Feb. 15th WT - WT Society says DFed Ones are Lawless- Just Like Demons

by flipper 217 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    CURIOUS BUTTERFLY- That's good that you are there for your family no matter WHAT their standing is inside or outside the JW organization. THAT is the way it should be. The WT society does everything possible to rip families apart . It's a cold, heartless organization

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    "The brother invited her to think about the pain Jehovah must have experienced when some of his ANGELIC SONS rebelled."

    I don't think these angelic sons had inherited sin.

    I also think it is wrong to speculate on what God felt about something unless he tells you. Maybe I'm wrong but I dont think the bible tells you "about the pain he felt with regard to the angelic sons"

  • flipper

    THE FINGER- You make a great point. The Bible DOESN'T say how God felt about the angelic sons going astray. And indeed the comparison by the WT society is totally off because the angels had no sin, allegedly, as humans are supposed to have. WT society grasps at straws to drive their points home. It usually doesn't make sense

  • Listener
    Curious Butterfly said
    The WTS teaches it is our "christian moral obligation" to take care of our family in need. What are we supposed to do when an elderly parent or sick family who is d'fd or da? I know I am there for my family NO matter if they are a JW or not. That will be a very hard WT to sit through and not give my opinion.

    A JW is allowed to give aid to a d'fd or da'd relative when they are in need.

    However, who in their right mind would want to accept help from a JW relative that has shunned them for years? Firstly knowing that they are only giving aid because they are told that they can. Secondly, knowing that once you are better or on your feet financially they will once again shun you. It's just too hypocritical.

    Their rules only go to show how stupid they are, not thought out and can't be right.

  • JustHuman14

    What a vomiting study article by the WT...That is all I can say. It is about time for all those who have been hurt by the WT cult to raise our voice and take legal actions against that cult, due to the fact our human rights are violated. All that GB care's is to guard their leadeship and power upon the brainwashed JW's. They know that they are just a banch of false prophets and liars and they are doing what they can to scare the rank file and keep as many as they can in their prison walls.

    Ex-Jw's according to WT leadership we are just demon possed, Devil's tools, humanoids without feelings, that we deserve to die in the most terrible way. That is the one side of the coin...

    Due to WT's unhuman policy I was not allowed to attend at my childs Wedding reception. My family is broken due to my ex-communication. I have lost all my friends, I haven't talked or seen my close relatives for years and I suffered total isolation from all. It didn't matter if I served WT for many years as a regular pioneer(90 hours)and served also in many possitions(MS, Elder) in the WT world. All my servitude has gone down the drain. It is clear for them: Either you blindly follow what we say or if you don't we will screw your life...

    What about our feelings? We are treated like we are not humans. WT claims to be the champion of freedom, but that freedom is denied to those members who dare to question them...

  • JoJoJones

    Is this considered slander? The WTBTS has really gone too far here! Do disfellowshipped/disassociated people have to just take this? This is wrong!!

  • flipper

    LISTENER- Good point you make that a DFed person who had been shunned by JW family probably wouldn't WANT their help if in need. It's too much of conditional caring. It's like the JW relatives are ALLOWED by the WT society to tend to DFed relatives health needs. WT society shouldn't have ANY say in it.

    JUST HUMAN 14- Nice hearing from you ! Excellent points you make. The leaders of the WT society KNOW they are deceiving Jehovah's Witnesses and that is what makes it so wicked and unacceptable. They KNOW the scam they are pulling over JW's. It's disgusting how they view us as ex-Witnesses like evildoers worthy of death ! I'm so sorry you missed your childs wedding reception and were treated horribly. Many of us, including myself have been treated similarly. You are right: We all need to keep raising our voices in protest against the unjust and hateful policies of the WT society.

    JOJOJONES- It is essentially slander for sure ! Problem is to fight the WT society in courts over their shunning policy - it would cost thousands of $$$ to keep it going. WT society can afford their own attorneys. Many of us can't. So we have to expose the WT society in other ways like media coverage, the internet, etc

  • dgp

    Just bookmarking.

  • Quendi

    I understand the pain and anger we all feel about the WTS and its disfellowshipping policies. Before anyone rushes to court to sue, please keep this in mind. While a lawsuit might find success in some lands, it is doomed before it is even filed in the United States. That is because the WTS enjoys the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to the American Constitution. We Americans must remember this.

    Now, the WTS has been forced through court action to modify the wording of statements reflecting any disciplinary action. Those have been modified down through the years. Thus, it can no longer be said that someone is being publicly reproved for 'conduct unbecoming a Christian'. And we have seen now that a person is no longer "disfellowshipped" but instead "is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Those changes reflect lawsuits that were brought against the WTS on issues like defamation of character.

    Shunning, however, is an entirely different matter. No American court, not even the Supreme Court, can tell a religion how to run its internal affairs, or who can qualify for membership, or what disciplinary action a religion can take against wayward or dissident members. That would be a clear violation of the First Amendment, and American courts have in the past refused to issue any rulings on disfellowshipping per se.

    The harm, pain, and damage the WTS has inflicted upon all with its intolerable and definitely unchristian actions in this matter speak for themselves. Most of us in this forum know this first hand. If there is nothing legal we can do what action can we take? Each one must determine in his own heart what course to pursue. For myself, I decided that I had to look upon my former associates as though they had died. Yes, I mourned. I certainly grieved. Some I have left behind were dearer to me than fleshly family. But I cannot bring them back and resume our relationship. That will only happen if they decide to do so for themselves. I cannot force them to love me, and even if I could such love would be worthless.

    Many years ago, the best friend I ever had and loved committed suicide. I still miss him and always will. He was a Witness, which made his death all the more difficult for me to accept. Still, I eventually learned that my life would only improve if I sought new friendships and worked hard to maintain the ones I still had. My friends, there are many people who want to get to know us and love us. Let us seek them out so that we all can be enriched. And by all means, let us take this matter to our Heavenly Father in prayer. The Bible calls him the God of all comfort and he can assuage us of our pain and loss. (2 Cor.1:3, 4) Surely our Heavenly Father wants to help us endure this trial and will strengthen us to do so.

    As for the WTS, we also want to keep this in mind. An old biblical principle still applies with respect to their harsh and merciless attitude: they will surely reap what they have sown as Galatians 6:7 says. We can rest assured of that. Whether we individually will see it is an open question, but we need not waste our time and energy hating this organization, not when there are so many other people who need our love and assistance. If we focus on the good we can do instead of the evils that have been done to us, we will surely reap a rich reward.

  • Ding

    Great way to get DFd JWs to seek reinstatement, huh?

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