Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods

    saywhat29 - of course the walkout was a planned reaction.

    It was a public expression of opposition to the way Savage chose to present his case. BTW - his case was supposed to be against bullying gay students, not bashing the bible.

    If those kids had not staged a walkout this whole thing would very likely have never made the local newspapers, let alone national TV.

  • saywhat29

    No, I mean staged by the Family Resarch Council. This wasn't somethig that a bunch of students staged by their lonesome selves in some band of Christians tired of being not heard (lol). Anti-gay groups have been trying to attack Dan for a while, along with the Day of Silence efforts that happens nationally across schools all over. They would have walked out no matter what. the topic was brought up on purpose for them to walk out to begin with.

    Politcal atmosphere is nothing but a stage, darling.

    Recently at another talk, another big anti-gay bigwig Peter LaBarbera also argued with Dan Savage at a conference and went on Twitter to whine of his treatment and how he was silenced for adressing his viewpoint. Dan had to literally chase down the woman he argued with and the cop that did the removal to get their statements in order for folks to not think he's tossing out folks fro his talks that disagree with him.

    Its an effort that anti-gay groups are doing together, working together in order to tarnish Dan Savege and, ultimtely, his work with the It Gets Better program. And through him, the involvement of the Obama Administration.

    Like I said, this is not the actions of a few students fighting the oppressive voice of angry vocal atheists or gay groups, however thats the spin that this is trying to get.

  • james_woods

    I don't know about the Family Research Council issue - do you have a link with proof?

    I did not see the walk-out as being anti-gay, but rather being anti-Dan Savage because of Savage's choice of language about the bible.

    I heard some of the students speak after the event, and they said they walked out because of the BS remarks about the bible.

  • botchtowersociety

    Savage's reputation preceded him, that's for sure.

  • botchtowersociety
  • james_woods

    I just want to say something - one more time - after already saying it for about SIX TIMES here already:

    Just because I (or others) have objected to what Dan Savage said during that school event - DOES NOT MAKE US ANTI-GAY.

    This thread seems to be full of about a dozen pages saying - in essence - that if you do not worship the words of Dan Savage you are automatically ANTI-GAY. To the ridiculous point that if you did not like what Savage said, you are indifferent to gay students getting beat up or committing suicide.

    Just because a few here have pointed out the Savage was over the line with his bible comments and was being offensive.

    This kind of extremism is, quite frankly, INSANITY.

  • saywhat29

    Do I have a link proving that it was all a likely staged event on by the Family Research Council? No, I do not. Its mostly theory because of the connections. No problem in admitting that but honestly, would you put it past a Christian lobbying group to stage something like that?


    Dan Savage + Pro-Family Groups Response + Revelation of Pro Family Groups Connections to one another = too many coicidences for me.

    I read a lot about gay politics so the connection between these groups- from Ex-Gay groups, the radical anti-anything gay- to the softer "I just want to defend marriage I have nothing againt homosexuals... except that I pity them"-groups is big because the mainstream mediocre groups claim to separate themselves from the former and try and appaear not as hateful and bigoted. Recently, they were all found to be linked to this secret Facebook account that gave members and others information to counteract and fight any pro gay media or leglisation efforts.

    Pretty muchy they are now all connected in an effort to support each other in an effort to fight any lgbt. This attack against Dan has united a lot of them out in the open. Maggie Gallagher of NOM (National Organization of Marriage) calling for Obama to denounce the It Gets Better Program; Peter LaBarara's attempt to slander Dan at another event; FRC and other pro family/conservative groups getting the response of the students ever so quickly or denouncing Savage altogether.

    Yes, its part speculation (about their involvement in this event of students walking out but I just don't believe it), but its also part common sense that you have to do in order to put the pieces together. The only thing I had wrong (I had to go back and actually research the event in full) was that the event didn't take place on the Day of Dialogue, but the FRC got the information rom the students and released it on the Day of Dialogue in order to discredit Savage and ultimately the Day of Silence (which takes place I believe two days prior).

  • NewChapter

    To be clear, I have never found James or BTS to be anti gay. However I do think that both are getting caught up in something that originates with a group that DOES wish to dismiss the message by criticizing the messenger. This was always their plan. Savage could have been on his best behavior, and they WOULD have found something, anything, inappropriate about it. There would have been tears.

    It was a public expression of opposition to the way Savage chose to present his case.

    I strongly disagree. This was not an opposition about method, but about the message. They walked out (mostly) before he even got to anything that could make them 'cry'. The most eloquent speaker in the world (and I don't hold Savage to that standard. He is a strong voice in a difficult battle. He has a right to get angry.) would have offended the fundie kids.

    And plenty of people will get caught up in the wording (mild) and make a big deal and distract people, when their real agenda is to just shut the guy up and continue their fight against equal rights. They don't care about the motivation of the army they build, as long as it gets the job done.

    These kid's choice of journalism was a very poor choice indeed. College will put their delicate skins into mental institution (not really, the tears were staged). In my English classes, we had a lot of 16 and 17 year olds who chose to go to college their last two years. It did not stop anyone from discussing ideas and using the word f**k, both in literature and in comments. We had one young girl (16?) who was a total delight. She was a fundamental Christian, but she also had a real hold on the world. She freely expressed herself without judgement, and she allowed the same. We had a gay man in our class, and we read an essay called the M Word. Marriage---same sex marriage. Young girl raised her hand and said she had been taught that homosexuality was immoral. Gay guy just nodded. No one attacked her. This was a discussion of ideas.

    I hope they are all planning on attending a Christian college so that they will be safe in their little bubble.


  • saywhat29

    To james_woods, I never said anything of the sort about those who disagree being anti gay. My argument is that this event is being used by anti-gay forces to attack Dan and through Dan a lot of other things he's connected to.

    My argument also was that botch's logical fallcy of equivalency through this thread is staggering when arguing againt Savage. I'm well aware about Savage that he opens his big mouth and doesn't think. However, I won't chastise him when I'm aware of the true purpose of this media blitz against him.

  • talesin

    saywhat -- well said

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