Let the children decide.

by angel eyes 262 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am with Outlaw on this. But to give the benefit of the doubt for a comment-

    "Son, Mommy and Daddy hate Halloween, Christmas, birthday parties. We feel just as Jehovah does about them. He will destroy those that don't agree with Him very soon. But we don't want to tell you what to do. You can do things that Mommy and Daddy and Jehovah hate while you are young and then decide for yourself what to do when you are older. OR (and it's a big OR) you can hate the same things that Mommy, Daddy, and Jehovah hate right now and you will please Jehovah, and take no chances on being destroyed."

    Even if you are not nearly that straightforward, that's the kind of messages children receive.

  • yknot

    I really really really really really want to go to your KH!

    I personally was raised very very very strictly and while at my non-JW Dad, I still kept faithful seeing (and was told) everything as a test by Satan to lure me away from my dedication.......

    Actually we have the exact same arrangement! It really helped to demystify things!

    I don't think many of us know any JW who are born/raised and was dunked before 21 who didn't do it out of peer pressure or to gain approval of parents and community.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    auntie snowbird....a shepherding...now that would be a shock!!!!!

    Thanks Goshawk....we all stand accountable before Jah, i stand before him, no one else, hence we try to do our best as jw.Thanks for saying we are rare :)

    We tell the children they can mention where they have been also, and believe me our little boy did once....haha i had to laugh, it was brilliant. He looked at me and i said "its ok, carry on".

  • PSacramento


    I totally agree with you 100%, a child must be allowed to decide for themselves.

    I only add that a child must also be given ALL the information so that they can make a choice.

  • angel eyes
  • snowbird

    We all know..Thats not True..

    I don't think Angel Eye's hubby is a JW.


  • PSacramento


    Will you give you child the right to decide on his belief in the Trinity? heaven and Hell?

    Will he be allowed to see ALL sides of the issues?

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    yes my hubby is a jw.We both serve Jah.

  • asilentone

    AE, I think you are a big joke here.

  • babygirl75

    *shakes head...rolls eyes*

    Please let me know what hall you go to. If this is the way the JW's are there....hell, I might even go back! Do what I want and still be considered a JW with no consequences.....

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