The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses

by jambon1 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff
    All I could think of was:"Please shut the F*ck-Up!"..LOL!!

    Amen! As indoctrinated as I was, I always thought at the same time that I was balanced because there were nuttier people around. They would keep it in the car group mostly...

    "I can't wait for the pretentious idiot to get destroyed!" (variations therof...) Depending on the wit of the person spewing this, we would all laugh. Depending on how much it seemed they wanted to personally help YHWH do the destroying at that moment, I would cringe.

    Frankly, even though I took this just as seriously for a time, once I started to get into the "inner circles" and associate with those who said such nonsense, it turned me off. I really couldn't believe that people could think they were that better then anyone else, and could hope that all but themselves would die at Armageddon.

    God, it still pisses me off!

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Sorry about that last one.....

    Last year my mother was really sick with microscopic colitis. A nurse had to come to her house to put an IV in her since she hadn't eaten in weeks. She was weak and tired. An elder came to see her. I sat there as he got in Bible out and read a scripture (can't remember which one) about Jehovah testing us.

    I asked him, "So this is a test of my mother?"

    "Yes," he replied. "But Jehovah doesn't test beyond what we can bear." She was near death in my opinion.

    I asked him, "Perhaps you can ask him to lay off a bit. She's had enough testing for now," to which he said, "you're not a believer, are you?"

    I think he is quite possibly the smartest man I've ever met.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    elders are imperfect men. (grrrrrrrr always ok for them to have that as an excuse but it doesnt work for us too)

    Just glad Jah sees we are just Mere dust................

  • AllTimeJeff

    To bad that "mere dust" causes so much pain isn't it?

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Thats imperfection for you.......sadly words said in rage or anger, weaknesses etc will often hurt people thats why its nice that Jah understands. :)

  • AllTimeJeff

    The problem is, when the leadership who are supposed to be setting the example do so, and you are trained as a JW to see the leadership as representing god, then it is more then just "imperfection" and personality conflicts. It prohibits the ability to worship, and to associate, it creatres depression and anxiety issues.

    It is more serious then you make it out to be AE.

    And Jehovah doesn't exist. So I doubt he could understand. Let me add one more inappropriate JW remark to the collection.

    Thats imperfection for you.......sadly words said in rage or anger, weaknesses etc will often hurt people thats why its nice that Jah understands. :)
  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Atj, yes the leadership set a fine example but YES they will make errors, just like when i was a police officer i had to set a good example but i wasnt perfect, so in ALL walks of life you sadly will have some who are to set examples of themselfs and try and try but they wont always succeed.I hope you dont go through life looking for that perfect mark to be reached,because it isnt going to happen.

  • AllTimeJeff

    The problem is, that regardless of the mistakes of JW leadership, they do not allow dissension or questioning of their ever changing doctrines.

    It isn't about perfection, its about accountability.

    Edited to add: If you are going to claim that Christ chose you in 1919, then you have to get it right, and you have to be prepared to answer for the millions of lives that have come and gone whom you have led. The GB has no such accountability. They choose doctrine, change doctrine, and you either are obedient or you are out.

    Like I said, no accountability.

    Thats imperfection for you.......sadly words said in rage or anger, weaknesses etc will often hurt people thats why its nice that Jah understands. :)

    If I were to believe that Understands..

    The never ending WBT$ ,that hurts so many on a daily basis..

    Hammer Head I would also have to believe in an "UnIntelligent Supreme Being"..Hammer Head


  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    i ask questions and have never been told i cant ask......

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