Is everyone on here disassociated??

by happi2b 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • trevorbv
  • mrsjones5

    Is everyone on here disassociated??

    Nope, some were born in (my parents are jws) and left before getting me.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Just marking to read later.

  • Razziel

    Welcome to the board.

    all I care about is serving God and if at any time he feels I shouldn't be in the organization I think he would let me know.

    Don't deceive yourself. The evidence is all around you and in the history books of how sincere people doing their best to serve God make serious life altering mistakes, are killed in accidents, are at the wrong place at the wrong time, etc. just like everyone else. A common saying for JW's is "wait on Jehovah" when anything bad comes your way. But if you look at Biblical examples, the advice to "wait on Jehovah" was mostly given to the elderly, invalid, and timid. The Bible casts a much more favorable light on "men of action"; those who acted decisively on their conscience in serving God or fighting injustice. In other words, don't wait for a sign from God, use your God-given brain and intelligence to make an educated decision and then act on it.

  • HappyDad

    Nah......I faded in the late 1990's and really haven't had any problems at all. I was an elder from 1986 to 1991 until I resigned because I couldn't stand the spying and hypocracy that was needed to keep in good grace. I haven't had one single regret since. I'm happy to say the my daughter (my only blood family) also left and we are closer and happier than ever with our lives.


  • av8orntexas

    I was baptized in my late teens. Became a regular pioneer,very nearly an MS, but thankfully never followed in the foot steps of the 6-7 other brothers in my hall and went to Bethel.

    I wound up in the spanish congo ( where my cards still are ) and did an unexpected or unplanned fade.

  • thetrueone

    I've been studying for a little over a year now and all I care about is serving God and if at any time he feels I

    shouldn't be in the organization I think he would let me know.

    Unfortunately people over time realize they were serving a devious corrupt publishing company known obviously as

    the Watchtower Corporation. This Corporation is easily described as a profiteering false profit $$$

    Be careful of men who say they are gods chosen ones, particularly the ones that are selling books, DVDs, Cds, magazines.

    You may be getting involved into something totally disingenuous to the cause and purpose which you seek.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I've never been a JW. My spouse was raised as one. After a long and very thorough study of the group, it's blatantly obvious to me that the Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive doomsday cult. Welcome to the forum, stick around for awhile, you’ll be amazed about what you can learn here. Have you been to yet?

  • FollowedMyHeart

    Welcome! I am fairly new here, too. I am a born-in, df'd, reinstated, and now da'd for 7 years. I have never been happier!

    If you are truly interested in researching, I would just like to reiterate what others have already mentioned. Please make good use of and

  • cyberjesus

    WE have also some "Evil Demons" a couple of Angel lurkers and according to the latests news an active Bethelite...

    Anyway much luck to you going back in.. wait you dont believe in luck.... neither do i. So i guess theres no luck for you going in.

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