Jan. 15th WT- Go to Meetings to Fight the Blues- Eliminate other Activities

by flipper 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    Thanks flipper.UNbelievable.Great comments guys.It like getting on a treadmill and saying you are going to the store.What are these dopes smoking.


  • MrFreeze

    This is one of the best threads ever. Every opinion on here I have shared (minus Spade). Did they ever consider that maybe we go to the hall feeling tired and depressed because we actually had to be there? Did you ever consider that the reason we feel refreshed is that we get to finally go home? Meetings cancelled were the best. It was a free night! Party! It was like a freaking holiday!

  • villabolo

    Luke 11:46-New International Version

    46 Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them."


  • villabolo

    " Who me, demanding?"

    Mother Dearest

    The Beloved Bitchtower


  • flipper

    O.K. Now I'll respond to pg. 2 . Wow ! Lots of people giving great takes ! Thanks.

    BUNGI BILL- You are correct- the penny DOES finally drop with many people joining the JW cult as they see that the things promised by the WT society never live up to the hype. I didn't observe ANYTHING but conditional caring and fake people to be honest. Once I stopped attending meetings - their alleged " friendships " left.

    SNOOZY- I agree when we exit the JW cult we definitely feel better NOT attending . Feel more refreshed AWAY from the meetings. Wow ! Sounds like you knew some pretty wild elders wives ! Sounded like " Peyton Place " going on ! LOL !

    WTWIZARD- It definitely WAS a drudgery all the expectations that the WT society pressured us to perform constantly. How in the world were we supposed to live a REAL life with any spare time at all with assemblies, meetings, field service, personal study, family study, preparing for meetings, underlining WT's . There was absolutely no time to even BREATHE or go poop !

    NUGGET- I definitely know what you mean. It was so hard raising kids inside the Witnesses because it was so much extra work just getting them dressed up and ready for meetings ! Then kids were expected to stay up at night- WAY past their bedtime and were in no good shape for learning at school the next day ! I used to let my kids sleep at meetings ! I just said - Screw em ! If elders counseled me about my kids sleeping - I'd tell them " O.K. YOU raise my kids then ! " It was just insanity having to make our schedules cowtow to the JW meeting schedule. As you stated- EVERYTHING ELSE revolved around that. I'm glad you, your hubby and kids have your freedom.

    AUSSIE OZ- I hear you. I too felt supreme inner peace after stopping attending meetings ! I still do- 7 years later.

    TEEL- I relate to what you're saying. I too had to change clothes at the meeting quickly coming in from work right up until the meeting. Then had to change BACK INTO my work clothes and go back to work after the meeting. It really sucked big time. No one ever appreciated ANYTHING i did .

    MISERYLOVESELDERS- I know it must be hard for you to still go to meetings. To be with people who are " brown nosers " and only like us because we raise our hands and comment, or give talks, or go in service - was way too fake of relationships for me. I couldn't deal with it. Like you stated, we work way too hard at our jobs everyday to have to put up with constantly hearing how " fantastic " the alleged " faithful slave " is - yet they NEVER tell us how great WE are ! Isn't it interesting how that works ? Or being around negative people.

    ROCKETMAN- Good point you make. Yeah, that was the main point I got from this article as well- WT society is so busy blaming JW's for their own stresses - the aloof GB couldn't POSSIBLY think that the main cause of Witnesses depression is the WT society leaders , could they ? I mean, it would be " Satanic " to think so ! LOL !

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- I hear you. I remember getting such petty counseling over the stupidest crap in the Ministry school. One time I even got counseled for wearing white socks while carrying the microphones ! I mean- it NEVER ended ! If it wasn't so tragic it could have been a dark comedy. I'm so sorry you had to go through that ridicule from the elders wives. I imagine you felt like kicking their rear ends- to put it mildly. I hope you feel LESS stress now that you no longer attend meetings. I know you have OTHER stresses- but at least NOT having to be at the mind controlling meetings.

    PALADIN- I'm so sorry you were pressured by the elders even after open heart surgery to turn your time in. If there was really a " true " God- he would not appoint disrespectful, barbaric men like that by the alleged " holy spirit ". Holy spirit does not exist. Just the spirit WE produce in ourselves.

    SD-7- " Like being in a prison roll call " . Exactly ! Classic statement by you . Very true. And all the guilt laid onto us by experiences of a one armed sister conducting 10 Bible studies after having only a 4th grade education and crossing a raging river in a canoe to reach her Bible studies - I mean, yeah, I heard them all as well ! It's so unbelievable as they take aLL JW's for fools.

    LDRNOMO- Yeah, sounds like a heck of an easy way to count time- laying out cards on all the hospital recovery rooms ! Just zip in and zip out ! Might increase magazine placements also ! LOL !

    DING- Exactly. WT society is telling witnesses they are stressed out because they aren't doing ENOUGH for the WT society. Crazy.

    ZIDDINA- Thanks. Good point you make in it sounds like they are intruding into and drawing attention to faders - like saying we HAVE no excuse to fade. Being tired isn't excuse enough ! I agree- the WT society IS coming down harder on faders - they can't stand that they can't control us and we swarm onto the Internet like a flock of swarming BEES ! But the WT society is $hit crazy if they think we're gonna stop. Nope. We can't be stopped. Information access is what it's all about. Exposing what THEY themselves write

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the cool replies ! You guys and gals rock ! Gotta go build a campfire in my woodstove so the Mrs. and I don't freeze to death ! Gonna go eat some Dungeness crab- but I'll be back later to answer pg. 3 replies and pg. 4 ! Thanks again. Keep the comments comin ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    O.K. Had a good night sleep ! Will addres pg. 3 replies. Thanks again for all your great takes !

    ZIDDINA- I agree, I think it's awful what elders did to Paladin while recovering from heart surgery ! There is no human feeling or true empathy inside the JW elders training at all.

    PALADIN- I'm so glad you've been feeling better my friend. Take care of yourself.

    BLUES BROTHER- Thanks for posting the article . It is so true what you say that Witnesses who are sick, disabled, or just maintaining families by working hard and are exhausted - will probably get VERY upset when this WT article is discussed at their meeting. It's so arrogant in my opinion that the WT society BLAMES rank and file Witnesses for being tired due to being involved in OTHER lifes activities , yet the WT society takes no blame whatsoever regarding the demands THEY put on members.

    MISERYLOVESELDER- The reason that Bethel and those writing the WT articles don't tap into people's moods after meetings - is that they DON'T CARE what people's moods are after meetings. They just put out the mind numbing information and hope it soaks into rank and file Witnesses minds . The Witnesses themselves are taught that learning about the WT society's info is mORE important than being concerned about emotional moods. WT society is busy destroying members emotions so they won't feel ANYTHING anymore. It's one reason we see JW's sitting like Zombies at meetings. Their emotions have experienced a " lobotomy " by the WT society. They are all programmed robots. Really sad.

    LOST GENERATION - " The beatings will continue until moral improves ". Precisely, it's how the WT society rolls.

    IMCONFUSED- I'm sorry about you and your brothers depression. It was insensitive of your mom to say that attending meetings is all you needed. Much , much more involved in assisting people out of depression. Hang in there my friend.

    CRAZYCATE- Definitely " guilt" is used to make JW's feel awful about themselves or ANY efforts they put forth. I used to feel pretty good about even GETTING to a meeting with my busy schedule like yours- but ALL of our efforts to just ATTEND were looked at as what we should be doing anyway. No props were ever given for just attending. It was always do more, more, more . I would have been satisfied if they cancelled ALL the meetings ! LOL !

    BALTAR 447- It may just cause some to DA themselves due to the high control in the information. One can only hope it does cause this.

    SABASTIOUS- I loved your comic characters ! Awesome. Exactly. That's how elders are trained to make JW's feel ! You hit the nail on the head for sure. There is no leniency whatsoever.

    BAND ON THE RUN- I noticed this as well when I used to attend meetings over 7 years ago. The " glazed eyes " effect that is on the faces of JW members is absolutely freakish. It's as if all the life and emotion has been drained and sucked out of them by the leaders of the WT society. In my opinion it HAS been sucked out of their minds and spirit within them. WT society won't just stay on doctrinal topics because they see they are losing many witnesses right now- so they'll do what they have to in order to address the supposed " lack of faith " in JW members. They won't let thm forget.

    SPADE- People here are more receptive to God's holy spirit than you think ! People here are receptive to reality in thinking and having a POSITIVE spirit within themselves to think for themselves and make good decisions based on information and observing what is ACTUALLY going on in side the Jehovah's Witnesses right now ! In the here and now. The alleged " holy spirit " is not what will strengthen each JW in real life. It will be their own good decision making in coping with day to day problems and earning a living in the REAL world. How much do you think the Governing Body knows about living in the REAL world ? They have everything paid for them, free medical insurance, free food, free housekeeping. They get more free labor done for them- than I imagine YOU do as a rank and file JW ! Think about it. I speak the truth.

    OUTLAW- Very true. Holy spirit has NOTHING to do with peddling jW literature.

    JADEEN- Yeah, it's ridiculous how they promote other JW's to feel guilty by giving these off beat extreme experiences ! Nuts.

    NO MORE KOOL AID- Isn't it insane ? When you put it that way that meetings and field service is allegedly the best " medicine " for stroke victims- you would think it would start making JW's suspicious of the info being handed down to them.

    REDS- I agree with your take. True.

    COMPOUND COMPLEX- Co Co - good to hear from you ! Well- all I can say is if you feel you need to go back to meetings to salvage relationships - I'm not going to judge you. You have to do what is right for your own situation. Of which I am unaware of. I know I couldn't do it, but I'm probably wired differently. Just remember the relationships you have may be based purely on the fact that you are back to attending meetings and participating- not based on how they VIEW you as a person on the inside. I'm just being up front and real here. I know you'll do fine and will be cautious as you mentioned in " gritting your teeth " - but sitting in a Kingdom hall while mind controlling info is inadvertently pouring into your mind may be the price to pay for going back. If you can deal with it- more power to you. I just worry about you- that's all. I'm always here to talk as you know if you need an outlet ! O.K. ? Never forget that. Peace & love to you my friend.

    PALMTRE- Personally I don't think holy spirit exists ! I think human spirit exists within people ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Going to take a breather and eat some breakfast. I'll come back in awhile to respond to pg. 4 posters . Thanks.


    Funny how paragraph 11 starts out: "as Armageddon approaches" But then later goes on to criticize us for having false expectations of the end.

  • flipper

    BOBLD- Thanks. Glad you like the thread. I do wonder what kind of loco weed the GB and leaders of the WT society are smoking ! I think it's a drug called " greed, control, and power. "

    MR. FREEZE- Very true what you say. I mean- did the WT society EVER think we could be tired from going to meetings ? It's like they bury their heads in the sand and refuse to admit liability.

    VILLABOLO - Exactly. WT society puts heavy loads on their JW members shoulders - too heavy to bear indeed. Your mother dearest " Beloved Bitchtower " is really scary looking ! Looked like a bad date night out with an old high school girlfriend ! Jeez.

    PYRAMID SCHEME - Good point you make. WT society advises Witnesses to keep the end or " Armageddon " close in mind - but out of the same mouth they put them down for overeager expectations. I mean- What in the hell does the WT society expect ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • miseryloveselders

    PYRAMID SCHEME - Good point you make. WT society advises Witnesses to keep the end or " Armageddon " close in mind - but out of the same mouth they put them down for overeager expectations. I mean- What in the hell does the WT society expect ?

    It is ironic they do that. You're telling me the end of the world is coming and it could happen any moment now. Waiting on the end of the world isn't like waiting for your car to not pass the state inspection, or waiting on your altenator to go.

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