What's the JW reaction to new 16 page mags????

by diamondiiz 94 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 00DAD

    Great, now I have a shorter magazine to not read = less guilt!

    But then the GB --> DO --> CO --> Elders will probably spin it this way, "Look if you can't read this measly little portion of 'spiritual food' then you really are a pathetic little slacker!" = MORE GUILT!

    Another WIN/WIN for the GB. It is from Jehovah and is wondrous in our eyes. How happifying!

  • DesirousOfChange

    No reaction. No conversation afterwards about it. I think this is one thing in a long line of reductions/cutbacks that no one is concerned about it.

    This should be no surprise.

    When I was "IN", I would have said this was BRILLIANT! Saves paper & ink. I would have added the comment that people are NOT reading the printed page anymore and would cite the reduced size of the local newspaper as evidence. WTS is just keeping up with the times. [Rah! Rah!] It means we are offering people something more condensed and brief rather than pages and pages that never get read. Look what good success the Kingdom News tracts have and they are only 2 or 4 pages! Yes! The Chariot is on the move and we had better stay in step! [Spin! Spin! Spin!]


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well from what I gather, Mormans don't leave mags do they? IN fact, their advertisement is to sell u the book of Morman. None of this upfront mags and such to get u "interested". They don't waste money on that stuff. Maybe this is a new direction for the WT.

    I see the WT for the public disappearing. Tracts and the Awake will be the "attraction"

  • wallsofjericho

    "Look if you can't read this measly little portion of 'spiritual food' then you really are a pathetic little slacker!" = MORE GUILT!

    AND if you can't go to 2 measley meetings a week instead of 3 AND if you can't aux pioneer at 50 hours per month instead of 60 AND you can't read 16 pages of Awake per month instead of the old-old 64 pages per month AND you can't read 16 pages per month of Watchtower instead of the old-old 64 per month AND you can't get to all 3 days of the District Convention instead of the old 8 days... well! You MUST be a horrible person! after all, you have it so easy!!!!

  • seenitall

    Here is what I heard - "People aren't reading print anymore, look at the failure of newspapers and print magazines", "Paper costs are sky-high in many parts of the world", "Shipping / handling costs are so high", "Everthing is on-line, speed of delivery, special on-line articles and features", "the times they are a changing".

    My take - "no-one hardly reads or appreciates the stuff anymore", "it takes up to 2 years for an article to be thought out, written and then published / delivered". "With on-line many more langs and faster from thought to print will happen"

    What will happen (or should happen) within the next few years - discontinue wt / awake for the public. No need for it. Introduce a new 16 page monthly public print magazine called "The Truth". Guaranteed more readership, appeal and freshness. Get rid of watching the world, from our readers, bible changes lives, kids corner, etc. Go for free distribution via on-line subscription with the on-line additions. If you want the printed mag go back to mailed delivery. Old-timers still resent when subscriptions were taken away.

    The new 16 pg mags will turn into comic book type rags with an almost laughable content and appeal. If they were smart, they would do random survey from readers via on-line satisfaction comments.

    A discussion board and on-line Q&A section needs to be at jw.org

    Having a suggestions section and how are we doing section. A complaint section to turn in rouge CO / DO and nut case elders.

    A rewards section with redemption center for users with most hits / comments with great prizes like a vintage cross & crown pin or a Rutherford 78 record!

    Yes, go mainstream and look normal (appealing) to others. Isn't this what Jesus did - be all things to everyone and "Let them come to me".

  • undercover

    well from what I gather, Mormans don't leave mags do they? IN fact, their advertisement is to sell u the book of Morman. None of this upfront mags and such to get u "interested". They don't waste money on that stuff.

    They don't have a magazine that they push to sell at doors, but they do have (used to anyway) a magazine. I think it's more for internal use. Think WT on steroids. Aimed at Mormons for Mormons. I remember flipping through one (when I was still a JW even) and it was weird, cult like (said the one time WT cult member) But at the time, I was too ignorant to see the WT for the same thing.

  • Gayle

    Introduce a new 16 page monthly public print magazine called "The Truth".

    There's a magazine already using that name,looks like Islam? thetruthmag.com

  • seenitall

    Armstrong Mag back in the day called "The Plain Truth" even looked like the WT!

  • undercover

    A discussion board and on-line Q&A section needs to be at jw.org

    ahahahahah. A discussion board... that ain't gonna happen. The WTS doesn't want discussion. They don't want its followers to have ideas of their own. And they especially do not want anyone to try to introduce ideas into discussions. They want followers to follow, listen, obey and believe....without question or thought.


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