Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    You are really starting to grasp at straws.

    Not at all. YOU called them children and insisted that as a society we choose to treat children differently. Which is true. And we choose to treat 13-year-olds differently than we treat 8-year-olds. So using your argument that we treat children differently, did Dan use any word that society has not already deemed okay to broadcast from surround sound and huge screens? No straws. You are concerned about society and the children. I say they haven't been hurt by society's standards.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think NC makes a valid point, so does Ber. Savage was talking to high schoolers that were old enough to travel out-of-state for this, was it a 4 day conference? None of those walking out looked as young as these kids in the audience of Ber's video.

    But then, I'm an agent provocateur!

    And this debate is an interesting distraction from the studying for finals that I should get back to .

  • botchtowersociety
    Not at all. YOU called them children and insisted that as a society we choose to treat children differently. Which is true. And we choose to treat 13-year-olds differently than we treat 8-year-olds. So using your argument that we treat children differently, did Dan use any word that society has not already deemed okay to broadcast from surround sound and huge screens? No straws. You are concerned about society and the children. I say they haven't been hurt by society's standards.

    The students that walked out have made public comments since that event, NewChapter. Some even wept. They felt Savage abused a position of power and attacked them. Other students joined in on what he was doing. They felt ridiculed. If he was a Westboro Baptist type going off on how "God hates fags", the effect on homosexual students would have been the same. These are still kids at a sensitive age, and he misused his position.

    You could say it was an abuse of the bully pulpit.

  • MrFreeze

    Really is that the big deal? Language? I know you shouldn't use that language around young kids but you have to understand, kids are much more profane than what Dan Savage was saying.

    To me, Dan Savage is like the left-wing version of Ann Coulter. She says all kind of ridiculous stuff to get a rise out of people. It seems to be working.

  • botchtowersociety
    To me, Dan Savage is like the left-wing version of Ann Coulter. She says all kind of ridiculous stuff to get a rise out of people. It seems to be working.

    I agree.

  • NewChapter

    Of course BTS. Because they have a touchy persecution button. It is fine for them to believe and teach that homosexuals are going to hell, and living abominations. But when someone attacks their ideas, they just can't take it. Good at dishing it out.

    He was a speaker--not their teacher. They will play this up for sure, but honestly, they are interested in journalism? Then this was a test. If they can't take their ideas being attacked, they best not write publicly. They will have nervous breakdowns.

    PERSECUTION---he disagrees with me! Absolutely ridiculous. They walked out even before he made the bullshit comments. He just mentioned some truths about the bible (support of slavery) and they were all broken up and walking out. It really is ridiculous.

  • Berengaria

    I'm far more concerned about LGBT kids that feel isolated in life, than I am about the smugly brainwashed idiots that walked out of this scaaaaaaaaary speech.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If he was a Westboro Baptist type going off on how God hates Fags, the effect on homosexual students would have been the same.

    You're really are going to equate Dan Savage with this type of stuff?





  • botchtowersociety
    Of course BTS. Because they have a touchy persecution button.

    OK. Savage did nothing wrong. It is all the kids' fault.

  • Berengaria

    What subjects Billy?

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