I've been outed...

by brotherdan 303 Replies latest jw friends

  • zoiks

    ...just chiming in again to say that I'm pulling for you, Dan. I don't agree with much of your side of the subjects that are debated here, but you as an individual are a decent human being and a guy with whom I'd like to have a few beers and play guitar.

    I get what Outlaw is saying, and I agree: we can give you advice, voice our support, and wring our hands over your situation; but it's up to you to take some positive, assertive steps.

    I hope that you do.

  • Babyruth

    " I only need a place to lay my head. I won't even need that soon." "I just want to sleep for a few days"

    Daniel, I have been following this saga of yours with a sad heart. . My concern is with your statements above. If there was ever a time in your life when you need professional guidance... THIS IS IT !! Having a face to face with another person who is trained and really cares for you is a priority. Talk this thru and don't make any major decisions until you get your emotions in check. I don't know you at all, but as a compassionate friend I urge you to take care of yourself first right now.

  • Johnnytwofeet

    None of this is real. What's the matter with you people.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm with Outlaw - I think most of you people are being played by BroDa.

    His problems get worse and worse, he doesn't take constructive advice, he keeps whining about how much drama he has in his so-called "life".

    It is reminiscent of the Trevor incident, isn't it? And who first challenged Trevor's honesty?

    If Bro Da is for real, he needs real help, and he's a real fool for thinking he can get what he needs here.

    As for giving his wife a seizure; BroDa - give me a seizure - RIGHT NOW! You can't, nor did you give your wife a seizure.

    You're like a circuit assembly drama that has long worn out its welcome. Somebody play song #95, for christsakes! Put an AMEN to it.

  • Nathan Natas
  • VampireDCLXV

    If we're going to talk about con jobs, I just created a thread for that.


    Let's take the "Trevor" stories and others there if you must indulge.

    As for Dan's stories here, they do sound increasingly bizarre but I'm not gonna call CON on this unless someone starts begging for money...


  • laverite

    I've come to this thread late, as I haven't been on JWN today. I have no idea what to say, Dan, other than send you my love and give you my support. ((((((Dan))))))))).

  • Finally-Free
    Also, yes I will go to my JC. And I will record every word.

    You realize, of course, that they will use everything you say to further alienate you from your wife? Aren't things bad enough already? Recording the meeting won't help. Chances are your wife would refuse to listen to it.


  • snowbird

    How can a person go from faithful to doubtful in a space of one week???!!!

    As my g'ma who lived to be 104 used to say, "There's a dead cat on the line somewhere!"


  • Nickolas

    As for Dan's stories here, they do sound increasingly bizarre but I'm not gonna call CON on this unless someone starts begging for money...

    Interesting wrinkle. You haven't asked anyone for money or physical support, have you Dan?

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