Notes From the Annual Meeting - Oct 3, 2009

by daniel-p 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It will be no surprise if they dream up some bullshit about "two generations overlapping". The Society has always had double vision. There are two 'returns' of Jesus (1919/Great Tribulation); two thrones Jesus sits on (rulership/judgment), two 'classes' of christians (earthly class/heavenly class), etc, etc.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    BARR :"...The sowing DOES NOT mean the preaching and teaching work to bring in the new sons. These ARE sons NOT will become sons!!

    Huh? What does that mean?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well looks like the dorks in NY have the next 50 years or so covered. They can now rest in their little beds comforted by the fact they kept the apostates out. Or did they?

  • bobld

    USA Memorial attendance over 50k more from last year:DUH 4% increase in new pubs=over 40k.Canada:Had to raise roof and reinforce floor for new press----Good future planning or should I say lack of planning,You can't even plan for future expansion let allow teach the Bible.

    The ANOINTED that saw 1914,what about all the anointed from 33ce, what did they see.

    The chinese D.C. so how many Chinese attendanted the Australian Chinese D.C. Are their that many Chinese in AUZZY land that they had their own D.C.You do not give a rat's Ass, that it cost each individual a lot of hard earned cash to attend your money making D.C..Why not use modern technology to B'cast your propanganda to the few chinese in AUZZY.


  • SG Seattle
    SG Seattle

    The confusing doctrinal changes might work to their benefit, because if nobody can agree on what the current teaching actually is, they'll just buy whatever explanations are given from the platform that week.

    "generation John the Baptist Zion 1914 anointed 1935, so that proves the end is closer than ever!"

  • yknot

    Okay this buys them a century (give or take a decade) to bury 1914 from JW minds or.........

    Why not go BIG...

    We could have annual district get-together on Aug 1 and have presentations like the Mormons to recreate the faithful day Jesus' presence and entrhonement took place!

    There could be a drama showing Jesus and Satan's forces battling in heaven, Satan/Demons falling to earth and Jesus locking them out of heaven. Satan then sneers at Rutherford who alongside Fisher and Woodworth are preparing "The Finish Mystery", side scene of Satan inciting hate from the Govt. & Clergy, then a 'railroading' trial and imprisonment, Rutherford and company seen in prison discussing their duties to the flock than """exoneration""". Next a recreation of 1922's Cedar Point 's " Advertise, Advertise, Advertise" fading into a video collage of happy looking JWs doing ministry work, Bethel pics over the years and past presidents ending with the slogan to 'Advertise, Advertise, Advertise' while music of pre-recorded Bethelites singing the new songs starts to play and all of the crowd sings the new songs like a North Korean to their dictator.....

    ......... Just Saying ...........

  • wantstoleave

    I've got to say, the bit about no-one killed in Australia by the tsunami....well, that's because it wasn't in Australia! Is this article for real? How could they make a mistake like that??

  • wobble

    Yknot , you have seen the future, and it stinks. (to steal a phrase)

    I do believe they will have to work hard from now on, the problem is that to distance themselves from the old Bull**it they have to come out with even more convoluted explanations.

    And fresh Bull**it stinks more than old B.S !



  • Bangalore
  • WTWizard

    Not all are singing? What are they going to do about that I am not singing that s***? When that opening song comes on, I am usually either asleep or at my computer posting on an apostate forum, listening to my own music. And I am not going to eat that spiritual food monosodium glutamate from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger--regardless of what form it takes. I would rather be singing something like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer instead of any of that Kingdumb s***.

    As for the "generation", they are really up s*** creek without a paddle. I can remember hearing that those born in 1914, not those who were around to see those born in 1914, would be alive. This sounds like they are trying to buy some more time--while allowing them to have pushes where every so often it is about to happen (to get people out in field circus). I am holding them to the dictionary definition of the original "generation"--which expires when the median of those born in 1914 themselves have children (which is around 25 years). Nothing happened in 1939, so they blew that definition. Not to mention that they originally predicted the end in 1874, predicted in 1872--which was their first bust.

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