Steven Unthank: What do we really know?

by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Err correct me if I am wrong didnt he just get kicked by Simon? Or was that someone else?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    MeanMrMustard, I'm relying heavily on the firsthand account of Smiddy, who testified that he attended one of the proceedings and met Steven Unthank personally. I'm considering Smiddy to be a third party who has no vested interest in Steven Unthank.

  • james_woods

    Mr. Mustard - the site thing would appear troubling, but remember this: Another poster here on JWN states clearly that they actually went to one of the court hearings and that it really happened.

    Of course, I am aware that this is not the same thing as an official document record.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok, I'm totally lost now. Where did this end up? What is fact and fiction? We have moving pics on a website, accusations of a fake website, Barbara getting surly with anyone who has an opinion, and people launching insults at one another. Where did this end up?

  • MeanMrMustard


    You wrote:

    Because most if not all of us have deeply entrenched emotional issues having survived many years as members of a cult. We therefore find it extremely difficult to trust anything or anyone. At the first hint of conspiracy, many posters on here are hurriedly grabbing the torch and searching for ghosts under the bed. It's quite depressing really.

    Yes, but it's not only that. Remember, we've had to fight through Johnny the Bethelite recently too. It is not like we have ONLY endured a cult. Its the cult membership + being lied to after leaving. Some ex-JWs, such as yourself, have proven to be refreshing. But, I for one, will not be gullible. I trusted the stories about Steven Unthank, and I did not check them out at the beginning. I was satisfied to let it play out. But now this comes up and I read through 17 pages of posts AGAIN, and tried to verifiy any of this (outside of Unthank's sites), and I can't find it. It bothers me that I can't.

    It doesn't mean it is fake, but damn it, I don't want to be gullible.


  • cedars

    whahappened, it ends up that many posters on this thread had one too many drinks last night and decided to go on a witch hunt with the very man who has been trying hard to bring the Society to book over mishandling cases of child abuse, even if he may have said a few things which he very likely regrets.

    Don't worry, I think it's all calming down now - but it wasn't pretty.


  • undercover

    Where did this end up?

    The picture was mislabeled and false info presented about it. It was changed to another picture that appears suspect as to its claims but no hard proof against it at this point.

    Unthanks gets credit for forcing a change in WT policy in how elders register in that country. The court cases appear to be legit and no one is really doubting that.

    A troll got deleted.

    That's what I've gathered anyway...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well I'm not innocent of any remarks, I threw a few in. But it did become a cluster. Well moving on

  • MeanMrMustard

    SweetBabyCheezits wrote:

    MeanMrMustard , I'm relying heavily on the firsthand account of Smiddy, who testified that he attended one of the proceedings and met Steven Unthank personally. I'm considering Smiddy to be a third party who has no vested interest in Steven Unthank.

    And james_woods wrote:

    Mr. Mustard - the site thing would appear troubling, but remember this: Another poster here on JWN states clearly that they actually went to one of the court hearings and that it really happened.

    Of course, I am aware that this is not the same thing as an official document record.

    And I am glad there is a shred of evidence - I believe this is the only thing going for the verifiability of these cases at the moment. I don't know Smiddy's posting style, but I'll trust him/her for now. I remember reading some posts about members witnessing the case in court, and that helped me to trust it was really happening. I never checked it out until now. And I can't verify it. Can anyone else? From *OFFICAL* sources?


  • cedars

    MeanMrMustard - unless you actually live in Australia, specifically the State of Victoria, there's very little you will be able to verify from the comfort of your laptop from abroad. It's best to take the eye witness accounts of people who actually saw Steven duelling with the Society in the court room. Contrary to what cyberjesus will tell you, not everything in life can be verified or unverified over the internet. It isn't always that simple. Yes, it happened. No, unless you live in Victoria, you won't be able to prove conclusively that it did. If you have a problem with that, book a flight to Oz and do your detective work there. Otherwise, it's best to let it go.


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