Born Gay?

by inrainbows 206 Replies latest members adult

  • sweetstuff
    "The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision."

    LOL, that's priceless. Too funny!

    Born gay, chose to be gay.. who cares? As long as someone is happy and not hurting others, what biz is it of anyone else's? And if they aren't happy and are hurting others, so what? They are alot of straight idiots out there as well.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, since "queer" is no longer in vogue, what's the new pc term? "Sexually challenged?" ;-)

  • Thylacine

    "Sexually challenged." That sounds more like a term you'd use for someone who either cannot get laid, or has no idea what to do with a partner.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Hmm, has no idea what to do with a partner. . . Nope, not going to go there. ;-)

  • freydi

    How about "abomination?"

  • yknot

    Dangerous territory......

    So ultimately are the Swedes arguing for chemical/ hormonal imbalance?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I always thought it was a chicken/egg kind of thing. WGAF?

  • VoidEater

    "Abomination"? Christ fulfilled the law, and I'm not Jewish.

    Go and eat some shrimp...

  • freydi

    "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" Romans 6:1-2

  • VoidEater

    Freydi: I've already been born again - I don't need to die at the hands of misapplication of scripture any longer.

    Don't eat those locusts, ok?

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