Notes From the Annual Meeting - Oct 3, 2009

by daniel-p 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    DANIEL-P- Thanks for posting . This BS that Barr mentioned about the generation anointed of 1914 overlapping into the generation of the NEXT anointed is absolutely freaking ridiculous. Old man Barr is probably so discouraged at 96 years of age that nothing has happened yet he's shooting out this info just to try to convince himself as well as others that it's not a croc of $hit.

    But everybody here is correct- this 1914 thing will continue to come up and bite the WT society in the a$$ as time goes on. What are they gonna do in 2525 ? I contend the JW organization will be long gone by then. But who knows ? They may say they received a divine revelation that they were 1,000 years off ! That perhaps it was 2914, not 1914 ! This malignant tumor could go on and on

  • shamus100

    They got away with so many dates that they will still be around when 1914 becomes "old light". Mark my words.


    The WBT$ could totally scrap 1914..

    Any Jehovah`s Witness that made a Fuss about it..

    Would get the Usual Treatment..


  • Georgiegirl

    Wow. Talk about adding to scripture. I am just speechless.

  • Satanus

    "Seventy Levites were set aside to sing and 288 others Israelites were learners. All had to sing out of their hearts."

    They HAD to. If they didn't, they were taken out back and whipped. Kind of like the verbal whip cracking that barr handed out about some jws not singing.


  • GLTirebiter

    With this new doctrine of overlapping generations, the tribulation must be here by 2054 (OK, 2074 if the generations are strong): 1914 plus 70 or 80 years, twice over.

    (Psalm 90:10) "The span of our life is seventy years -- eighty for those who are strong -- but their whole extent is anxiety and trouble, they are over in a moment and we are gone." (New Jerusalem translation)

    So by teaching "overlapping generations" as new light, the Governing Body has set yet another date! To deny this would be non-scriptural

  • AllTimeJeff

    They're full of sh*t.

    I just wanted to say what I really feel,. I am tired and going to bed. Nighty nite.

  • daniel-p

    As much as I believe the average jdub is a non-thinking drone... I really can't imagine a whole lot of people REALLY going for this. "The generation that overlapped with the actual generation?" That's what Jesus meant? Gimme a break!!!

  • shamus100

    As much as I believe the average jdub is a non-thinking drone... I really can't imagine a whole lot of people REALLY going for this.

    I can. Have you actually witnessed how stupid these people can be?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh it's already sold. Once the Old guys in those NY dorms vomit this info on a WT, it's a done deal. How brilliant in a Charles Manson kind of way. This takes it beyond my lifetime. lol. What a load of caca.

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