The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses

by jambon1 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Farkel said:

    Speaking of assholes, the first thing they did at Cult Central after the World Trade Center was struck was lock all the doors! They refused to open them to give any water, or aid or shelter to people fleeing the Towers. Only after that news hit the Internet did they open up their doors and offer refreshments to people covered in dust and ash.

    Wow. When this was mentioned but not verified earlier, I wanted to ask if anyone had any verification. That is just astounding... but then again, we really aren't surprised, are we? They must have felt just like Noah on his happy little boat... hearing the screams beyond his locked doors.

    I also heard that instead of water, they were giving out literature, bragging that while others were giving water, they were giving the "water of everlasting life". Agh.

  • LucyA

    In an argument with my mother

    Me: Would you rather me be a wittness or me be happy?

    Her: (Long Pause)....well you cant really be happy unlesss your a witness.

    Me: Right then my oven timers just gone off Bye.

  • wantstoleave

    I heard a similar statement after 9/11 in my area. There was a brother we knew, who was supposed to attend a board meeting on whatever floor it was of the wtc that day, but he decided not to go into work. The brothers were saying how it was Jehovah intervening etc. I could never get my head around that. Why 'intervene' in that, why not save the other witnesses who died too. Were they not as important in his eyes as this one brother? Why not intervene in rapes, molestation, car get the picture. And from all we've been taught, we are supposed to believe Jehovah doesn't intervene anyway. Though we are also taught that he can direct our actions if we've prayed on something. It's all twisted.

    I knew of aquaintances that died in that tragedy. Though I wasn't a personal friend as such, it still upset me. I remember waking that morning to the news and thinking the tribulation had started. I will never forget the terror I felt. Though I've been brought up a witness, I have always feared what's to come, even though I had always been a good witness.

    I remember when I was little and a friend at school invited me to a party. My parents never let me associate with worldly people, yet they knew this friend meant alot to me. So after much discussion, they decided I could go. I was jubilent! Yet the night before the party, I was really sick throwing up, so my parents wouldn't let me go to the party :( I was devastated. Their reasoning? Jehovah must think you shouldn't go and that's why he's made you throw up. I was about 7yrs old. It crushed me thinking Jehovah had made me sick! Of course now I know that wasn't the case and it's even been said from the platform how Jah can't make you sick, or punish you for things in present time. I think my parents have adjusted their thinking since then, thank goodness.

    (Edited for spelling mistake)

  • TheClarinetist

    *while my mother was driving me something*

    Mom: It would be nice if you were killed in a car accident. Then you could be ressurected into the new world!

    And then there were the constant comments about how I needed to change my ways or be killed at Armeggedon. They didn't notice that I would shut up and quite often start having panic attacks when they did that...

    There was also when I broke up with my fiance and they said it was good because now I can find a wife in the truth (while still making that above statements)

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    When I was in the process of leaving, I had a long talk with a friend who after being unable to answer some of my questions made this statement:

    "You know Trevor, the Bible is a deep book, and they [the Watchtower Society] do my thinking for me."

    No joke.

  • dottie

    The inlaws told the hubby if he had been taking me to the meetings we wouldn`t have had a miscarriage... Also too we were not married and living together...that also contributed to the loss...

  • kurtbethel

    My then best friend, when I became Inactive™ due to severe clinical depression:

    If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™, you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will get a Resurrection­™ in the Paradise™.

    That is worthy of a police report and a restraining order.

  • Leprechaun

    I remember back in October of 2005 my daughter died from a doctor prescribed over dose of Methadone for a simple back ache, she died two days into the regimen, Methadone is bad shit stay away from it folks. But anyway her name was Spring, at that time she was disfellowshipped some in the surrounding congregations voiced to her younger sister that she would not be resurrected because she was (kicked out) disfellowshipped”. It almost killed me to hear that from them, the “Bible Students” assured me that Spring my daughter would most certainly be resurrected with everyone else, because of that I will never have anything to do with Jehovah’s Witnesses, they are cruel.

  • Rabbit

    Leprechaun, I'm so sorry about your daughter and the cruel remarks from god's "chosen" people. It's remarkable how a religion can make people become so unkind and disconnected from humanity.

  • truthseekeriam

    My pioneer MIL told my husband how we need to get back to the meetings and we should be happy the the JW that molested our child didn't kill her. Yeah, sure made me want to march back to the KH....NOT!!

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