Steven Unthank: What do we really know?

by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • undercover

    Wow... it took 8 pages to get KoolAidNut to take advantage and get a plug in...


    Spell check. It's your friend...

  • Violia

    I think the idea of sex clubs in Australia is crazy, sort of reminds me of the Satanic Ritual abuse frenzy that happened in the 80's. Not buying it.

    I think if Steven Unthank has forced the WTS to comply with the laws - well, he's a very brave man.

    Easy to call him names now as we sit behind the made up screen names.

    I never gave him money nor was I asked to- but it had become necessary I would have.

    I very much respect Barbara Anderson and all her work and I also think she has good judgment.

    Until a hoax is proved, I will support Barbara and Steven Unthank. Since this is moral support, I am not at all concerned.

    My comment about the picture on Barbara's CD was meant to illustrate that she too used an image of a child. I think Steven meant to say that he put an image up that illustrates a young person who had been abused and I am not going to try and beat this to death. It is semantics- that is all.

    I stand behind those who oppose the WTS and are trying to help change things. What is more worthy than to help the children?

  • sizemik
    Seems to me that people just want facts and not lies....perfectly understandable considering all the lies the watchtower has told. . . . still thinking

    I don't agree with the first part . . . people come here for a great variety of reasons and obtaining facts is not one of the main ones . . . and for some, the facts are totally irrelevant.

    I do agree with the second part . . . this place is exactly as you would expect from a collection of ex-cult members.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok ladies, I'm Adam Medina from Los Angeles California.

    who's hiding behind an avatar?

    I have nothing to hide, or anyone to hide from. Certainly not a made up religion, nor a made up website with useless if not inaccurate "facts". (THat was for you Rick).

    I have an opinion, and that's all that it is. You can either dismiss it, or ignore it. It really doesn't matter. However I really really feel sorry for all the "efforts" into a possible hoax.

    I'm not a WT shill Barbara, and we share a number of mutual friends. I just chose to not jump on the bandwagon. It's unraveling now and the facts will come out. I beleive there was a filing. However, with my limited law experiance, I know that anyone, anyone can file a lawsuit. Whether it progresses or not has alot to do with it has any legal merit or fact.

  • baltar447

    I'm avoiding all the debate about stuff but I just wanted to point out this from Mr. Unthank's website:

    The above painting “the sun to make you happy” was personally drawn by a young child in the Traralgon Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses who was recently raped by a fellow member of the church. Part of her rape included the insertion of Lego blocks into her vagina. This innocent child then went on to be criminally abused yet again, only this time by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and by the Watch Tower Society and by the Body of Elders within the Traralgon Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, when they refused to comply with mandatory child protection laws for “religious organisations” and for “ministers of religion” as legislated in the Working with Children Act 2005 .

    I'm sorry, but is going into gross detail REALLY necesary? Lego blocks? This made me sick and I thought was TOTALLY too detailed and graphic.

  • elderelite

    I know what i read. I know what i saw. I saw a picture that looked very much like my youngest daughter crying. It said the girl in the picture was the girl who had legos inserted into her vagina as part of the rape. I know for a fact what i read and saw. Because i was enraged that i saw it. Enraged at what had been done. I would have killed the sob who did it on the spot.

    Thats what was supposed to happen. It was supposed to put a real face on the tragidy.the very real and very human tragidy of child rape.

    It also was an inexcusable act of betrayal and manipulation. It betrayed the children who were raped mostly. Any lie told casts doubt on all things related. It WAS NOT "the very child the case was about" as claime d. There was no claim of an immage or puttig a face to the victiums metaphorically. It was a damn lie and it betrays the very real victiums yet again. They have been used as pawns by someone to persecute the WT society. They were real children, though not the girl pictured, who were raped. And real children used as pawns again in a vendatta against the WT. You CANNOT lie when representing the horrors being delt with. The facts and horros of child rape carry all that is needed.

    That is now undone over an attempt to manipulate emptions. All things have to be questioned when something so basic as the origin of picture is lied about. A picture that took all of a 60 seconds to disprove...if he was bold enough, reckless enough to lie about that, How many other more complicated lies are there to find?

    I find it disturbing too that unthank continually referances the children of the congregation thanking him for protecting them.... Over and over i see him throw that phrase around... It smacks of more exageration and half truth.

    Lastly i have never meet the Andersons, Rick Fearon or Stephen Unthank. All i have is what i have seen of Barbra on tv and vARious posts from all three here. Frankly there seems to be an ends justifies the means mentailty from all them. Taking minor matters, like some details from a recent post about abuse in south africa that amounted to KH cleaning and chores and blending that with serious abuses. Anything said is to be believed without question because its about the WT society...

    It is disrespectful to the real victiums of child abuse and molestation to lie about even small details and thus call into question it all. Shame on unthank. The children will not thank him for that.

  • MeanMrMustard

    I don't know if this has been posted yet, but the image was completed on September 5, 2010. The date is on the page...

    Who else do we know that posts fake pictures? And wasn't Steven supposed to go on a certain conference call show..... ???? I hope Rick Fearon didn't happen to "help" Steven with his web releases and turn this thing into a fluster cuck.



    Shut up Rick your an Idiot..

    Well guys..

    I needed to know that Barbara had done her homework to see if Steven was real..

    He could have conned her..

    She explained herself to me and I`m covinced this was the real deal..

    Barbara has never lied to me or stretched the truth..So I have no reason not to believe her..

    I found Stevens behavior about the pic a little odd..But..

    We get odd here all the time..

    If People like Rick Fearon didn`t peddle BullShit..

    The Real Storys in Watchtower World wouldn`t take Such a Beating..


  • strymeckirules

    he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    little children, stop judging.

    you're only allowed an opinion if you were molested as a child.

    otherwise you are talking out your ass about things you don't understand.

    myself included.

  • DT

    When I first saw the picture of that girl, I didn't think it was the actual girl who had been abused. However, I can see how others came to that conclusion and I also began to wonder if that was the case after I thought about it some more. He made a mistake in how he described the picture. I think he realises that. I can see how a mistake like that would be possible, given all he has been through recently. It's a good reminder of why we have to be especially careful of how we present information when battling the Watchtower Society, but I don't think it's evidence of lack of sincerity on the part of Steven Unthank.

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