Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?

by Beck_Melbourne 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • ofcmad

    Smoldering Wick --
    Do they still have your balls? They might have been jealous that you had balls and they didn't. Therefore, the need for the counseling.



  • Beck_Melbourne

    Poor you Beans...son of the PO...I remember we used to pay particular attention to the PO's kids...they were meant to be exemplary. Here's a funny story...we had the PO's kids stay over one night...and in the morning the youngest one was sitting under the kitchen table (unbeknown to me)...they must have been playing hidey or something. My (ex) husband was sitting at the kitchen table reading the days text outloud...so to distract him I did a cartwheel in the kitchen...i only had my nightgown on...no nickers...I was so mischieveous...I had no right being an elders wife lol. Our little visitor quickly dashed out from his hiding place and ran into the children's room shouting 'I saw your mum's bum! I saw your mum's bum!' lol...poor wee cherub...he's scarred for life.

    Hey ofcmad...was there a story going around that the smurf dolls were demonised? I remember my sister had one and it used to give me the heebie geebies. Don't know if it were true or not but some master story tell claims that a smurf doll (the girl one) got up and walked out of a bookstudy lol.

    oh and the necktie rings a bell...kinda like brothers wearing short sleeved shirts to the meetings or not wearing a jacket.

    Wick..first time i've heard of a sister being counselled about her 'balls'...goodness!

  • Beck_Melbourne


    For smoking u could have been DF...you got off lightly...i was kicked outta home for smoking...my JW mother was kind though...she didnt toss my things out into the street...she put them in rubbish bags.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    One time about 6 of us (teenage boys and girls) went over to a friends house. He was showing us around and when we got to his room, he showed us his large record collection. Me and a sister were sitting on the bed going through the crate of records while the rest of the crowd went to the next room to check something else out.
    Fast forward to the next night. I get a phone call from one of my elders asking me if I was in the bed with a sister. I explained to him exactly what you read above. He said, "Still, you need to be careful at all times!" Turns out that my friend's mom had a nosey old sister living with them who told on me.
    What a bunch of crap!

  • terafera

    Oh.. my ... God! I LOVED Knot's Landing... I miss it so much! Does anyone know if they show repeats somewhere? I was never a fan of any show but that one, it rocked!

    I loved the Love Boat.. it was cool! But I'm sure the Witnesses would not like it.. it had alot of romance and kissy scenes!

    Once when I was 10, some witness kids went to the park with me and handed me a cigarette. I didnt know what to do.. so I blew on it (instead of sucking in) and the girls laughed hysterically. Then I got nervous and handed it back. They got busted later and turned me in as the one who set the whole thing up. Can you imagine we got put before the Judicial Committee? There I sat, my parents, the girls parents, and 4 elders in the Hall. Everyone was looking at me, the 'guilty' one. I tried not to cry.. but kept saying I wasnt even there. The girls would threaten to beat me up in school if I didnt take credit for the whole thing! Finally I wrote a letter to my mom and 'admitted' my guilt.. that I didnt want to smoke but they gave me a cigarette and I didnt even know how to smoke it! For some strange reason that is the only time I wasnt beaten senseless.. I think my folks were happy I confessed and 'repented'. Ugh!!!

    Another time when I was 17 I had a nice black skirt, past knee length. Well I guess it was 'dry clean only' and I machine washed it, and it shrank! I didnt realize this until I put it on in haste to go to the Sunday meeting. I guess it was alot shorter and the slit went pretty high up. An elder sitting behind me called me in the back for a meeting with the elders and told me I better wear more appropriate dresses. I didnt even tell him what happened.. it was no use!

  • DakotaRed

    The very first time I got to be a microphone bearer, I was stuck doing it all alone for almost two thirds of the Watchtower Study. I was counselled afterwards as an elder thought I took too long getting to people and had gum in my mouth.

    Of course, he couldn't get up off his lazy ass and help.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • WindRider

    Let's see, that would have to be the time I was extremely depressed and seeing a Witness psychologist. My older brother, bless his heart, went through my bedroom with our bkstudy conductor, looking to see what might be "at the root of my depression".

    They finally decided the culprit was an old copy of a Nancy Drew book which contained the name "witch" in the title! Never mind that I told them I hadnt read that story since I was 12! Nancy Drew; spooky stuff, huh?! Golly Gee, it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Anyway, unbeknownst to me, they had a little impromptu bonfire in his backyard.....completely incinerated the little bugger once and for all. Guess that'll teach those pesky demons to go hiding in children's literature! You can't hide from Jehovah! I think the funniest part was that the bkstudy conductor told me he got the chills just picking up the offending piece of lit. so he just "knew" it was what was causing all my trouble.

    Of course, when the book was long gone and I was still in need of therapy my elders decided that I must be doing something else wrong in my life that I was not owning up to.

    I never did find out if the book started howling in protest when it was thrown in the fire....

    Boy, for a religion that claims not to be superstitious, they take the cake.


  • terafera

    Wind, your story makes me think of so many times when things were stressful in our house, we had to get rid of something. My mother, a psychotic rageholic, would scream hours on end and then later blame all the 'unhappiness' due to something bad in our house! Once, when my dad bought a used motorboat, she said it was causing family problems and made him get rid of it! Another time, after she bought a used vaccuum cleaner at a garage sale, she said it was causing marriage problems and threw it away. Funny, I always thought it was her raving temper and violent outbursts that caused havoc in our house! [8>]

    Once, when I was very regular at meetings and trying to be a good Witness girl, my older brother was living with us. He had the game Zelda, and my mom kept yelling about how it had spiritual themes and was demonic. I was suffering from depression and cried to my mom how we had to get rid of it.. I was literally shaking from being scared of it! Now I know I was depressed from living with her and listening to my mom and brother fight all the time.

    Oh memories....

  • VeniceIT

    I had to meet with the elders for 'try to start a sect' when I hadn't telked to anyone for 3 months DOH!!!!
    ohh well


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • WindRider

    Tera, I can relate to your homelife so much; only in my case it was a raging alcoholic father and a dear but frightened mother.

    Im so sorry you had to go through so much.

    sincerely, Windrider

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