The meeting did not go well.

by Danni 221 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf


    Don't you see that you're being taken for a ride? This woman is NOT honest.


    One man was clutching his heart. When I offered to call for help all he could think of was the media getting hold of things .That pissed me off he was more worried abut the media than his health what kind of shit is that.?-- Danni
    Do you really believe THIS? Danni's gotten so desperate that she's making up things. One has to wonder about the truth of all that she's told now.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo

    I'm sure Danni will give you all the info you want....
    just leave your name and mailing address so she can mail it to you.

    hey asshole, you're the one defending the child rapers. One has the to wonder about the truth of ALL you've said.

    in the words of Farkel,

  • Danni

    uncle jimbo I'm sure Danni will give you all the info you want....
    just leave your name and mailing address so she can mail it to you.


  • teejay


    You may not believe this, but up above in the post where I asked for someone to fill in the gaps, I wrote that entire note as an email to you. At the last minute, I changed my mind and posted it to the board.

    No, from what I've seen, I don't think you are hateful, but the types I mentioned are here on this board—JWs can't do any good, they're mindless and brainwashed... you know what I mean.

    As I said/asked, I haven't followed this entire Danni thang from the git-go. I've just checked in, here and there. I understood that she was, as you say, "INVITED to go to the kingdom hall." And? That's all JWs do! Invite people to the Kingdom Hall!! So? Do you think they expect a couple of cops will show up when a nice "Danni" (aka: "interested one") accepts an invitation to visit the Hall? Do you think they will end up in a fistfight in the library when a friend of the interested one shows up acting tough? Has it been THAT long since you've been out in service or to a meeting that you can no longer put yourself in Brother Johnson's shoes?

    Personally, I think your coloration of the JW's meetings—a "nice little dog and pony show"—is unfair and reflects a bias on your part. All churches, mosques and synagogues have an atmosphere that they hope will be respected. We ARE talking about a place of worship, whatever our (your and my) personal view of the place is.

    Danni (and RoboCop especially) apparently forgot their primary responsibility to serve and pushed their weight around based on some supposed "insider info" she got on a freakin' online db. Friday asked for some personal information about Danni so as to identify her. She did the right thing in not giving it to him because she knows that some serious shit would hit the fan if her superiors found out. Why? Because she was wrong. Period. What does that tell *you*?

    Yes, I read the words. Unless you have an account that adds to the one she posted here, I know everything that you know and like I told her, I believe it just the way she wrote it. Some off duty cops and some JW elders got bent out of shape. So what? In the elders' shoes, I can't say that I wouldn't have acted differently.

    You keep making the argument that cops get pissed off when they are lied to everyday. (Btw, fyi, regular people get pissed off in those situations, too, not just cops.) Using that as a justification for Danni and Darryl's behavior is what's known as a red herring and is irrelevant. There is no evidence—based on what I read—that the elders were lying, other than Danni's stated perception. Sorry, courts need more evidence than a cops "gut feeling" and we can all be thankful for that. No, nothing blew up in anyone's face, except for Danni's. Notice the title of this thread.

    It would be a shame if they knew how to track her down to her job. I guess then we'd see if she either abused her power or acted in accordance w/ legal or ethical laws. I can see the headlines now, "Cops come to blows in search for pedophiles at local church ... no evidence found." News at eleven.

    I wonder if Danni's boss would have the same, generous "yeah, you done good, officer!" attitude that YOU seem to have, Dave. I wonder if those headlines would have any effect on the Dateline show. I wonder if silentlambs would be elated at the new developments in Danni's hometown. I wonder if some posters on a discussion board would be all fired up then. Yeah, I wonder.


  • Will Power
    Will Power



    Seems some just can't let go, MOST will be glad when its in someone else's hands, and things finally GET OUT IN THE OPEN. That's why so many are holding on til the Dateline airs.

    Danni has more than once stated that we do not know the whole story of what went on there. She might have skipped the niceties that led up to the linebacker defense. YOU DON'T KNOW. We have all experienced how a JW when confronted (and it could be just a spring 1962 WT article) goes snakey! Their whole face changes, they vibrate, panic.
    That is because THEY KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG!!!
    She is right about talk the talk or walk the walk.
    I think my will power is waning.

    Sorry if I've spoken out of turn.

  • Danni

    Teejay, Darryl has been a cop for a number of years, he knows better how to handle matters as i said, before you were not there and i didn't tell everything that happened in that meeting, but they did start first yelling at us, and we did keep our cool as long as we could (until we heard them trying to paint us in a bad light) they took that argument outside not us. And they are the ones that want a gag order on us because they are afriad the media will get a hold of what happened. I am not going to say this anymore. We never abused any power, we didn't go in there to fight only ask questions about the child molesting policy they have. They never answered the question on why they feel they are above the law........I will leave your opinion to yourself...And one last thing, they knew why we were coming there. They didn't think we came be converted to Jehovah's Witnesses that was clear from our phone calls to eachother. I didn't go into detail on every little word spoken there's not enough space on this board to do that.... That's it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Danni & Darryl,

    Well done! I find it amusing that they said,

    Speakerphone voice: No sir, I am afriad the any confession told to a church preist in private that preist is not bond by law to report it.
    not long ago, the PR guy at WTS HQ in Brooklyn described these same "church priests" as "untrained volunteers."

    Whatever suits their needs at the time is what they'll say. Lying to outsiders is a recognized part of their "Theocratic War Strategy" and there have been Warchtower study articles discussing the appropriateness of such prevarication.

    You guys ROCK!! My uncle was a Marine and a NYC cop. I love ya!

  • plmkrzy

    Somebody's are fired up! by the time i type this probably 2,000 people will be visiting this topic. Anyone notice? Well it was fun. Everyone is passionate about their views one way or another and we all mean well or we all wouldn't be here Ok. It's quarter night at the bowling alley. i'm getting off my ass and going bowling with my kids. Best of luck to everyone.
    Danni, if you really want to help, find out WHO needs help and help them. Oh, and just for the record, all black people don't know each other either. What? What does that have to do with the price of tea in china? I don't know, i'm nuts. plm

  • seven006


    As you said, you haven't followed this thing from the git go. That is obvious to me and it explains your comments to me.

    Click on the little box below Danni's name that says view all posts started by this person. Then come back and make your comments.

    The elders knew that Danni was a cop way before the meeting. (see above suggestion)

    Danni and her partner walked in to a room with several more people on the other side of the fence
    then she had on hers. The elders had a representative from the watchtower society on the speaker phone sitting there waiting for them to come in the room. Who was setting up whom?

    If they thought that Danni and her partner were regular "interested people" why did they have the
    phantom phone caller? If you walked into a room and you were not only out numbered but also had some mysterious phone caller on a speaker phone how would you feel?

    I will say this one more time. I do not hate JW people. I do not care for the JW rulers and their bullshit. I do know that they do care more about how they look to the public than they care about what psychological damage they do to people. I do not think all JW's are evil nor do I think they are all hiding pedophiles. Most JW people have no idea what goes on with their leaders nor do they care. They just blindly follow.

    Her superiors do know what is going on and if you took the time to read the whole story instead of trying to make me look like a bad guy you just might have a bit of a clue about what you are insinuating.

    I do have a little more information about what is going on in regard to this whole situation than you do. Danni and I have been emailing each other since her very first post. If that bothers you I am sorry. If you take the time to read all of Danni's posts I think you will be able to have a clearer picture about why I say what I say.

    Danni and her partner are in the term use to explain the elder population of the JW religion "imperfect people."

    Do with that comment as you please.

    Again, go back and read the whole thing from the beginning.

    Take care,


  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo


    Thank you. You are a very brave individual. Reading your account
    brought tears of joy to my eyes. I am trapped in the neatherworld -
    all of my family is still trapped in this evil organization.

    You have said everything that I (and thousands of others in my
    situation) wish they could say. But we can't - our voices stolen from
    us, held hostage in exchange for our families.

    That's why the work of the few in a position to go public is SO
    vital. see, teejay and yadirf/friday would change their tune if their loved ones lost their innocence at the hands of some JW pervert. I hope some pervert JW rapes a child in your family, Yadirf. I hope WT legal sweeps YOU under the carpet, asshole.

    Then let's see how high and mighty you would be, you lousy piece of shit.

    THIS IS TOTAL WAR. The WT have no conscience. As long as it is profitable, the child raping will continue. Good job Danni.

    No Great Job!


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