Josie, how are those little neighbor girls doing? Are they any more mannerly?
**** Some people don't teach their children manners. Grrr. ****
by FlyingHighNow 277 Replies latest jw friends
"One day a little guy came up and asked us a question, we answered, he said Thank You. I swear myself and the other girl looked at each other with jaws dropped. We had to commend the lad on his good manners, it's so rare."
When my oldest son was 3 I took him to work and a co-worker gave him a piece of candy. I told my son to say "Thank you" and the co-worker said "Oh, he doesn't have to say that." I said "Yes he does" and prompted my son to say "Thank you" which he did. This same co-worker later said to me that she thought I was going to have a hard time raising my son because "black boys are so violent".
I will never forget that comment. I wish I could introduce her to my now 15 year old son who is quite the gentleman.
"Josie, how are those little neighbor girls doing? Are they any more mannerly?"
Another sad story. They packed up and left today without paying this month's rent to move to Tenneese in a van with a hole in one tire and a A/C that's on the fritz. The mother told me to day that she thinks they can make the trip in 3 days and only stop three times. They have 4 kids under 12 and the last one is barely 2.
She's crazy.
One day a little guy came up and asked us a question, we answered, he said Thank You. I swear myself and the other girl looked at each other with jaws dropped. We had to commend the lad on his good manners, it's so rare.
I had a similar jaw dropping experience a couple of weeks ago leaving a fast food restaurant. A boy who looked around the age of 7 was coming in with his family as I was going out. The boy held the door open for me. I thanked him to which he replied with "your welcome" and gave me the cutest smile. So very rare nowadays.
wha happened?
Isn't it sad Brinjen that the behavior of that child is held as exceptional rather than standard?
She's crazy. Josie
Her heart is going to break when they hit their teens, too. Poor kids. No wonder they don't know how to show respect. Their mother shows little regard for her kids.
Isn't it sad Brinjen that the behavior of that child is held as exceptional rather than standard?
Yep. Kids just aren't taught to respect. I see a lot of examples where the child isn't shown any respect or manners too... and children learn not only by example of how they see others being treated, but also how they themselves are treated.
When I went to KNoxville for three months, the people there were so mannerly. At work the young, good looking guys would hold open the door for all the older and even heavy, not so pretty women. There were double glass doors by which to leave. I was leaving a young man held the door open for me. I was distracted in thought and started to push the other door open. He gave me the most adorable smile and said, "Ma'am, I'm holdin' this door open for youuuu. If you don't walk through my door, I'm gonna be plum heartbroken." Then he gave me more of those pearly whites.
Up here in Michigan a guy will run to hold the door for a younger lady, but let it slam on the granny or mother with a baby and two toddlers. I've also had people up north puzzle over why southerners address older women as ma'am and men as sir.
cognizant dissident
"Good manners" are really an individual and cultural construct which differ from area to area. We cannot just assume that there is some "correct" manner of acting out there that all human beings should subscribe to just because we do.
Sounds like the seat-saving days at the conventions. Not so much of that any more with the lower attendance. I remember when the combined 3 circuit segments into 2 at an assembly hall. People were suddenly scrambling for seats and the old magazine on 10 chairs surfaced.