Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darthfader

    Unfortunately his valid points about the bible are overshadowed because of his (embittered) delivery method.

    I couldn't tell if this was in a high school auditorium directed toward high school kids or not, but if it was, his choice of words was inappropriate -- even calling the ones who left "pansy asses"...

    Lesson here: how to muddy up a good logical review of the bible with stupidity and ignorance.

    .02 worth.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Nevermind his message, you guys are missing the real issue here. I'd wager those bigots were judging him based on his skin color.

    "Oh, great, now the grays want equal rights, too," says Jenny, age 16.

  • talesin

    A good example of looking at one piece of work over a lifetime of effort. well done, NEO-CONS!

  • darthfader

    I'm not a Neo-con... But his delivery choice did him no favors. I guess everyone is entitled to a bad day here and there..


  • talesin

    drrr, well, those who have actually read his column for the past decade or so, with its no-nonsense about sex advice, and knowing a bit about of the history of the subject, might just have a different opinion ... just sayin' ... education is well, not everything, but, well, you decide. :(

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I don't know about the dynamics of the crowd, but from the view of this video, one girl is leaving as soon as he mentions gays. Then there is a bunch that leave after he mentions slavery. And they are all white students. I get the impression that these people weren't upset with his use of the word "bullsh!t", they seemed most upset that he would refer to the Bible's teachings on slavery as being unethical. Was he speaking at "White Supremacy High School"?

  • botchtowersociety
    I'm not a Neo-con...

    Neither am I, so I have no idea who the congratulations are intended for.

    "White Supremacy High School"?

    There are black students getting up too, so I have no idea what you are talking about. This was held at Sutter Union High School in California.

  • talesin

    yah, whatevev,,, your usual babble,, I think of it as 'no-speak'......


  • botchtowersociety

    yah, whatevev,,, your usual babble,, I think of it as 'no-speak'......

    Well, you keep on responding, dontcha?

    You have no argument, just stupid little jabs. What he did was unacceptable. Do you seriously think it was?

    peace, love & happiness to u!

  • talesin

    hahaha, the usual bullshit... good nite, sweet dreamer .


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