Let the children decide.

by angel eyes 262 Replies latest jw friends

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    its you who doesnt believe......its you who continues to make things up....i dont understand why though. You knew me when i was about 4years old, you havent ever seen me since, we had a pretty good chat on the phone and we didnt argue, and yet you keep lying about me...its ok but just doesnt make sense. You say everything i say is a lie and that doesnt make sense....i just dont see why your angry with john morley but why be cruel or lie about me? you hate the gb and Jah, so why lie about me? You see what im saying....it doesnt make sense?

  • jookbeard

    the problem is AE and it goes for all serial liars , you very quickly forget the lies and made up stories you say. I would have no reason to fabricate or falsely make up statements about our conversation that day, sadly you have quickly forgotten

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    see there you go again...why would i say im retired lol....you lie, maybe you just dont want anyone listening to me. I dont know your reasoning but we had a good chat, you never asked where i work...i said i was an expolice officer, you never asked why i left....you really arent well or your doing it deliberately....I have been warned about you, but im not sure if its true...I hope not.

  • jookbeard

    look I'm perfectly well , do you have to keep repeating the same bullshit, it's getting boring now, I'm not the only one who has questioned your motives and honesty on here.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    you keep trying to fool yourself, you know theres a problem it was pointed out to you in the past, i'll say no more..but yes there warnings must be true and for my kids safety i cant have any dealings with you...im aware of your past, i gave you the benefit of the doubt but im a parent and have to always safeguard my children. I wish you well..and help.... x

  • mouthy

    Why do you all feed into this???

    This one Man/woman/JW/troll/what ever she is NEEDS attention.

    You all give her it/ Will anyone answer MY question please

    "THE LATE LIZ"""""""

  • yknot

    I was in kiddie TMS..... we were given introductions and presentations to memorize for the harvest work.

    Actually I was thrilled and enjoyed the praise that came with it immensely. I started doing TMS assignments at three too and the only problem I had was that I really hated not getting to stand up at the podium like the boys!

    I am grateful for my strong theocratic training, those elders did so out of love and desire to prepare us to survive Armageddon. When they finally accepted Armageddon wasn't coming they shifted their focus to our roles in the Org until Armageddon came.

    I found this clip on Youtube of two adorable little ones giving their talks....(this was what I knew as normal, except I had to sit down)


  • mrsjones5

    I don't get it but I am watching the feeding

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    awwwwwwwww how cute....i bet you were cute yknot :) our little boy is 5, id not let him join the school yet.

  • JWoods
    - Beacon of reality AWARD for the day...

    Why do you all feed into this???

    This one Man/woman/JW/troll/what ever she is NEEDS attention.

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