FLYING HIGH NOW- I'm sorry to hear you went through that treatment in the library. I have generally found in today's world that children growing up imitate the manners ( or lack thereof ) that parents show themselves inside or outside the home. That being said - some parents would do well to copy the good manners of their children who might show admirable qualities - in spite of bad parental examples. So it can come from different angles at times
**** Some people don't teach their children manners. Grrr. ****
by FlyingHighNow 277 Replies latest jw friends
Six is always witty.
To be honest, it made me think of something that happened to me recently, where a mother practically shoved her kid into me at the self-checkout at the supermarket. I politely asked the child to back up a little, because the kid was right in front of the spot where I needed to be to complete my ATM transaction, and the kid was so close I could feel her breathing on my skin. The mother tore me a new one, in front of my kids, for "taking a tone with my daughter". She had no clue about my history and why feeling someone's breath on my skin makes me really really uncomfortable, to the point of panic.
Maybe it is a sore spot with me, but assuming another person's motivations is a sure fire way to jump to a wrong conclusion. And because of my history - and I don't give a $h!t if LyingLowNow agrees with me or not - I won't require my children to automatically respect an adult, just because they are adults, and especially if that adult demands it as if they own the place. The attitude that someone is owed or entitled to respect just by virtue of their "status" is a HUGE red flag to me. I will not force my children to acquiesce to an adult that wants their seat, when other seating is available - which it was in LyingLowNow's case, albeit she may have been a little uncomfortable as she fumed over not getting what SHE wanted. How DARE she assume that a child's place is not beside their mother, if that's where the mother wants them.
In keeping with skullys remarks that FHN did not take into consideration what the womans motives were,
I am not discussing this lady's motives. I am talking about her not teaching her children good manners. As for Scully, she is definitely crabby and this subject of manners and children does seem to be a sore spot with her when you read her responses. From her first comment, her feathers are definitely ruffled.
One thing I have learned is that when people blast you with an inappropriate level of irritation or anger, out of no where, it's not always about you. There are usually things going on with them that are causing them to be irritable.
Please take your seething anger out in some healthier way, like taking a walk or maybe buy a punching bag.
More assumptions? No seething anger here. You're the only one was pissed off, and you obviously don't appreciate having someone come in and present an alternate point of view, when you start resorting to personal attacks, such as the deliberate misspelling of a person's name.
Being polite would not be about simply having rules about what type people we need to be considerate to. The polite thing for the lady at the library to do was to decide for herself if there could have possibly been some more room made for someone who was looking to sit down, whether it be young or old male or female.
IMHO ( Don't get mad at me anybody. O.K.?)
The polite thing for the lady at the library to do was to decide for herself if there could have possibly been some more room made for someone who was looking to sit down, whether it be young or old male or female.
Scully, there was plenty of room there beside their mother. You are the one fuming.
Brother Apostate
You should be happy to sit on the floor, seriously.
If you had to survive, would this really make a hill of beans difference?
You are spoiled by a life of luxury, as is the family you described in your OP.
Learn from such experiences.