Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ao0k9qDsOvs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    1. Dan Savage, Bullying and the Truth about Gays and the Bible
      Huffington Post ‎ - 42 minutes ago Dan Savage, Bullying and the Truth about Gays and the Bible... walked out of Dan's speech the moment he began talking about the parts of the ...
  • botchtowersociety

    Anti-bullying advocate bullies Christian teenagers with an expletive filled rant?

    Oh the irony!

  • talesin

    Terry, Dan Savage is a sane voice in often-crazy and mindless dialogue about sexuality.


  • xchange

    Expletive fllled rant? Oh, the hyperbole. (Forgot to add in bullying too. Oh, the hyperbole.)

  • talesin

    Excuse me, but there are NO EXPLETIVES in that video!

    Lest your comment was taken in the wrong sense, BTS.

    Some really good points, there, re Leviticus; and, yes it's already out there, but I just gotta love Dan Savage; he's been an institutition here in Hali for decades.


  • botchtowersociety
    Excuse me, but there are NO EXPLETIVES in that video!

    Yes there are. It is full of them. Maybe you should watch it before you comment. It contained obscenities. He also called high school kids pansy asses...and this from an anti-bullying advocate. Do you really think this was an appropriate speech in a high school auditorium? Seriously?

    And talking about the Bible in a public high school, there's some irony that can be mined there too. If it was a speech extolling the Bible, people like you would be up in arms.

  • botchtowersociety

    Amazing how this plays out like a South Park episode.


    Dan Savage is the guy who said "I wish Republicans were all f***ing dead" on television. He wishes half. the country. dead.

    But he is an example anti-bullying? What would Tal be saying if a public figure said "I wish homosexuals were all f***ing dead" on television? Would that be someone who should be talking to underage students?

    This is who they bring into a high school to talk about journalism? Just what did his expletive filled (and bullying) comments have to do with journalism?

  • talesin

    ok, whatever fantasy world you want to live in BTS ~

    peace, love & happiness to u!


  • botchtowersociety
  • talesin

    lol! your discombulated face is tooo funny,,, xoxxo @ BTS!


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