Are JWs the worst restaurant customers?

by Alfred 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I've never worked when the summer district convention is here, but our restaurant is pretty close. I don't think we've ever given just one table for 30 of them though; they actually do divy up into groups of 3-5. I've never heard anything negative (not anything more than any other kind of convention group, at least). You take your chances with a big group, regardless of who they are. I have served them in small groups through the week, but I haven't really noticed anything out of the ordinary in regards to the tip.

    If we get Americans though, I find that they tend to tip less - or in coin (or a couple dollar bills), thinking that their coins are so much more valuable than Canadian currency ;)


  • Reality79
  • jam

    Mrfreeze; i am the same way. Since i have work in A restaurant,

    I know what goes on in the kitchen. I work in A exclusive restaurant

    in Pasadena, CA years ago.. ( side note) A few of the customers, Bill Shoemaker(jockey)

    Wes Montgomery (jazz) and the famous of all OJ..

    Do not piss off your waitperson, they handle your food people. I never

    send anything back, if the food is terrible I want go back. My wife, when

    we were dating and went out too eat, I told her if you do not change

    your attitude you will be eating alone. Her attitude, miss I ask for water

    and three slices of lime, I have two, miss take this back I didn,t ask

    for butter on my beans, it was all ways somthing wrong with her food.

    I have since school her, be nice too the people that handles your food.

  • Nickolas

    But bah, why should I tip them? They're just walking corpses and I'll probably be living in their house after armageddon anyways. :D

    Heh. That's the funniest thing you've ever said, ape.

    be nice too the people that handles your food.

    Unless you want them to spit in the mayo before they serve it up.

    good night.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Acting like that would not only mean Mrs Jam-to-be would be eating alone, she would also receive more than she bargained for in her food (think bodily fluids)

  • tec

    I work in a restaurant, and no one has ever done anything like that (bodily fluids, hair, mishandling sent back food, etc) in the entire time I have worked here. I guess it must happen because others claim that it does, but not in my experience.


  • White Dove
  • Retrovirus

    This thread is heading downhill, but I'll try a different perspective.

    How unreasonable is it for the wt to

    1. tell jws not to get an education

    2. expect them to pioneer and put meetings etc ahead of work

    3. demand that they dress smartly (in an old-fashioned and non-provocative way)

    4. expect them to tip freely - with what?

    Yes, I know there are well-to-do jw's, but this strikes me as the height of hypocrisy.

    I've had to watch the small change several times in my life (we just didn't eat out), but I know how hard it is to hand out the money


  • FadeToGrey

    Here in down in Aust. In my experience, when i was in, well for 25 or so years. JW's are a bunch of tight arse's.

    The wife and I stopped go out with brothers to dinners and such because everytime after adding up the bill it was short. some one in the party was trying to get out of paying. Most of the time we would make op the short fall. In the end we just got sick of it. and stopped going out with these sumbags.

    My sister was one of the worst. OMG she shits me. Just like what Outlaw said. She got out of paying for here meal and or coffee's when with the money we put in which was more than we needed to came to the bill total before she added her food.

    Hence we never go out with these people anymore. Well now we have faded it will not happen again ever..

    Tight Bastards the lot of them are down here in Aust. IMHO

  • C6H12O6

    They may not tip big, but I've never heard of any JW's "dine and dash."

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