Feb. 15th WT - WT Society says DFed Ones are Lawless- Just Like Demons

by flipper 217 Replies latest jw friends

  • Listener
    Would I choose to associate regularly with
    someone who has been disfellowshipped
    or who has disassociated himself

    They write such mixed messages. This would indicate that it is okay to associate with a df'd person but not on a regular basis.

  • thetrueone

    The WTS in this case are the law givers who create the laws upon all who wish to be in god's good grace must obey completely

    with unending respect and attention. Well thats their game to play or in a sense their religious freedom.

    To intensionally demonetize people who are not of their particular organization is wrought with self asserting corruption for there many people

    living on this earth that the JWs couldn't possible hold a candle to what they have accomplished in their own personal lives.

    It has to be accepted though that there are people who were once associated with the JWS and are now leading not so wholesome

    of a personal life style, this should be perceived as a individual thing and not as a generalization of body of people who leave the WTS.

    Case in point, one JW fellow I grew up with in the JWS, who was a born in as myself, recently left the JWS only to go

    widely lose without morals, ending up trafficking drugs across the border into the States.

    He eventually got caught and is now serving a 5 year prison sentence.

    2 years ago he was MS in good standing, married to the same woman for 25 years, they were divorced

    prior to him serving his sentence.

  • flipper

    LISTENER- Good point. WT society always sends mixed messages.

    THE TRUE ONE- The WT society intentionally demonizes people who exit their organization- whether the people DFed go bad or are good. Many times- DFed people turn into bETTER people once they're away from the JW cult. I know I've become a better person in the 7 years out of the cult

  • Mary
    The True One said: It has to be accepted though that there are people who were once associated with the JWS and are now leading not so wholesome of a personal life style... .........one JW fellow I grew up with in the JWS, who was a born in as myself, recently left the JWS only to go widely lose without morals, ending up trafficking drugs across the border into the States. He eventually got caught and is now serving a 5 year prison sentence.

    This is, unfortunately, not an isolated incident amongst people who leave the Organization. Part of the problem is that the religion itself is extremely repressive and guilt-driven on the most ridiculous things, that many times people just go bezerk when they leave and they end up doing every immoral thing imaginable.

    Another part of the problem is that as Witnesses, we were never taught to really have a 'moral compass' within ourselves so that we could determine what was right and what was wrong. The only 'moral compass' that Witnesses can be guided by, is the one that a group of senile, sexually repressed, moronic goons at the top have. In other words, a Witness' conscience is not self-regulated, but rather is controlled from an outside source. Therefore, when you break ties with the people who have been your conscience, you have no real guide-line within yourself as to how to live your life in a positive way and many who leave the Borg go off the deep end as Thetrueone's example above. My sister was the same way. She wasn't allowed to do anything 'normal' growing up because we were Witnesses, so she ran away from home at 16, got into drugs, drinking, smoking and sleeping with anything that moved.

    The Organization of course, will not take any responsibility for these scenarios of course, and gleefully point the finger at these ones and say "See what happens when you leave the Truth!"

  • punkofnice

    Para 20 is ironic as it quotes 1 Pet 5:8 about the Devil being a roaring lion etc seeking to devour someone. Then asks: 'Will that someone be you?'

    Way I see it if you're at the meetings and believe then the Devil's already got you...yes, you already ARE that someone!

    Sorry, can't add more to the already brilliant comments above.

    There is not enough vomit in the world to describe how the article makes me feel! Diabolical. Replete with cult propoganda control tactics!

  • moshe

    I just sent a postcard to an old JW elder from 30 years ago- just to let him know what a wonderful life I have and how glad I am that I stayed in regular jobs ( with retirement pensions now), instead of going into a construction partnership with him. I also told him that he will never see armageddon and the F&DS, 1914, were all WT lies. I am sure they were hoping I was gonna have a rotten life after I left the KH.

  • Quendi

    First, thanks Flipper for this timely and important topic and my apologies for joining late.

    I was DF'd in September 2005. I now call 27 September 2005, the night the annoucement was made that I was "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnessess" as my "independence day" although I felt devastated at the time. I am currently engaged in an e-mail discussion with an elder here in the U.S. He has composed a letter to the Governing Body in which he will plead with them to substantially change the disfellowshipping procedure. He sent me an advance copy of the letter to get my thoughts on it. This man and I have never met face to face but had mutual online friends who were Witnesses. I never knew if he realized that I am disfellowshipped. So I made that clear to him in my reply.

    I said I thought the letter he had composed was thoughtful and respectful and that I hoped that it would initiate a dialogue throughout entire WTS about this procedure. But I also shared with him my personal experience with disfellowshipping. I further stated that I had no intention of ever returning, but my refusal to do so was based on the realization that the WTS is not "Jehovah's organization" and that I would no longer support that lie. I told him I was no "apostate" in the true definition of that word and that I wanted to keep his friendship. That decision was something I would leave entirely up to him, and I hope we will remain friends.

    Now here are two sobering points in this matter. My elder friend says that it is his belief that many elders are very unhappy with the entire disfellowshipping arrangement and want to see far-reaching changes. I don't know how accurate his feeling is, but I found it interesting that he thinks this is the case. The other point was that he is sending his letter to Brooklyn anonymously. That speaks volume about the climate of fear and suspicion that prevails in the upper echelons of the organization.

    My friend says he does not expect a direct answer, and he is wise not to do so. But I believe his hope of sparking a dialogue about this vital topic is doomed as well. It is only when one has severed ties with the WTS does one realize that its leadership isn't remotely concerned for the wellbeing of the membership but only with exercising control. That is clearly seen with this latest issue of The Watchtower as others have noted. I can only thank Jehovah himself that I have made good my own escape, but I keep mentioning my friends and family who are still trapped in my prayers in the hope that they also will someday break free. When they do, they'll find me more than willing to help them any way I can.

  • ziddina

    Oooo, Mary!!!

    You are AWESOME!!!

  • thetrueone

    I think Mary's comment is worth repeating for it tells an accurate portrayal of people's psychological make up for many after they leave this cult.

    In reflection its both a truthful and a sad situation nevertheless.

    Another part of the problem is that as Witnesses, we were never taught to really have a 'moral compass' within ourselves so that we could determine what was right and what was wrong. The only 'moral compass' that Witnesses can be guided by, is the one that a group of senile, sexually repressed, moronic goons at the top have. In other words, a Witness' conscience is not self-regulated, but rather is controlled from an outside source. Therefore, when you break ties with the people who have been your conscience, you have no real guide-line within yourself as to how to live your life in a positive way and many who leave the Borg go off the deep end as Thetrueone's example above. My sister was the same way. She wasn't allowed to do anything 'normal' growing up because we were Witnesses, so she ran away from home at 16, got into drugs, drinking, smoking and sleeping with anything that moved.

  • sd-7

    First off, it is automatically assumed that someone who is expelled had a "wrong attitude". How would we know that? We would have to take the elders' word for it, of course. Maybe that guy BRAZENLY painted that church because he BRAZENLY needed to feed his family.

    Either way, Jesus described workers of lawlessness as those who came to him saying, "Did we not prophesy in your name?" Well, wonder who's done that? Humans are not the final judges of anything, especially not humans who are more than willing to act to protect dishonesty rather than protect those who discover it. So, who really is just like the demons, lawless?

    Revelation 14:5 says that no deception is found in the mouths of the 144,000. None. Therefore, having found deception in the mouths of the people who write this crap, we can safely dismiss them as neither being the 144,000 nor being closely associated with them.

    So, if you choose to blindly listen to this sort of thing, well, I can only feel sorry for you. I did it myself, thought I was doing the right thing, until I realized that the right thing was being defined by people who were callous and unbending as far as their rules. The opposite of how Jesus was.

    Well...I read that one awhile ago, figured mommy dearest might shun me as a result of it, but it's not the end of the world. Let the other kid get your back when you fall, if you prefer. As for me, I'm standing right where I should be--between the Society and my brain.


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