Feb. 15th WT - WT Society says DFed Ones are Lawless- Just Like Demons

by flipper 217 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    In response to Flipper's post:

    DF'ing is the center piece of the Watchtower fellowship. It shields the members from any foul play from the Organization. First they keep all their membership policies secret (elders book). Second they hold private hearings for whatever deeds they declare "infractions." Third they guilt the other members into shunning the "convicted" members of the infractions.

    ^ If this system of control starts to get creaky, like when reports of too many family members associating with ex-members, they can always fall back on the fear and guilt to "grease up" the system.

    The Watchtower DF'ing policy is much like over-spanking your kids. Have you ever seen parents who use spankings as the "go-to" punishment? That's because it's a quick and effective means of correction, but has side effects if you do it too much. There are much more innovative ways of discipline out there, but some parents just don't want to go out of that comfort zone because spanking gets the desired result: less of whatever destructive trait or act that the subject is practicing.

    I'm not saying discipline is easy, I'm just saying that DF'ing is an extreme that should only be used for very specific situations. The Watchtower swings that bat so often that all they have is scared kids huddled into a corner.

    All the Watchtower can do is point out fear in things. This "timely" advice from the Wachtower is mostly just fear-mongering spoken with a pious tone.


  • flipper

    Now for pg. 3 replies ! Thanks MARY for posting the article by the way. I appreciate it. It will help people see for themselves this twisted info.

    REFRIED TRUTH- I'm convinced that if it was legal- JW's wOULD burn opposers at the stake. It's only because the laws of the land are more civil than the WT society's laws that we get protection.

    MINIMUS- You are right- it's all about control. I'm glad you cleared up your status to your mom. Is she pretty mind controlled still where she would shun you iF you were DFed ? I know my 83 yr.old mom WOULD shun me too if I was DFed. One reason I've fought to remain NOT DFed.

    I QUIT- They ARE malicious old self important bastards - the leaders of the WT society. They break up families and kill people essentially with their no blood transfusion policies. They have no NORMAL human compassion for sure.

    MARY- I'm glad that family you know still associates with their DFed daughter. I agree that the WT society is REALLY concerned about JW's associating with DFed relatives- thus the article is printed due to that happening. I felt the comparison to demons was absurd as well. I mean the Devil and demons were never supposed to be ABLE to repent could they ? Yet humans allegedly can if you believe the WT society view. So it's a faulty comparison. I concur with you that if JW's shun relatives while witnesses - they'd probably NOT be friendly OUTSIDE the cult as well. But mind control does crazy tricks on JW's minds. If only the Witnesses would GET OUT and escape the mind control- perhaps there would be hope for some to change. But escaping the mind control is the hard part.

    PRODIGAL SON- Not only a world convention in Guyana- but maybe a kool-aid drinking session in upper state New York ! WT society is REALLY getting scary in the control manuevers .

    BROTHER DAN- Very true. I believe the WT society IS cracking down because lots of DFed people ARE informing JW relatives about the scams going on inside the Witnesses.

    VIDIOT- I do hope it enlightens and tips faders, ex-JW's who are sitting on the fence to jump off on the EX-WITNESS side of the fence to freedm ! One reason I started this thread- to provide such people " access to information ".

    JIYYUU2- WT society is not only guilty of murder due to blood transfusion policies- they could be guilty of coercing people to committ suicide ( which many have ) due to the psychological terrorism the WT society plays by controlling and pressuring people to shun DFed relatives. t's disgusting.

    MGC_CORONA- Well, obviously I can't send you a copy of MY Feb 15th WT - because my cat vomited on it. I don't even have one now ! LOL ! Mary posted some of the articles paragraphs. Perhaps someone could post a link to the website you can get the article on.

    THE TRUEONE- True what you say. The WT society makes up so many petty rules and enforce them on their JW members it's like they are a God unto themselves AND their followers. It's REALLY scary that they have that MUCH power over 7 million people worldwide. Very sobering. And like you said they are building this wall of control around JW's through the use of fear and guilt- the 2 legs which EVERY mind control cult walks on !

    JOLIETTE- I know what you mean. I've been out 7 years now- and the WT society NEVER ceases to amaze me with how radical they get ! If we are considered demons or Devils I wonder what the GB 2.0 is nowadays ? They seem pretty surly themselves ! LOL !

    VILLABOLO_ What a very touching story my friend. Wow. That tree that DFed lady planted IS flipping a proverbial bird towards the WT society ! That is so cool. So even back in the mid 1980's this lady was trying to help you to see things for what they really were in reality. It's so good you got out of the Witnesses. I'm sure she would have been proud to hear that you did exit. Thanks for sharing that nice story

  • ziddina
    (Flipper: ) "Next- they make it more personal. It continues in the next paragraph: [WT] "Consider the experience of a sister whose adult son at one time had love for Jehovah. Later in life, however, he unrepentantly chose to practice LAWLESSNESS..." ..."

    Many others have probably already said this - since I'm only on page 1 - but yeah, practicing "Lawlessness" like:

    Getting a decent education... Exposing pedophiles and other predators within Kingdom Halls... Striving for promotions and working overtime to properly provide for one's family and retirement... Reading the bible by itself without superfluous human-inspired commentaries... Doing ACCURATE research on biblical timelines and origins of the bible [like 607 BC or the ACCURATE date of 587-586 BC]... Taking a blood transfusion - er, let's make that WHOLE blood transfusion - in order that one's family won't be left destitute without you... Giving to charities - other than the Watchtower organization - in other words, charities that actually DO SOMETHING for people in need... Working for ecological causes... Volunteering for local needy organizations, such as the Salvation Army, YMCA, The Girl Scouts, etc...

    Yeah, somebody better call the cops; there's a horrendous amount of "Lawlessness" among former Jehovah's Witnesses...

    Whatta buncha hypocrites...


  • flipper

    VIOLIA- I agree Amy's tree was really kick a$$ beautiful.

    MR FREEZE- I agree- Amy was pretty cool for planting her tree. Awesome.

    SMIDDY- It's incredible, isn't it ? being compared to demons ? I almost feel honored !

    WILL POWER- Very true- by the WT society using the example of a mother & adult son - they try to cover lots of varying situations.

    BILLY the EX-BETHELITE- Yes indeed, the WT society embellishes WAY too much on what the scriptures ACTUALLY say. They are really good at doing that. Inserting things that are NOT in there and making up crap of their own as Bible rules !

    BROTHER DAN- I'm glad your mother in law sees the information as cutting, gurtful, and barbaric.

    VIDIOT- Good point. I really think the WT society IS NOT concerned anymore with DFed ones returning to the Witness organization. It's like : good riddance. Like you stated they just want to " protect " and insulate JW's from ANY negative information against the WT society.

    ALIAS- You make a really good point in that we need to de-program ourselves from this appalling WT influence to de-humanize our emotions towards fellow humans- especially DFed relatives. I'm so sorry your parents have shunned you. I hope they won't take it out on you when reading this information.

    INVETIGATOR 74- I hate this cult too friend. My parents associate with me as well- but hardcore information like this will influence ALL witnesses to some extent. All we can do is feel sorry for the older ones who have been manipulated for years.

    MR FREEZE- It's almost like JW's are told to hate EVERYBODY NOT a witness ! DFed or not ! It's crazy. They are so paranoid

  • flipper

    O.K. Yay ! I finally caught up to pg. 5 ! I'm panting now. Thanks for all the responses.

    SABASTIOUS- Very true. Jesus was much more tolerant than the GB or WT society leaders of today ! In those " private " meetings elders hold with alleged " lawless " JW members - usually the person is pronouced guilty until proven innocent before such meetings ever start. I know. I've been a victim at those meetings. So like you say- they use the fear and guilt not oNLY on telling family members to shun DFed relatives but use that fear and guilt in the back rooms during these " secret " meetings. It's demeaning to the person brought up on charges.

    Your comparison to the parent who automatically uses spanking is a good comparison as the WT society automatically uses DFing to " discipline " people - allegedly. It takes too much time for elders to TOTALLY find out what's bothering a person- so just kick em out of the org. It's easier for them. No frills. I do disagree with you that " DFing should be used only for specific situations ". I don't think it should be used at all by ANY religion. It's barbaric, psychologically damaging to anybody going through it. Isolation from family and friends are what communists prisons used in China and Russia and Germany to break prisoners down to control their minds. Disfellowshipping is no less of a psychological terrorism used in my opinion. Some people have committed suicide over it being done to them. That's why I think it's a misnomer to call DFing " discipline ". It's barbaric. Just my 2 cents.

    ZIDDINA- Very good point. The things Jehovah's Witnesses call lawlessness are ridiculous. All of the things you mention are COMMENDABLE things in the REAL world that people are involved in ! LOL ! But to the WT society it is considered " lawless ". So stupid. Yet allowing child molesters to associate with children inside Jehovah's Witnesses isn't lawlessness ? Or forcing minor children to NOT have blood transfusions without THEM having a say so on their health prospects - then dying because of it ? You hit it on the head Zid - these WT leaders are so hypocritical they can't see the forest through the trees

  • ziddina

    Okay, now this quote is hilarious, in a sick, sad way...

    "One individual who was disfellowshiped and was later reinstated wrote, "I am happy to see that Jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean. What may seem harsh to outsiders is both necessary and really a loving thing to do."..."

    I see at least two reasons for this person to write such claptrap...

    One - she's still viewed as "spiritually weak" by the other JW's, in spite of being reinstated. Writing this was an attempt to ingratiate herself with the elders, so that maybe she'll be treated like a human being again...

    Two - after having gone through the pain of a disfellowshipment and the humiliation of the reinstatement process, she wants to make sure that everyone else who is disfellowshiped or disassociated has to go through the SAME AMOUNT OF PAIN AND HUMILIATION that SHE had to go through....

    Either way - what a miserable, despicable organization that forces such co-operation of the victims with their tormentors!!!


  • Mary

    In actuality, they had to use the word "lawlessness" means:

    law·less (lôls)
    1. Unrestrained by law; unruly: a lawless mob.
    2. Contrary to the law; unlawful: the lawless slaughter of protected species.
    3. Not governed by law: the lawless frontier.

    The vast majority of Witnesses who get disfellowshipped are not people who are truly "lawless" by definition, but rather, are people who have come to realize how suffocating and demeaning it is to be a Witness, especially in light of the fact that the leaders (whom claim sole propriety on speaking for God) have obviously screwed up when it comes to fortelling when The End is coming, which in turn has screwed over the vast majority of Witnesses with regards to higher education, getting a decent job, and saving for old age and retirement. Those who get The Axe are generally not "rebellious", but they simply want a normal life, doing normal things----things which by the Craptower's definition, are "Satanic".

    While in the past most disfellowshippings were for 'fornication', I think more and more are getting DF'd for 'apostasy' because people are waking up and realizing that the Governing Body's predictions are pure bullshit and not 'directed by Holy Spirit'. The GB knows this, but rather than admit that they've been wrong about just about everything imaginable, they change their old embarassing interpretations to new embarassing interpretations which completely contradict their previous interpretations and if you don't blindly accept it, you're branded an 'apostate'. This of course is done to try and keep control over the masses and nothing is more frightening to a bunch of tyrannical thugs than to be exposed for what they truly are: a bunch of tyrannical thugs.

    While they must realize that they've lost control on much of what the R&F think and do now, their one remaining weapon is still 'disfellowshipping' as it still has the power to destroy a persons life mentally, emotionally, spiritually and quite often, financially. That is why articles like this are coming out more and more. They're terrified that the disfellowshipped person will reveal to their relatives who are still in, many things that the Society would rather keep hidden and they figure the best way to prevent that is to forbid normal contact between practicing Witnesses and those who have discovered the truth about 'The Truth'.

    It's sort of a double-edged sword at this point. There will indeed be Witnesses who take their shit advice straight to heart and shun their own flesh and blood. On the other hand, I plan on sending out copies of this article to several local churches in my area showing them how Jehovah's Witnesses are instructed to treat family members who decide they want to say, celebrate Christmas or Easter. In fact, it would be great if others on here did the same thing. The more bad publicity that this stinking cult gets, the better.

  • Snoozy
    "15 Do we share Jesus’ view of those who
    have become set in their lawless course?We
    need to give thought to these questions:
    ‘Would I choose to associate regularly with
    someone who has been disfellowshipped
    or who has disassociated himself from the
    Christian congregation? What if that one
    is a close relative who no longer lives at
    home?’ Such a situation canbe a real test of
    our love of righteousness and of our loyalty
    to God"

    This is what got me.

    A few years ago my JW MIL asked her local Elders if it was OK to associate with me since I had disassociated myself,. The sent for a copy of my letter and verified I wasn't disfellowshipped (surprise) and said it was Ok but to not talk about spiritual things with me.

    NOW...I am one of the lawless ones and not oto be associated with?

    One of my facebook friends (JW) recently hooked up and I explained to her that I was no longer a JW and why. She continues to talk to me. I sent her a long message explaining what all I thought was wrong with the religion adn told her I was de-friending her to protect her (Being nice). She replied thatit ws my choice but she had no problems with being my facebook friend..

    Apparently she didn't study her 2-15 Watchtower..


  • Vidiot

    sab - "Jesus Christ = Bob Marley of the 1st century with a more sensational backstory."

    - and less ganja.

    flipper - "Good point. I really think the WT society IS NOT concerned anymore with DFed ones returning to the Witness organization."

    Well, when you're consolidating to cut costs in response to projected revenue flow reaching a plateau and eventually decreasing, you're facing increasing legal action for decades of faulty policies that place minds, hearts, and lives at risk, you're increasingly avoiding public scrutiny in both print and physicality, and you're weeding the organization down to just the dominant alphas and subservient omegas, you're not gonna want to bring back disgruntled ex-staff members.

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- Good points. WT society makes DFed ones have such an inferiority complex and guilt syndrome about themselves that those getting reinstated will do almost ANYTHING to get back into the " good graces " of the Witness organization. It's a twisted , perverse love-hate relationship between some DFed ones and the WT society.

    MARY- Good idea you have to spread copies of this article to other local churches to inform people how perverse and barbaric Jehovah's Witnesses are in their shunning policies. Bottom line as you said is the WT society does NOT want current rank & file Witnesses being influenced by DFed ex-Witnesses because they know that their skeletons in the closet will be exposed. So- WT society continues portraying DFed people as " demons " & " Satan " to scare and put fear into current witnesses from associating with them. It's the one power play they have left, very true. Sick.

    SNOOZY- I find that different JW's have different interpretations of the shunning information. Some JW's who ARE NOT fanatics aren't buying into the shunning policy any more. Sounds like your friend is one of those Witnesses who won't let the WT society totally control her. Good ! Maybe you will help turn her lights on in time and she'll exit the cult. Yet some JW's ( like my daughters ) are so mind controlled and fanatics about following EVERYTHING the WT society says - they WILL shun ANY family member who just stops attending meetings - DFed or not ! So I endure that little slice of heaven. It hurts, believe me. But I stay patient.

    VIDIOT- Good point you make. With all the legal repercussions the WT society leaders will be facing in coming years- it's better for them to retain the " dumbed down " JW members and hang onto the fanatic followers who would jump off bridges for them. I'm sure they are wanting to distance themselves from any and all DFed persons at this time

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