The true, unsung hero of the Bible....

by Unlearn 267 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Tec, I guess you have been officially selected to defend

    the Bible here.

    My problem with Satan vs God, Satan only exists because

    God allows him to. Don,t you think this raises some serious

    issues about how righteous God can be if he allows evil to

    exist. What do you think?

  • tec

    If God did not allow evil to exist, Jam, then I think most of us would not exist. Because at some point in our lives, we all commit bad (which is also likened to evil, when our actions cause others harm or hurt, and then their actions spiral from that also causing harm or hurt, etc, etc) It is we who have to change, and this comes from within.

    It is also forgiveness that heals, and love... but never tyranny.

    Also, I am not a defender of the bible... officially selected or not ;)



  • jam

    Tec; what I ment by my comment, you are one of the few

    here that have A deep understanding of the bible and I

    know I can count on you. So when I have A question I

    look for your insight. Sorry I wasn,t making fun of you.

    My comment was because of your knowledge of the Bible.

  • tec

    Sorry jam, I left to do some stuff. I never thought you were making fun of me at all. So no worries, my friend. I am sorry I made you think otherwise. Thank you for your kind words, and if I can help shed light on anything, I am happy to do my best to answer any questions truthfully.

    Mostly, all I meant was that there are some things written in the bible that I find indefensible. (this could be due to misunderstanding, misapplication, out of context, mistranslation, or lying pen of the scribes) This is why i do not defend the bible, per say... but do witness to Christ, the Truth and Image of God. I guess I defend that the image of God is Christ.



  • NewChapter

    Even though he never spoke in defense of Adam and Eve, or said to God that it was him who had incited them to disobey

    Tec, to use your own reasoning when you let Jesus off the hook for not speaking against OT atrocities:

    Just because it wasn't written, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Afterall, the victors write the history books.


  • elderelite

    I appreciate the out of the box thinking that this thread inspires... Allow me to add this: History is written by the winners. How would the story of the alamo be told if mexico had been victorious overall...? Or how would the battle for england be remembered if we all spoke german now...? Or pearl harbor if the japanese had won the war in the pacific?

    Overall we are being asked to consider what to think of a god who tells people they will die if they eat from a tree, dosent protect them from a vastly more powerful and more experianced beinging. We dont know for sire adam and would have lived forever anyway. Maybe it wasnt eatig from the tree that killed them. They lived another 900 years as it was. Oh and its also a fairy tale......

  • tec

    Tec, to use your own reasoning when you let Jesus off the hook for not speaking against OT atrocities:

    This might be true... IF... he did not set an example that shows the opposite of speaking for any OT atrocities. He showed, as much or more than he told.

    Hence, and still using that same reasoning, I asked for something else to corroborate this theory that Satan is an unsung hero.

    There are many examples to show that some things written in the OT were not from God (most from Christ, but some even written within the OT itself.)



  • NewChapter

    He showed, as much or more than he told.

    And perhaps, that is exactly true of Satan. Perhaps rather than telling he simply showed Adam and Eve how to be free. There is no record that he defended them, but what would he have defended them from? An angry god? Instead he gave them the tools they needed to be free. It was this god that passed a sentence of death---not satan.


  • elderelite

    Nc my dear.... I was arguing against the desert god, not satan. The desert god, so called loving father, left the kids at the mercy of a superiour being for no reason. No proof they died as he claimed at the eating of the tree. Why let them have contact they wernt close to ready for? Whole thing dont add up.... "sure kids go play with the pedo"....

  • tec

    That is all well and good (regarding Satan's showing, rather than telling), but what else is there to back this theory up?

    With Christ, I am not building some theory off an interpretaion of one passage. I am reading many, many passages and examples to understand the truth of Christ, and hence, God.



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