Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?

by Beck_Melbourne 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    For playing the cake walk at my child's elementry school picnic. LOL

  • ozziepost

    G'day Beck,

    Owyergoin' mate, orright?

    Agree wholeheartedly with this:

    The sad thing is...these so called 'loving shepherds' are STILL discouraging unsuspecting sheeplike ones...other youths growing up in the borg...or newly interested ones....or just the flock in general.
    They certainly are still around and still pontificating, interfering, and being as judgmental as they possibly can!

    The sadness is increased when you think that the few 'true' elders are so easily 'drowned out' at elders' meetings.

    But there is light at the end of the tunnel. You asked:

    Maybe their flock will decrease and ours will increase...here's hoping.
    That's the good news: They are and here is! Especially here in the land of Oz. Woohoo!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Valentine

    Hi beck,
    For answering the door in my robe lol.
    Tina the Robe Warrior

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • jesussaves
    He shaves his head. You know that Michael Jorden look. The brothers actually told him that if he wanted any privileges,he would have to stop shaving his head like the world.

    My brother was counseled for this too. I wonder what they have to say about his one carat diamond earring and his goatee ? I was counseled about dyeing my hair blonde. It looked good. Kheli, I also was not allowed to pioneer, supposedly because they thought I was unable to make the hours. The REAL reason was because the pioneers were an elite clique at our cong. One of the more down to earth pioneers used to say that they wore the P in pioneer like the S on Superman's chest.

  • butalbee

    Playing Tombraider

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey Valentine...u should have done cartwheels lol.

    "Oi" ozzie..."This good news will be preached brother" lol.


  • Preston

    Britboy's comments:

    5) Being told by the elders I was wrong to expose myself to demons by seeing the Tom Hanks movie "Big" as it involved magic!

    You should have told them, "I didn't see the movie BIG, I actually saw the movie BIG SWEATY SAILORS AND THEIR SEXY SLAVE-BOYS!" That would have been better!"

    4) Owning a Barbara Streisand record (I'm gay for god's sake! it's a MUST own cd to maintain your membership card to the club!)

    Hell yeah! I'm lucky, I bought all my Madonna, Tori, and Ani albums without their knowing about it! Nevertheless I had a passion for Diana Ross that escaped the elders....

    3) Wearing a *shock horror* floral tie to a bookstudy!

    Your comments from #4 about the membership card would be useful here...

    2) Being fourteen and going to see an Ice Show that happened to feature a Michael Jackson song. I was told I should have walked out at that point!!

    ...OMG, just thank your lucky stars they weren't playing YMCA by The Village People!!!"

    1) Being counselled while at Bethel for befriending some married couples as it was obvious where it would lead... to me having sex with the sisters... what I wanted to point out to them was these sisters were in fact (unbeknown to them at the time) Fag Hags! Divine justice was the married Bethel Elder who counselled me for this was asked to leave Bethel 2 weeks later after being caught snogging (french kissing) and groping another married sister on his window making team!! Well done Greg, I salute you for your lack of hipocrasy!

    YES, YES, YES!!!! Many of out beautiful sisters were unbeknownst to them, a fag's object of hero worship. As for the super cute MS I had a HUUUGGGEE crush on in my congregation...if he only knew . What a hottie!!! It's just a shame that JW's have huge hang ups about sex. They think the only danger comes from boys and girls being alone together, because (as we all know) there are no gay JW's. Right?..RIGHT?!?...Yeah right...

    .... um I have loads of these types of stories... should I start outing them? I have a list of MS's and Elders who did naughty things to me and with me... wanna know who they are and what they did???!!!
    Perhaps I should just email Bethel with the list and see what happens!!

    OMG, you better tell us....DETAILS!

  • Thirdson

    For seeing a James Bond movie (Live and Let Die)

    For parachuting/sky-diving (11 times) But not down-hill skiing which was OK, not dangerous.

    For my wife (now ex) taking her shoes off in the meeting.

    Not wearing a tie to the group at my parent's house.

    For playing sports after the group

    For not always bring my 2 year son to the Thursday night meeting when my wife stayed home.

    For my son playing with his books while I conducted the group.


  • Scully

    I once got counselled by a nasty old spinster sister. My son was 2 yrs old at the time, and had gas. He tooted a couple of times (in her general direction, heehee) and she tapped me on the shoulder and told me to take him out and give him a spanking.

    I did better than that. I picked him up, tapped my husband on the shoulder and said, loud enough for everyone around to hear, "I'm leaving. If you're coming with us, fine. If not, get a ride home. I can't stand being around these petty people."

    Love, Scully

  • Adonai438

    I was once yelled at for wanting to participate in a charity walk-a-thon my school was doing. The $ was to go to kids with AIDS and of course this meant I would be supporting the Homosexual lifestyle. Go figure- I just wanted to help the kids. <>< ANGIE

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