by silentlambs 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Howdy Path,

    Exactly what further benefit is it to these individuals to post their stories here in addition to posting them on your website?
    Probably none. But it's beneficial to some here - who never venture over there. I don't go to that site often - hurts too much. Just because I'm a victim/survivor, doesn't mean I want to read that anger & pain anymore than the next person.

    Should not your website be sufficient, at least until these individuals have worked through their terrible ordeals?
    No, we need to be reminded that children are continuing to be raped/molested, even as we speak about it politely.

    Given the nature of this place, I can't see what therapist would encourage someone to post their story in this environment. Perhaps each survivor should be strongly encouraged to talk with their therapist about before posting?
    You're assuming that most victims/survivors actually go to a therapist. Since most jw's are low income, or average at best, where do you think they're going to come up with $100 to $150 for 50 minutes twice a week, once a week....for about 2/5 years? I don't know if anyone has actually done the questioning & math, but doubt that only a low percentage of rape/molestation victims have had the benefit of a qualified therapist.

    LOL....guess the elders will have to suffice for therapy. "Pouring oil" on the head of the suffering person. Btw, if the therapist isn't familiar with jw's or that style religion, chances are, they won't discourage the victim/survivor from seeking counsel there anyway. After all, many other church priests are actually qualified as counselors.

    None of my therapists/psychologists had much to say negatively about the jw's - they didn't know much about them.

    In the WTBTS, victims/survivors, and their parents, are for the most part left alone with their private agony. Keep it in the family for "the good of the congregation." Don't want worldly people to get the wrong impression of Jehovah's people. Of course, there are exceptions, I just don't know of any.

    When I went to the elders for counsel, they told me they (all 8 of them) had no knowledge of how to handle a molestation situation. So, therefore, they told me that all they could do was share some scriptures with me.....and that was all they actually did.



    (((Waiting)))Good for you!I am too angry,and I am not the one who has had to go through this.I have only known the victims...OUTLAW

  • waiting

    Howdy outlaw,

    It doesn't make me feel proud to say I don't like to go to the SilentLambs site.....but I can be honest because I'm a victim/survivor. Like a black person calling another black a "nigger." "Honesty among theives" and all that. Strange world, eh? Outsiders have to be more politically correct. Ha!

    One thing about the money involved in therapy. It does happen that molestation can be, and often times, is generational. Parent/child. However, if one contacts a therapist, the therapist will most likely want to see each victim alone - as they'll have private issues.

    Slap the $100 - $150 for 50 minutes once a week up to $200 - $300 a week. Add Prozac, minimum dosage.....$100 a month. Usually health insurance won't cover any of this. And a decent amount of jw's don't have sufficient insurance anyway - self-employed and all that.

    The cost of prescriptions and therapy are staggering. If you take into account that a high percentage of molesters are the father, and if the father ends up in jail.....just where is all this money going to come from for therapy? Let alone milk and bread for the other kids. And if it is the father, that fool needs therapy as much - or more - than the victim. He can strike again.

    Man, don't we dig a grave for ourselves.



    Hey Waiting,You have been there,you can help people who have been there.Or help people understand,who have not been there.You are a blessing to this board...OUTLAW

  • waiting

    Thanks, outlaw.

    But in reality, few of us want to know what *really* happens to kids. I was the same way - until confronted with the harshness of it. I knew.....basically......what happened to kids.
    But I put it in adult terms - like a man/woman of same sort of size and power.

    Just ain't so. Little infants, etc. Makes a person want to turn their head, click off their mind. We don't want to see, to hear, to smell, to listen. I was the same. I just can't escape now....or I probably would.

    Btw, a film recommendation which will have you spellbound with the reality, but worth seeing and remembering: The War Zone - the editorial debut of Tim Roth (who I don't know, but that's what the jacket said). About contempory Irland and a regular family.

    Check it out........a lot of reality about kids and their parents. And welcome to the world of incest.


  • unclebruce

    G'day Silentlambs,

    Thankyou for considering my comments.

    I think anyone comming to any JW discussion board and relating thier heatbreak runs the risk of being flogged, mauled, drawn and quartered by trolls and well meaning folk alike, particularly if they are seen as weak or if they aren't articulate in the ways of tough down and dirty posting. As I've said, I have had some life experiences that would pale many of your 'victims' by comparison but, in spite of being able to give as good as I get, I haven't posted many of my hard life experiences here or anywhere else.

    I agree that bully's should be booted hard and fast wherever they raise thier ugly hate and bile spewing agendas. (something i've done my fair share of all over the net) Unfortunately the good guys can't be everywhere and people get very hurt. There's an idiot on DeJaVu who actually tries to encourage the suicidal to top themselves. No matter how hard I went off at the jerk he still smarms and slides his way around the net looking for people that rise to his stinking bait.

    I know that it only takes one silly goose to ruin a 'rescue thread' but that's life on the net and new posters need to be aware of that and try thier best to ignore it, if they haven't the strength and street fighting skill.

    This site is very lucky that there are so many understanding people who are quick to aid the needy and very sensitive to bully's and buffoons trampling the lowly and heart rent. JWD justice can be quick and ugly but effective. Look what your drawing the boards attention to the antics of Mad Apostate did. Simon de-registered him from posting that very day.

    There are no easy answers that i can see. If someone wants thier story told my way is obvious. Even on H20 where moderators didn't like real names being put up, I named Elders and thier misdeeds and thier congregations etc. Yes I'd have anyone with a true story just post it real names, real addresses no alias's. I find it offensive when people expecting to be taken seriously, post "Elder A said this" and "Brother B said that" We have names for a reason. They give the little honest man/woman power.

    Thankyou for the work you do silentlambs. I remmember your first post to H20. I haven't got involved in your crusade simply because i don't have the time or emotional strength. I sincerely wish you a mountain of both.

    wishing you and yours all the best, happy new year, unclebruce


    Wow!Uncle Bruce,Heavy-Duty,dude!I had no idea.I wish you well...OUTLAW

  • Prisca
    Yes I'd have anyone with a true story just post it real names, real addresses no alias's. I find it offensive when people expecting to be taken seriously, post "Elder A said this" and "Brother B said that" We have names for a reason. They give the little honest man/woman power.

    UB, that's all good and fine if you are out with no reason to hide your identity, like you are, but many of us don't have the liberty to be so open. Thus we have to use "Elder A" etc otherwise we can be identified by the congregations we name, and the situations we mention.

    Just because we don't have that liberty, it still shouldn't stop posters from posting their experiences. We can still post them, and hope that others will believe us. If they don't, then that is their problem, if we have posted experiences in all honesty.

  • unclebruce

    Good point Prisca,

    As you know I am still officially a witness and have many family and friends 'in the truth'. I haven't yet been disfellowshiped or called to account but took the chance and named names anyway.

    I'm not saying that using fake names takes away a stories cred just that I find it offensive. It offends me that sometimes i believe it is done unnecessarily and othertimes because of the fact that it is necessary. It's just my opinion.

    cheers Lee freeman

    PS: I could be called before a judicial commitee any time they decide to pounce.

  • larc

    Uncle Bruce,

    I did not understand your last sentence. You said that "It offends me that sometimes I believe that it is done unnecessarily and other times because of the fact that it is necessary." Are you saying that you are offended both because it is necessary and also because it it unnecessary? Why are you offended because "sometimes" you may feel it is unnecessary. How can you judge that, and what difference does it make to the narrative? Anyone can lie, with our without names and no one else would be the wiser, now would they?

    I could make up a story about Gilbert Gnarley, Earl Pitts, Gary Burbank, and Mr. Dirk. No one on this board, except for JAVA would know who these people are. Are they real or fictional, and how would you ever find out? I think your whole deal is a tempest in a teapot.

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