The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses

by jambon1 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    "Jehovah is far too busy to worry about your petty little problems."

    "Justice is just another name for vengence, and you know how Jehovah feels about vengence."

    "Boys can't be raped."

    "A child can hurt a parent more than a parent can hurt a child."

    "There is no organization in the world like Jehovah's Witnesses."

    "Are you queer?" (in response to my revealing same-sex abuse by my grandfather and father when I was under the age of 5)

    "No they can't testify. You know how worldly people lie." (in response to my offer of paternal grandmother and maternal aunt who were willing to corroborate my abuse claims and thus fulfilling the two eyewitness mandate)

    "If you don't shut up I will see to it personally that you are disfellowshipped." (made by a circuit overseer sitting in my living room)

    "Fortune cookies are demonized."

    "The Internet is demonized." (I'm not kidding)

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    "Justice is just another name for vengence, and you know how Jehovah feels about vengence."

    One needs only to read the old testament to know how he feels about vengeance.

    "Jehovah is far too busy to worry about your petty little problems."

    Or about the bigger ones either, apparently.

    "A child can hurt a parent more than a parent can hurt a child."

    Not even remotely truthful.

    "There is no organization in the world like Jehovah's Witnesses."

    I think we can all attest to this.

  • CaptainSchmideo
    You'll all be laughing on the other side of your faces when armageddon comes"

    And that's what it boils down to. After all those years of being pitied, mocked, belittled, and ignored while espousing these whacked out beliefs, Witnesses will get the satisfaction of being "proved right" when Armageddon comes and kills all those muthers!

    "They will all soon regret the way they laughed at me!" - Typical line of a mad scientist in most cheapo horror films of the 1950's

  • caliber

    My mother was talking to group about how hard it is to visit my father sometimes in the nursing home ( I drive her there ..she stays for 2

    hours minimum three time a week without fail )( My sister goes on in between days)

    An elder in the group says...".Well sister that is your responsibility "

    my mothers response... " So when are you going to visit him?

    Elders response.. " oh .... I just can't handle places like that ! "

  • caliber

    J F Rutherford ( to be totally fair I believe he was re-quoting some famous poet) Never the less he stated..

    What are women but..." a hunk of hair and a bag of bones " maybe said in jest but still inappropriate I feel !

  • amama2six

    My response would have been "Well, Brother Rutherford, I can guarantee you will never get a 'bone' from THIS 'hunk of hair'!"

    As for the Elder who wouldn't visit your father himself but told your mother it was "her responsibility"...what a hypocrite! (Not that I'm surprised or anything.)

  • betterdaze

    "Jehovah removes his blessings from young people who do bad things to seek attention."

    Age 15, in the hospital with a tube up my nose, recovering from a nearly-completed suicide. Over 70 prescription and OTC pills, washed down with Dad's best whiskey.

    My life was so complicated and miserable at that age, I wanted to die. I begged Jehovah to kill me. He was going to destroy me at Armageddon anyway. I had no future to live for.

    Won't go into the all sordid personal details. Suffice it to say I just wanted to stop existing so the never-ending pain would cease.

    It was the practical thing to do. I had no expectation of a resurrection in Paradise. Cold, dark, non-existence was my goal.

    Yet I survived. AND I LIVE! I live very well indeed. Turns out I had so much to live for OUTside of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The universe wasn't through with Sue yet.

    What's more, I live to see the organization that taught her to talk down to me, go down into that cold, dark, non-existence I once sought for myself.

    At the ripening age of 40, I intend to outlive them all with not a little bit of well-earned hubris.


  • Newborn

    One "friend", pioneer and elders wife sister, said to me while we were having lunch one day, "if I was a man I would like to have sex with you"

    I couldn't believe my ears!! How weird and sicko is that!!

    Same sister a few weeks later asked me out for lunch again to encourgage me to be more regular at the meetings. You can only laugh...

    Our friendship never recovered from that and now I'll hopefully never see her again.

    It just shows that JW are absolutely no better people, they are worse. They all surpress bad bad feelings and thoughts, they are all so sinful and yet judge others all them time. Makes me sick to my stomach to think of it all.


  • Mysterious

    "love the sinner hate the sin"

    "he went splat" (in reference to my friend who committed suicide by jumping off a cliff)

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