Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Berengaria

    Ok Darth, tell me this. You want to say quickly and pointedly that we ignore the ..........foolishness......... in the bible such as shellfish, stoning wives that turn out not to be virgins........................etc.

    How would you encompass all that in a pointed speech to a bunch of young adults?

    I would bet that some zealous parent who is familiar with Mr Savage and his Gayness, told their kid to walk out when he started his speech. The kid probably recruited few others to join in, and there you have it. Dollars to donuts, it was planned. But from what you can hear on the video, at least as many were in agreement with the speaker.

  • BizzyBee

    Thread's really dead now.

    You wish!

  • darthfader


    I can now post.

    Ber/Beks -- sent you an answer (sort of) by PM

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Wow I can't believe how this thread has gone on and on...

    We've had and will continue to have many come to JWN that have endured decades of bullying because their sexuality doesn't fit with Bible teachings. Dan Savage's choice of wording might have been 'extreme', some might not like that he calls the Bible's anti-gay and pro-slavery teachings 'bullsh!t'. Some may think they have grounds to be furious that he would call the Bible-thumpers that walked out 'pansy ass.' But think about some of the bullsh!t that some of the members of this forum have endured. Were these kids 'persecuted' and 'bullied' by Savage? Get real.

    Dollars to donuts, it was planned.

    The story that girls cried because of what he said. Are you sure these girls weren't reading Deut. 22:28,29.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have just had a chance to watch that video....and my first response to those young adults walking out...was that it was planned. The smirks on some of those faces smacks of organised protest.

    Aside from that...I thought everything he had to say was valid...

    Why don't we discuss what wasn't valid about what he said as opposed to how he said it...which by the way...I didn't think was particularly offensive. If these young adults are going to be journalists...they are going to have a difficult time if this is how they react. All he did was mention the bible and people were walking....before any sort of profanity was used at all.

    The whole walk out was staged...and IMO made them look ignorant.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Dan Savage is best known for starting the It Gets Better Project. There's now tons of videos posted on youtube.

    Regardless of how you feel about Savage's recent comments, can we show some support for any lurkers that may be following this thread?

    If you care, find an It Gets Better video and post a link.


  • ZeusRocks

    Should actually point out that he didn't call the people who walked out pansy ass. All he said was how pansy assed some people react when we push back, referring to when people use the bible to beat down others, they don't like it when the beaten down push back.
    If someone wants to take that personally, that's their problem.

    Him using the term bullshit may have offended some people, but there was nothing else that could be labelled offensive in the rest of it unless you are actually one of the people who like to beat down others with what the bible says and then react all pansy assed when they justifiably push back.

    Anyone who uses the bible for any valid argument against another person is just an ignorant bigot who doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

  • BizzyBee

    the Bible-thumpers that walked out

    These kids were programmed, not walking out because of some offense to their "ethical conscience," just as we JW born-ins stood up in grade school to make an issue out of not saluting the flag. And we, at the age of 6, knew hell-all about the actual issue. Just as these kids are immune to the actual reasoning that was being presented to them. Having nothing to do with hearing the word "bullshit" - ten to one they've heard that word before and know the meaning of it.

    A very refined lady on the golf course the other day expressed the desire to use the f- word after a bad shot, but wasn't sure how it would be received. I said, "Thanks, but I've heard that word before" (like a few thousand times), after all I've raised teenagers.

    Let's stop with all the hypocritical pearl-clutching, shall we? The BS word is tame in the relative context of the average 16-year old's vocabulary. Unfortunately. But true.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    zeusRocks....thats what I heard too...he never called anyone there pansy assed.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite

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