Jan. 15th WT- Go to Meetings to Fight the Blues- Eliminate other Activities

by flipper 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    MISERYLOVESELDERS- Yes indeed, it is totally ironic and really hypocritically insincere of the WT society to keep stringing out JW's of how close Armageddon is - then turn around and blame THEM for being over anxious about it coming ! I think in layman's psychology terms that's called "crazymaking " . And that's exactly what it does to Witnesses - drives them slowly insane

  • crazycate

    Flipper: "slowly insane." Exactly! That's what I felt like. What kind of monster would I be if I put my dog's favorite treat right in front of her and then tied her up so she couldn't get to it. It's coming, it's going to be here, it imminent, we're at the pencil point...how long until she goes berserk? And then I blame her for getting wigged out? It's not possible to stay worked up into a frenzy because of the imminence of something (running around yelling the sky is falling, the sky is falling) but at the same time be cool and collected about continuing on doing the same thing over and over when nothing ever happens.

    By the way, great thread. I've enjoyed the comments.

  • snowbird
    Because such activities as personal and family Bible study, field service, and meeting attendance are the means by which we receive revitalizing HOLY SPIRIT.

    This is a direct contradiction of Jesus of Nazareth's words that we receive Holy Spirit simply by asking the Father for it!

    Luke 11:13 "And don't you think the Father who conceived you in love will give the Holy Spirit when you ask him?" The Message Bible

    Why didn't I get out sooner before my baby girl was sucked into this madness???


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The lesson to be learned from the story of Stephanie is that those "worldly," college-educated doctors that have been treating her, have not been putting JW meetings and service in first place. Surely Stephanie and her family would have understood if a doctor would have rushed through surgery just so he could attend a JW meeting containing the same material that he's heard hundreds of times. Or if a nurse hadn't responded to the call button because she was occupied with trying to place litteratrash in the waiting room.

    Don't get me wrong, I do feel sorry for Stephanie. But I also feel sorry for those of us that might have been able to help her and others if Botchtower didn't have us occupied with their mundane routine time-wasters. One of the most interesting stories in Acts, I think I can recall correctly from memory, was that shortly after the deaths of Stephen and James, another disciple also died... an elderly woman named Dorcas. But, who was resurrected and why? The text is clear that Dorcas was the only one of the three resurrected because of her loving and generous, kindly deeds. It never mentions that ever attending a meeting or went door-knocking. If the instructions that love is the greatest commandment, and clean worship means caring for orphans and widows, along with this important lesson in a resurrection, why is Botchtower obsessed with unfruitful works?

    Oh, right, it's a cult.

    And when they have to tell people that have attending meetings for years that the meetings are refreshing, it clearly isn't so. After my first taste of ice cream, I didn't need anybody to tell me it was delicious.

  • Heaven

    Consider the example of Stephanie, a 19 year old regular pioneer. At age 12, she suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

    This tripe is basically telling the sheeples that THEIR situation isn't as bad as Stephanie's and she still worked for us so you have no excuse. Stop whining and get out there!

    No wonder so many JWs are ill.

    I am dealing with the health care system now that my Dad is declining. In all of my discussions with them, I make sure I tell each person that he is a JW and exactly what that means. Each one of them is appalled.

    The last lady I spoke to said "Your Dad has been spiritually victimized." I replied "Yes."

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Mr. Flipper, for your response. Among your many fine traits are open-mindedness and compassion.

    "The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." - Blaise Pascal

    I'm a man on a mission and JWN has trained me well. I feel a deep-seated obligation to many [JWs as well as non-JWs] who have helped and loved me, no questions asked. Not all JWs are cut from the same cloth. They know something is wrong but don't have our information. I'd give my life for these people, so my return is a small price to be in their company. As you well know, access to JWs is limited when you're construed as marked or weak or inactive or ...

    I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your kind offer.


  • palmtree67

    Be safe, Coco.

    Don't let them hurt you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    I love you,


  • flipper

    CRAZYCATE- The meetings truly do cause a person to slowly go insane ! For sure. I enjoyed your example of the dog and it feeling tortured if we kept a bity bite just out of it's reach- it WOULD be torture. And as you mentioned THAT is what the WT society is doing to JW's by keeping delaying the Armageddon time date in front of them like a dangling carrot. Very sadistic . It does remind you of chicken little wo kept saying, " the shy is falling ! The sky is falling ! "

    SNOWBIRD- You asked, " Why didn't I get out sooner before my baby girl was sucked into this madness ? " I know how you feel sis. I ask myself the same question regarding my 2 JW daughters. Sigh. Hang in there.

    BILLY THE EX-BETHELITE- You make a good point with this article talking about the girl Stephanie. The WT society has their priorities TOTALLY screwed up in that they minimize physical health , but emphasize pushing time in service for the JW cult. The leaders of the WT society have no REAL human compassion for even it's own members.

    HEAVEN- There is so much stress inside the Witnesses it's unreal. WT society has no one to blame but themselves for JW's exiting. That is really good you explained the JW stresses to your dad's doctors. It's important to get the message out to non-witnesses just how oppressive this cult is to our older relatives and ANYONE ! Your dad HAS been victimized as have LOTS of our parents.

    COCO- Thanks for the kind words my friend. I've always respected you as well - it sounds like you DO have a plan to assist some of your JW friends and relatives. And correct you are- in a inactive, marked state it's harder to get access to JW's for sure. I wish you the best as well ! Hope you can assist some. Feel free to always contact me if you want to talk.

    PALMTREE- I agree. We don't want Witnesses hurting our friend COCO. WE need to keep in touch with him

  • Hoffnung

    If there is one thing that is exhausting, then definetly it are theocratic activities. The simple fact that there is always an "upgrade" to what you are doing now, is not helping. If you are a publisher, why not examine your circumstances to become a pioneer, if you are a pioneer, why not considering MTS, Guilt-ead or bethel service. If you are a MS, strive to become an elder. If you are an elder, what about being involved with organising assemblies, quickbuilds, HLCs, appeal comites,etc... It really never stops, there is always something more you can do. It got my father into a very heavy depression. And as he is incapable of identifying the true cause: "Theocratic activities", even having reduced his working schedule is not helping, because, of course, theocratic activities increased. My mother ios always on eggshells to make sure he is taking enough rest. I was on the same path, until I woke up. Being inactive now for more than a year, I noticed I am a lot more relaxed, coping way better with stress, I am happier. Lately the elders are trying to "reactivate" me . I have given it much tought, and I cannot do it. I really can't. I cannot preach these lies any more. If they keep on pushing, I will have to let go of meeting attendance as well. Meetings have become really exhausting and a waste of time anyway, it is a glorification of the GB and their activities. I really like the people in my congo, but that might not be enough any more soon to keep me in the KH 2 times a week.

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