Steven Unthank: What do we really know?

by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • shamus100

    You have GOT to be kidding!

  • yourmomma

    ok, my mind is blown. i dont think i can comprehend this. someone please post a new thread, and explain this to computer dummies like me.

  • shepherd

    Something very odd about all of this. Why would someone set up a fake site?

  • scary21

    If Barbara says Steve is legit , well I'm willing to believe it was just a language misunderstanding. He did take it down ,and explained his thoughts . He addressed the problem in a timely manner. On the other hand I think it's great that people question things and will not let anything they see that could be false, slide.. No ,that will NOT happen on JWN ! That's a good thing. Please Barbara, keep posting.

    Make sure of all things............IMO 99% of JWN love you Barbara ! Maybe only 89% love Steave LOL


  • smiddy

    cyberjesus,I tried to get a result using the link you recomended and I failed to get a result.I dont know why that is.

    What I do know for a certainty is that Steven Unthank is no fraud.

    I personally attended the hearing in the Latrobe Magistrates Court,the hearing that took place and adjourned to December the 6th.

    Offhand I just cant remember what date that was.I think it was the 8/11/2011

    Before the hearing started I was looking at the listings to see what court was being used when a person noticed what I looking for and introduced himself as Stevens brotherand we shared some information,after the hearing he introduced me to Steven.

    So I can assure you he is the real deal.


    Scenic Veiwer

  • ScenicViewer

    I posted the screen shots of the search results I got a few weeks ago when I did a search regarding Steven Unthank's cases against Watchtower. Now I'm reading your responses that the link I posted is a 'phishing' site and a 'blacklisted' site.

    I'm not sure what these terms mean...I'm not tech savvy...but I got the link from a post on this site months ago when the court cases started.

    Indeed, I have just now tried to search using the link I provided and it doesn't work; I'm not sure if it's temporarily down, or something more. I've used it several times over that last few months, and can't explain why it isn't working now.

    I used the link to the magistrates court provided by Cyberjesus, his post 3042, and was taken to the home page of the Magistrates Court, Victoria. From there I can't figure out how to do a search for specific cases.

    However, since we have the case numbers of Unthanks's proceedings against Watchtower, perhaps someone gifted at searching could find a way to search by the case numbers. Here they are.

    1) B12082206

    2) B12083833

    3) B12083527

    4) B12083367

    5) B12083108

    I tried a general search on one of the links provided by Cyberjesus, but since 2-21-2012 has passed that date was grayed out, and not a search option. I tried searching for all cases, not just Unthank's.

    Even though the date of the last court appearance has passed, and the cases have been dropped, therefore no future court dates, the case numbers should reveal the outcome, ie they have been dismissed.

    I'd hate to think that I've been taken in by a clever fraud, but I guess it's possible. However I have the utmost faith in Barbara Anderson and others that have posted in support if Steven Unthank, so I don't believe that's what has happened here.

  • Iamallcool

    smiddy, maybe there was a fake judge in the courtroom. I do not know.

  • sizemik
    If this is a scam, SIZEMIK you owe me one hell of an apology, as well as to all the others you insulted and abused along the way. You stated that you personally confirmed it was authentic, so your personal reputation is now on the line too. . . . shepherd

    My personal reputation on JWN is oh so dear to me . . . so I'll answer you.

    Stevens suit was authentic, along with his actual bona-fide existence. Those who bothered to find out for themselves already know this . . . if you continue to doubt that I honestly don't care. My comment was facetious and obviously too subtle for you.

    Like Mr Monroe commented earlier, I don't agree with Stevens approach on a number of levels, but I don't expect the world to live according to my personal prescription. The initial use of the illustration in question was ill-advised and an error of judgement in my opinion. I'm also cognizant of Stevens personal connection, history and circumstances to some degree, and therefore am also aware why he could make such an error.

    If this is a scam, SIZEMIK

    Why "IF" . . . why don't you find out for yourself? That's been my beef with you all along . . . you admit your ignorance and then do nothing about it except post your uninformed negative opinions and expect everybody else to do your research for you . . . and then grizzle when they don't.

    No scam . . . no apology. If anyone else has a beef with me they don't need you as their champion . . . or to form a delegation for your personal comfort.

    Obviously this has upset you enough to stick in your craw for this long . . . maybe you could look inwardly for a change as I first prompted you to do and be honest with yourself . . . self-justification will only relieve your CD for so long.

  • cyberjesus

    Well I am sure Steven is a real person... since I am hearing him on the call... All I want is a link to an official site that shows the case and its status. He posted that he went to court today 2-21-12.

    There must be a record of that appearance. and we should be able to check it online..... I provided the links to the real site....

    the site that was provided by scenicviewer was a fake site. thats all I am saying.

  • ShirleyW

    Sizemik - Not meaning to change the subject of this thread ,but that is an EXCELLENT observation of "Mr. Allcool"

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