. The only way to find out is if I ask a native.


    Elders and ms appointed from local congregation elders?

  • baltar447

    So let's run down the core doctrines that could shake the rank and file:

    1914 (JWs have been saying "it doesn't matter" so only older ones would have a harder time with this)

    144,000 (literal or figurative, I think most would just say, so THAT's why there have been more partakers)

    Heavenly and earthly destinites (seriously doubt they would EVER touch this one)

    Generation (everyone's head is spinning from the last change so how would it be any different?)

    Dumping the Blood doctine or making it a conscience matter (would be HUGE, but think more lawsuits if this happened)

    Door to door (I don't see that they would dump this altogether, but who knows)

    Any more ya'll can think of?

  • Goshawk

    Sisters can now be MS BUT NOT allowed to be elders, however they can now deliver public talks as long as they are not mensing.

  • stuckinamovement

    00Dad the quote is from the 5/15/12 issue in the "times and seasons" article.


  • Gayle

    10% Tithing, probably would be the big 'spook' to a lot of them. Obviously, doctrinal and policy changes does not faze them. The WTS doesn't need more meaningless hours, return visits, or more 'tracts' placed, etc. by rank and file. The WTS just needs/wants the money, 'right now!'

  • skeeter1

    Brazil was the sight for the shunning billboards. I think it ciould be something to do with shunning. But, I think that MOST jws would welcome a change from the "no shunning" rule. I don't see that as a negative change that could cause a backlash. Sort of like when they allowed college - everyone applauded it.

    So, what "change" could cause people to falter or stumble? A change in the year of prediction could do it. 1975, Generation of 1914, etc. But, those who are left have gone through alot of these "date" changes and bought the Society's "blame the flock" gambit.

    So, what "chane" could cause people to falter? Could it be blood?

    Gayle, tithing is brilliant! You may be onto something. "We gave you family study night, now in return give us 10%"


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