Watchtower is kicking people out again, in the name of LOVE?

by Bethelite Elder 119 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bethelite Elder
    Bethelite Elder

    Right now at Bethel, they are laying off and reassigning again. If you have cancer or some other illness, you are a liability and it's time to pack. I remember the night when we had the special talk about there being a great need in the field and some would be sent out. That lecture sent everyone running in fear, you could see Watchtower's love and thankfulness in action. Eventually, you began to hear about the people being asked to leave. They basicly would have you come into a meeting and two brothers would tell you how wonderful you are, and how the field really needs you. They would give you two or three months to leave, however the sooner the better. I saw people go home sick for days over that mistreatment. They felt betrayed, confused, down trodden.

    The two brothers would hide behind the Branch Committee, saying that is where each assignment originated. I believe that in the first round, they used overseers to determine the weaker links. (Missing morning worship, late to work, missing meetings, etc) Then on the second round, they came back and took out a lot of the overseers. Wow they are so clever with the stratergy. I wonder did they see that coming?

    Now, they have to perfect system to get rid of people at will and justify it with "you are needed in the field". Consequently, this whole arrangement has opened the minds of many people. In fact, their were two couples in the first round that I will speak of, the white brother worked here at Patterson and was getting married to a Pioneer sister from the field. He had about 17 years and although he did not get accepted to stay. They assigned him and his wife to be, as Special Pioneers. However, there was a black couple that had both been at bethel for 18 years and they did not receive an assignment. He still is having trouble finding work and it has been over 3 years. How sad of a thing.

    Right now I am seeing many Bethelites depressed, paranoid, distressed, and uncertain about their future. When I first went to Bethel, I really did think that everything was legit. However, it is nobody fault but mine.

    Right now there is a case in point, where there is a white brother and a black brother that have received their walking papers ( both came in around the same time, 15 years ago, the white brother is going to Special Pioneer and the black brother has to figure something out on his own. Hopefully, his parents did not turn his bedroom into a guess room. What is 15 years of free service worth?

    Years ago, we had a Monday night lecture about avoiding the "Corporate Spirit". Well now that is one of their main problems, they run that place like big business. At least in the world, the companies often give you a severence package. How can they run this place and give people such a raw deal in the name of love? Is this religion at its best? Am I suppose to believe that this is the work of God? Could what happened in Spain and Watchtower's response be an eye opener to the naive. Why do they keep going back and forth with this "Generation" and other matters? Does the light get brighter and grow dem again, and then get brighter? Is there a power struggle up in the ranks? Where is the promised end that started over 100 years ago? Could they be making it up as they go? Why do they go after everybody that speaks against them with lawsuits? Do they have something to hide? People spoke about Jesus, however, he was not concerned---because he knew the truth.

  • daniel-p

    Years ago, we had a Monday night lecture about avoiding the "Corporate Spirit".

    I seem to remember something about that -- was that lecture given like 9, 10 years ago? It's turned out to be quite a joke, hasn't it? Well, if you're currently at Bethel, your experience is incredibly valuable to those on the outside (exJWs and JWs alike). It seems they are giving the boot to more and more "lifer-hopefuls" these days. Really slimming down. I remember them encouraging us kids to "think of Bethel as a life career," and that if you passed the 5 year mark, you were pretty much in for life if you wanted it. Almost like tenure--although not really having any recourse if they wanted to let go of you, unless you had an "in" with Personnel.

    Anyway, welcome to JWD! Stick around!

  • passwordprotected

    Great post, thanks for your insights. Hope you're well.

  • Heaven

    Most corporations today are using an efficiency model/system similar to Six Sigma called 'LEAN'. Sounds like the Watchtower is adopting this model. It's all about maximizing efficiency and minimizing cost. The largest cost any company has is its human resource.

    The unfortunate part about LEAN is they are missing one vital piece of their foundation. Efficiency can be toxic. Case in point is the R2000 home. It's highly efficient in minimizing/eliminating heat loss -- and completely toxic to humans. I like this analogy. I think LEAN may morph into something toxic to humans. Perhaps it already has.

    Bethelite Elder... the only suggestion I have for you is to prepare yourself. No one is safe in any organization using the LEAN model.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Thanks for the inside info, BE. The whole Bethel-downsizing issue is pretty big, and I don't think it's on the radar of a lot of the brothers and sisters.

    Growing up as a JW, I always heard that if you went to Bethel, you were expected to treat it as your career. The implication was if you did a good job, then you were guaranteed a position--until you got married, of course.

    But apparently, it isn't that way anymore. Not a lot of job security in Bethel Inc. I feel bad for these folks getting tossed out on their rear ends. It's tough to adjust from institutional life to the "real world"...and $600 per month won't go very far.

    One more thing, BE: there is an undercurrent of racial inequity in your post. From your vantage point, does it appear that some racial groups (whites) are getting preferential treatment?

  • truthsetsonefree

    Bethelite Elder, I have known enough Bethelites to know how true what you are saying is. All of this speaks to the fact that a corporation and a religion should not be one and the same. Corporations need to do what the WT is currently doing. But WT is not just a corporation. It is a religion that serves to fill emotional needs as well. Needs that now are being sacrificed in those who have served them the hardest. They have created so much pain, even for Bethelites who have the skills to find work, because the economy sucks right now and these good men and women have been out of the working world for their entire adult lives. Further if they have ailments the working world may not be that accomodating either. Most people in this suituation with steady jobs have accumulated sick leave that they can tap into. Not new job seekers. All these are reasons why I have no sympathy for the Governing Body. And the Branch Committees are more pawns for them to hide behind.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Bethelite Elder: Joe and I grieve for you and others in your shoes. Our son was transferred to Patterson from Brooklyn. He was in Bethel a total of 16 years. I'm so glad they left Bethel when they did otherwise they would be in your shoes. Even though they shun us, we only want the best for them. Now he's been out long enough to have a home, an established business, and a 9 year old son.

    We had so many good friends in Patterson who have been in Bethel around 20-25 years. We worry. What will become of them if they are asked to leave? Personal Message us or some of the folks who post on this board if you need personal advice. You know who they are by the comments they post.

    Barbara and Joe

  • joelingeorgia

    wow, this post reminds me that it was 31 years ago this weekend that I arrived at Watchtower Farms. How different would my life have been if I hadn't fallen in love with another brother there and gotten kicked out. Was definitely a change of path for me. I doubt that I would have still been there. Even with less than 1 year of Bethel service I saw so many cracks in the foundation of not only beliefs, but in "The Society" structure itself.

    Its a business, always has been. Became very clear to me that this was the case when I was at Bethel.

  • Cessa

    It hurts like hell.

  • StAnn

    My friend who was kicked out was AfAm. He said a GB member told him that it wasn't his "fault" that Jehovah created him "that way."

    He was shocked by the blatant racism at Bethel, as he hadn't experienced that out in the congs.

    St. Ann

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