looky looky - A 'real' J-dub forum! (are they becoming normal???)

by Reality79 164 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Kretts REPLY

    Every BORN AGAIN Christian makes the same claim that the WTS claims. They dont claim inspiration, they claim direction. We have people here who will tell you Jesus indwells within them, and leads them. What are the reasons why these two set of groups, who make the same claim, are somehow evaluated under different terms?

    Hey Krett

    you cannot separate inspiration from holy spirit, holy spirit causes things to become

    it is active. it is a "FORCE", it's like electricity, what ever it's plugged into will run

    Acts 1:8 Jesus said they would recieve power when the holy spirit arrives to do what they had to do.

    Without power from the holy spirit they would have just sat on their behinds

    that power was inspiration

    Who ever heard of a Uninspired Holy spirit directed organization

    It's an Oxymoron made up by the morons in brooklyn

  • Krettnawe

    So, when a born again claims to have Jesus indwelling within them, and directing them then they are claiming inspiration?

  • wasblind

    If the Power of the holy spirit does not inspire you than you must be broken

    If I had a stove, and I plugged it up, and it didn't work there is either a loss

    of power or the darn thing is broken, but all in all it needs somethin' to make

    it work and with humans it's inspiration and that has to come from whatever

    inspires them , The WT organization claim the have the holy spirit directing

    them how can one claim that they are not inspired by such a powerful source

    Mind you now this is the same holy spirit that created the earth, parted ther red sea

    impregnated a virgin, and caused a room full of people to speak in different languages

    and your right JW's are not inspired, they are guilted into the preachin' work

  • EntirelyPossible

    Krettnawe...the latest JW apologist of the day. "They aren't a cult, other groups shun, other groups claim to be inspired of god, you don't speak greek so don't criticize, you're just arrogant and angry, blah blah blah."

    Basically, every major logical fallacy wrapped up into one nice little turd apologist present for the board. How insipid and unoriginal.

  • wasblind

    " So, when a born again claims to have Jesus indwelling within them, and directing them then they are claiming inspiration? "

    Krett, remember when the Jehovah's Witnesses handed out fliers that said " Follow the Christ " ?

    why follow someone who don't inspire you ???? Jehovah Witnesses don't make sense in anything they do.

  • ziddina

    Good ones, Entirely Possible and WasBlind!!

  • wasblind

    Hey Zid check your PM

  • wasblind

    Yea Zid, Jehovah's Witnesses look crazy as hell when they say they are not inspired by the inspired word of the Bible

    Then why in the world are they goin' door to door buggin' folks ? why try to recruit people to become uninspired Witnesses?

  • MeanMrMustard


  • MeanMrMustard

    EDITED - You cannot post peoples person info here

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