Any actual Witnesses here?

by trthskr 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    7 million of Jehovah's Witnesses- including many non-Witnesses*- are a part of the Great Crowd who will survive Armageddon.

    I bet you can't find a single recent Watchtower article, or book, that agrees with that statement, so if you have one, please quote it.



  • trthskr

    I just did.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    If you really are looking for Truth..........

    You've found it..........

    Sometimes something can be right in front of your Eyes ...............

    Yet you close your Heart!

  • mrsjones5

    The jw is still here? Cool, I hope he/she/it stays.

  • cantleave

    I just did.

    Just did what? You certainly haven't answered any questions.

  • trthskr

    JW's haven't lost any debate here. Only in your own opinion. You guys get beat up pretty bad here, but you've all just taken over a board that was meant for Witnesses and outnumber them. They have become frustrated trying to reach pig-headed and obstinate people and have just given up because you all will just never get it. It isn't in you. You can't understand logic and common sense. I don't blame them for leaving. You all should stick to your facebook pages and your gaming sites where you fit in.

  • Morbidzbaby

    @ trthskr, the Revelation Climax book is not recent. That came out when I was a kid and I'm in my 30's now. It wasn't even EDITED recently (that happened in my 20's). We're talking about a Watchtower, Awake, etc that says that same point. Guaranteed you will not find it.

    We here keep up with what's going on inside the Watchtower...some of us more than JW's do. We get our magazines before they do, we pick them apart and find the falacies and double-speak. Trust me, it's there.

    I was an active JW, born and raised, married to one, all of my immediate family and in-laws were JW's. I was surrounded by it. Many religions claim to be the ONLY TRUE religion... But when you look closer, not only at their doctrine, but at the stuff they don't want you to look at (pedophile lawsuits, etc), you see they couldn't possibly be the true religion.

    Let me ask you something. Why does there have to be a true "religion"? Why can't one worship god on their own? Have you researched the bible and it's history? Have you read other books that were found with the books of the bible, but discarded and excluded from the bible canon?

    Many JW's will say "Well, we're the ONLY ONES who go door to door!". No. They are not. The Mormons do as well. So do other Christian denominations. Did you know that Jesus did NOT teach that his followers were to go door to door? In fact, he said the opposite. He said "Do not be transferring from house to house".

    The hype about 1975 DID happen. It wasn't a rumor started by one person that "got out of hand". It was printed in Watchtowers, people were praised for selling their homes and belongings in order to spend more time in the door to door work. Someone on this thread has posted the mp3 of the talk given at an assembly that specifically stated that 1975 was THE year. You cannot refute facts. You can refute opinions, you can debate them, you can prove them wrong. But facts and truth will ALWAYS remain the same.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.
    Keep living in your fantasy world.

    Really ???? A Jehovah's Witness went there??????

    Pat a Lion for me in Paradise!!!!

  • poopsiecakes

    Like they say- ignorance is bliss. Keep living in your fantasy world.

    Well, I guess that's your last post for today - do come back tomorrow, you seem like such a lovely person.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Keep living in your fantasy world.

    Says the person who dreams of living forever in a perfect world and having a pet lion...

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