I believe God

by N.drew 228 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Retrovirus

    The versions of religion are man made


    People worship whatever they want to (thus selfish) and they make religion out of it

    Beg to differ. People generally believe what they were taught as children, and/or what someone they admire and respect believes. For example, one of the jws admitted to me that she disliked going door to door, but believed that Jehovah required it.

    Do you mean like watching a lot of sport is sometimes called "worshipping" sport?

  • N.drew
    Beg to differ. People generally believe what they were taught as children, and/or what someone they admire and respect believes.

    I'm sorry I can not know what born in means. I have wondered about it. I have even imagined I am so different from a born in that I might be classified a different species.

    Jehovah's Witness and Jewish is similar that way, are they?

    I mean religion in a general sense. Religion viewed by an outsider.

    Nature is power. Influencial people in the past have let it affect their imagination, thus religion is born.

  • N.drew
    I see you are getting the point at last

    This sounds like a major insult. Is it?

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I apologize if I'm misunderstanding you N.drew, but are you saying that you believe that a majority (over 50%) of the worlds population are atheists?

  • N.drew

    Yes, I believe the world is going headlong to a place that if God was leader we would not have to see. Some we have seen. The past will repeat because most people are OK with a god-less world.

  • N.drew

    I see you are getting the point at last

    This sounds like a major insult. Is it?

  • Retrovirus

    I'm sorry I can not know what born in means. I have wondered about it.

    I understand that to mean you arrived at your present beliefs by searching and thinking. Is this right?

    Jehovah's Witness and Jewish is similar that way, are they?

    Couldn't say. I'm neither jw nor Jewish, and have never been. But many of my friends are reverting to the practices of the religion they were born into in their 50s; for that matter I enjoy reviving some of the customs and practices I grew up with.

    Thinking people look for evidence of God

    They do? I know many thinking people that go with what is, rather than searching for something that may never have been.

  • N.drew

    I should say that the thinking and arguing people here have looked for evidence of God. Because how else can they call us stupid fools for believing?

  • N.drew

    Is Black Sheep another hit and run?

    I see you are getting the point at last

    This sounds like a major insult. Is it?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The scripture you quoted reflects my conclusions from my study of scriptures, folklore, traditions and religion in general.

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