Disfellowshiped Last Night - Elder Question

by johnnyc 91 Replies latest jw experiences

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    There is a difference between dependence/addiction to painkillers. Dependence happens when you are prescribed painkillers for legitimate pain and then experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the drug. Addiction, on the other hand, involves taking the medication in larger than prescribed dosages by getting multiple prescriptions from different doctors, buying the drug illegally or borrowing/stealing it from others.

    If you just became dependent on the drug while following your doctor's instructions, there is no moral lapse involved. Look up the difference between addiction and dependence and take your info to the elders. I think you should appeal, if you want to stay in the org.

    Your elders sound like they have a grudge against you. It's a real shame when you entrust private info to so-called spiritual men and they use it to hurt you rather than help you through the struggle.

    Think about whether you want to be involved with people like them.

  • barry

    The way to get respect from these elders is to join another church because only then will there power be broken.

    The reason I say this is I know of an incident where a JW couple separated and the elders supported the wife. The elders came down hard on the husband so the husband left and joined the SDA church. When the elders found out about this they went to meet with the husband and their attitude was changed completly. You see they no longer had power over him and they knew it.

  • tijkmo

    shoot the wounded...


  • johnnyc

    Quandry: I said I was not a JW since I had been inactive for so long - and no longer professed to be one. I've only been back to meetings for the last couple weeks before they came to "help" me. - JP

  • AudeSapere

    johnny - how can we help you ? Are you OK?


  • johnnyc

    Thank you all for the time in responding. I want to clarify a couple things. First, my addiction did lead to doing things that were "over the line" with regards simple "dependence". I "doctor shopped" (more than one doc), and even purchased pain killers illegally (street). No question I had a problem and did things I shouldn't have. However, I do firmly believe that the elders on my JC should have determined my level of repentance at that moment based upon my acts to that point only. I can't imagine that I can only prove myself repentant by how I conduct myself when DF'd. I think anyone should have an opportunity to not be DF'd based upon their repentance at the time of their committee. If people are getting DF'd this way, it is no less than a perversion of what disfellowshiping is supposed to be about. I guess I will find out in my appeal committee. Again, thank you all for responding - I have taken what many have said to heart, and appreciate the recommendations of some. JC

  • Cindi_67


    I have been inactive for 21/2 years. I don't consider myself a witness any longer either. However, I am concerned that you are here and attending meetings, and "confessing" your sins. You have a problem and that is obvious, but what is the reason for you to be here, and still wanting to go to the elders and confess what you did? I agree with SnakesInTheTower on his counsel to you. What do you want to do? You either want to be a Witness or you don't. By being here, you show you don't feel is the truth, or the religion is just not for you. You have doubts, and you can't be a Wintess if you have doubts.

    If you don't want to be a Witness anymore, then do what Snakes told you, appeal, give them a lesson and don't go anymore. If you no longer care for the Organization, then why appeal? Take care of your problem and do it for you, not because you have to or else they will disfellowship you. If you went farther than just using prescription medications to satisfy your need of them using illegal methods, and you are ready to stop, just take care of that on your own. Go to a psychologist and start fresh. But don't tell the elders everything, look where it got you.

    I smoke, but if I ever want to go back, IF, I wouldn't tell them I used to smoke, I will just stop and start attending meetings, but I am not going to make my return by confessing all my little sins. Please no replies as to my smoking, I'll appreciate it. Thank you.

    So decide first what you want to do about your JW standing. If your intention is to start over and go back, you should stop coming here. If you don't want to continue, then look for help for your problem, appeal and continue with your life outside the Org.

  • misguided

    My mom was hospitalized for depression (a breakdown). She was using prescription meds and alcohol at the time.

    I love my mom, she is a beautifu person...allbeit at JW....

    She wasn't councelled as far as I know, let alone df'd for her addictions...

    I think they (your judicial committee looking for a way to df you (they similarily did that to me)...in my opinion...they wanted you out...and this was their way. Chin-up...it's good on the outside!

  • oompa

    johnny....but like A@G asked...why do you want back in this cult????????...........oompa

  • Sunnygal41

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