I've been outed...

by brotherdan 303 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    Alright Outlaw. I'm done. I won't post about this. Thanks for helping me see the truth about myself.

  • VampireDCLXV

    It's sad, but I have to agree with OUTLAW's last post here. Dan (and the wife) really needs to see a shrink already! If not, the drama merry-go-round will continue...




    You need to get help,if this is all true..

    (You can never tell on the internet..We`ve been conned before..Trevor played the board for 2 years..)

    You can`t keep ignoring the obvious..You problems are huge and you won`t sort it out by yourself..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    Dan, I am so very sorry to hear all this. You are getting all kinds of advice to sort through. I'll be brief and I am going to try to be objective here.

    - Get help from a neutral party. Someone that can diffuse all of your emotion and see the situation for what it is. You don't need an enabler or someone to agree with you. You need someone you can help you gain control of your life.

    - Give your wife room and let her heal. Just stand back. Do not engage. Do not fight. Let the dust settle.

    - Be the best father you can from this point on.

    - If religion is the problem, leave it out as you try to reassemble your life.

    - Please do not resort to extreme acts, whether physical, emotional, or verbal. You will accomplish no good this way and only prove your detractors right.

    Again, I'm so sorry.

  • brotherdan

    Why would I pretend to have given my wife a seizure? I've been nothing but a genuine person on this board, even to the point where people hate me because of my opinions. And I know that you know that oulaw.

  • cantleave

    .Trevor played the board for 2 years.

    Is that the trevor who has been posting on here recently?

  • garyneal


    I'm late again as usual on your threads. I hope you hang in their my friend.

    I don't know that much about what your wife is going through physically but if somehow it is due to stress (though it appears that it is not) then remember she kept forcing you to attend the meetings with her. I don't know about you but I am getting to where I can stomach them less and less, they make me bitter, especially if I do not attend church that Sunday.

    God seems distant but I do not believe He will let you down. Pray about it and then do something about it. Perhaps God has already given you everything you needed, your mind. Use it to make things better for yourself.

    If you are still wishing to attend a church, make a pact with your wife. You'll stop talking about the Watchtower if she will stop forcing you to attend the meetings, if indeed that is what she's been doing.

    I know you love her but it sounds like you need to prepare to let her go. Focus on the kids.

    Sending you PM.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    AnneB: [God]'s there. All he wants you to do is "stand firm". All that you need to do is keep being obedient to the will of God, not that of the WT or any of it's members *including your wife*. You don't need to do any fighting, for God or for yourself. This is the time to "stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah", to borrow a quote.

    Are you a JW, Anne? Or were you at one time? If so, it still baffles me that a former JW can take these verses and apply them to new subjective beliefs that churn up old faith-based delusions, just of different flavor.

    Dan, while you're "standing still", I'd like to point out, though, that "He" won't represent you in a court of law or pay your bills or make sure you get custody of your kids or pick them up from school or feed the cat while you're away. You'll want to use the traditional means for handling those things. But, yeah, after you do all the legwork, just... stand still and watch.

  • AudeSapere
    Botz wrote:Is that the trevor who has been posting on here recently?

    Nope. Trevor the conartist used the alias 'Dedpoet'.

    The poster who posts as just 'Trevor' is completely different person.

  • jaguarbass

    I work in a jail. I watch people have siezures all the time.

    Usually they only last one minute. If its someone you love its pretty scary, but they usually resolve in a minute.

    You can watch them end in a minute. Or you can call 911 get the hospital involved and spend 10,000 or more

    dollars and tie up you week with hospital visits and unresolved drama.

    The hospital puts the little hat on their head with the electrodes and monitors them untill you run out of money

    then they send you home.

    Shes probably stressing herself out being a witness and giving guys blow jobs in alleys shes got a big

    disconnect in her consciousness.

    And telling you to go find someone to sleep with.

    She seems pretty shallow.

    She doesnt seem like the kind of person for anybody to make their everything.

    Its sounds like you have a defective picker.

    There are lots of fish in the sea.

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