All out pandemonium breaks out on The Six Screens Conference call... Guest Barbara Anderson and Johnny the Bethelite.

by koolaid-man 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • PublishingCult

    I am so going to get trounced for pointing out the glaringly obvious, so, I will refrain from comment . . . today . . . and let things play out a bit.

  • lovelylil

    I agree barbara. But I am glad you spoke about what you did. I don't really know you, but I respect you a lot. Your reputation is impeccable among ex jws and I can see why. You are a lady of great integrity. Peace to you and yours, Lilly

  • PublishingCult

    Lil, this is what happens when you don't play along. This is the penalty for not being an appeasing sycophant, when you upset the group jerk-off session. They will stand, turn, aim, and piss all over you.

  • believingxjw

    Lil, this is what happens when you don't play along. This is the penalty for not being an appeasing sycophant, when you upset the group jerk-off session. They will stand, turn, aim, and piss all over you.

    Absolutely! This is mankind! We all could learn a lesson from the wolves.

  • lovelylil


    You just made me laugh for the first time in 2 days. I have been mostly crying over this situation. This entire thing is very embarrasing to me. Even now I am laughing but with tears. But thanks for making me chuckle a little anyway. Lil

    (edited to correct spelling)

  • VampireDCLXV

    W O W!

    This is just the icing on the cake! I knew that Tricky Ricky was a nutter from the start. This just confirms it. The WTS will never fall because of the efforts of weirdos like this. It can only collapse on its own (and maybe with the help of some well placed information leaks). I'm not going to be bothered to troll every koolaid-man thread but I'll have a good laugh every time I see a new one pop up here! Mwahahahahahahahaha!


  • PublishingCult

    I am listening to this audio and what keeps going through my head over and over and will not stop repeating itself is that Mary, Johnnie, and Rick and a couple of the others are all scam-artists, COINTELPRO, and mindless sycophants. This is utterly ridiculous, LOL.

    Loved loved loved Mary's perfect timing in popping in to start pushing Lil's buttons as only the annoyingly calm voice of a manipulative sociopath can do. This schill is good. It seems as though she has an interest in protecting and perpetuation this little charade. I am going back to the archives to hear this gal's story.

    Some things are glaringly obvious and I have a feeling these folks have an incredibly deep rabbit hole. I'm going in.

    Don't kid yourself, lil. Rick was never your friend. His only concerne is his little cult. Rational people get the ax. Pick up your head and walk away.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    I'm sorry that you were treated this way. That Rick has some 'splaining to do.

  • lovelylil

    Mary keeps telling me I am giving her diareah, what the hell is that about?? I don't know this gal, is she mentally ill or something? I feel sorry for her if she is. I really do. I didn't know if she was joking with me, or telling me the truth. If I knew she was ill, I would never have raised my voice at the poor girl.

    I don't think I was abusive at all to johnny or anyone else. I even said I was sorry if they got upset but I am simply skeptical. I have a right to be skeptical. I can't even listen to the thing anymore because I felt ambushed.

    I didn't want to bring up proof about Johnnie during the call because I could see the spirit of the group was not good. I wanted to talk to Rick as a friend and warn him. Thats before the church incident. He still has not called me to see if I was ok. My hubby says he set me up. I didn't believe it at first, but now I do.

    You know Rick, if you did set it up you should be ashamed of yourself. My husband Ray would never treat your dear wife like that. As a man he is highly offended.

  • baltar447

    LOL, apparently EVERYTHING gives Mary diarrhea. Look, since she left the troof she got a new tatoo:

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