Notes From the Annual Meeting - Oct 3, 2009

by daniel-p 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • monkeyman

    monkey, monkey, monkey

  • Satanus

    If this gets into print, it will shake out quite a few monkeys from the tree.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    Jehovah is going to destroy the planet and every nonJW on it imminently...and the biggest news of the YEAR is the fucking song book????

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The amount of grey matter in that org is shrinking so I would expect few monkies.

  • daniel-p

    Have you actually witnessed how stupid these people can be?

    Of course I have. But not everyone in the organization is stupid. A lot of people just don't voice their doubts.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "Of course I have. But not everyone in the organization is stupid. A lot of people just don't voice their doubts."

    because they are terrified to be DF'd

  • truthseekeriam

    So true :(

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Was there a mention about the WW #of partakers at the memorial this year? With the "overlap" count on that number going up...

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    At what point will the third, fourth generation come in? Never ending horse shit to keep shoveling out to keep the date watching drones happy. I can see at a future international assembly:" I'm annointed Gen 2, which are you?" "I'm gen 3, I didn't know any 2's were left."

  • jabberwock

    daniel-p's original post is almost exactly what I heard about the annual meeting. Is this an email someone sent you?

    From what I heard, the new understanding of Matthew 13 is that the weeds are apostates not the churches of Christendom.

    "Love endures all things. Love never fails."

    I heard that this talk mentioned the importance of performing acts of love (no, not those kind). They even said that Witnesses should show love towards non-Witnesses in ways other than the preaching work.

    Also, what is going on at these elder schools? I've seen some pretty juicy details of past KMS sessions and I would be really interested in what's going on at these new ones.

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