All out pandemonium breaks out on The Six Screens Conference call... Guest Barbara Anderson and Johnny the Bethelite.

by koolaid-man 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joliette

    Oh yes. I've been pretty busy lately, I still gotta bust that rhyme!

    I'll have to throw Jonny in there also ;)

    Thanks for reminding me! I'll post that in a few days!

  • VampireDCLXV

    No problemo, sistah!


  • Joliette

    Your welcome homie!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Did Rick ever make his trip down to Brooklyn to meet with J the B? He was supposed to meet J the B outside of the WT buildings and maybe take him to lunch or for a long walk. Does anyone know if that ever happened?

    I listen in to Rick's show every so often, but I find in very exhausting and somewhat out of control. There is a lot of preaching between the regulars - and there is a distinct evangelical flavor to the way the conversations are managed.

    Yes, you all have good points and well-deserved criticisms of Rick's conference calls, but I still believe his heart is in the right place and his intent has always been to try and keep both openly anti-JWs and cautious insiders informed and connected.

    Rick's conference calls are really directed to a specific audience - while open to all listeners. I can tell he wants to open the program up to a wider field of contributors, but fear or shyness on the part of those who are not a part of his small group of insiders clearly frustrates him.


  • nugget

    I think Rick you have got too close to the story to be objective. I get the feeling you want it to be true so have not been rigorous in checking your information.

    The story has lost it's impact because issues regarding the veracity of Jonny the Bethelite have not been resolved. It is also irresponsible to allow on screen debate to degenerate into name calling and on air bullying. This story does not help JWs with doubts nor does it help xjws.

    Trust me we would all like evidence that the society is imploding but when people raise legitimate concerns and doubts these should be treated with respect, they should be able to make their point and evidence should be explored. You are causing more damage than you are resolving. If you are convinced and if you have evidence then bring it to the debate, address the doubts of others as legitimate concerns and answer them properly. Take a look at how much you have invested in this story and be sure that you are being true to the facts.

    Don't be angry when people point out flaws in the story otherwise you are no better than the organisation we all left. You respect freedom of expression but now you have to prove it and you have some work to do to rebuild your credibility.

  • wobble

    I am surprised that someone like Barbara Anderson graces Rick's conference calls with her participation.

    Six screens and Rick have zero credibility, and Barbara risks undermining all the good work she has done over the years if she hitches her wagon to the Six Screens Circus.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I dont mean to sound mean but,

    every. single. time.

    i open up a koolaid thread all I find his sensationalist shite.

    *facepalms self* why oh why do i click on them???


    I agree... he is just spamming us.

  • bohm

    On the thread where Rick displayed his homophobic lunacy i made the following little quiz:

    Quiztime, when will Rick reply:

    • When hell freeze over
    • When he come back to make another snide remark and run away
    • When he come back to plug his show again

    with rick, you just never know. He is a man of mystery! :-).

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Hi Lovelylil, I just listened to the 2hr 20min clip of Jonny. Heres my two penneth....

    You had every right to question Jonnys authenticity. If you blindly and unquestionably believed everything he said, you might as well be a fully paid up memeber of the JW's.

    The woman Sheila telling you to go chill talks to you like a petulant child...obviously she has an enormous self-inflating ego.

    Also, I think the reason you give her diaorrheoa (UK spelling) is because you make her so nervous that everytime she talked to you her bowels cramped and she soiled herself. Notice how she puts on a little girlie voice when she knows shes in the we say in the UK, I think she is "a sandwich short of a picnic" or maybe "all her ducks are not in a row" hahaha.

    I think that Jonny got the list of current bethelites wrong, but hey thats me opinion.

    Id be interested to know how your meeting with Rick goes. Good on you for questioning.

    Take care now

    Paula x

  • minimus

    Why anyone would go on here in the first place, at this point, with all these shennanigans is beyond me. Barbara, do yourself a favor and don't associate your name in this stuff. You might give legitimacy to these calls. Be smart. it's not worth anyone's ratings.

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