Born Gay?

by inrainbows 206 Replies latest members adult

  • beksbks

    Huh, I was just at the grocery store, and on leaving I thought to myself "are people becoming even less aware of the world around them?" Thanks for answering my question Freydi.

  • dinah

    Bible thumpers on gay threads are really testing my patience. You don't have a clue. Go pray more and read the NWT. That should clear it all up for you.


    Oh Joy Oh Bliss!

    Let's help this poster and this thread make 10 can happen, please make a comment: rude, appropriate, inappropriate, gnashing of teeth, hand held to back of know what I mean.

    10 pages, it is possible!

    Come on folks: you can do it, help this thread hit 10 pages before I commit another sexual felony.

    Hurry, hurry, hurry!

  • funkyderek


    Funny how you don't see this wide spread abnormality in other species. It's a good thing ducks, for example, don't have corrupted legislatures and courts to tell them how they were designed to behave.

    Absolutely true. There is no other species I know of where individuals who have a same-sex preference are encouraged to alter that preference. Ducks are a great example. According to studies, around 1 in 10 mallard couples are homosexual. (As the normal reproductive strategy for mallards is rape, it's not clear whether both partners are always consenting). Many other species show a similar percentage of males showing a primary sexual preference for other males, but you're absolutely right that not one of those species displays the uniquely human abnormality of condemning homosexuality. Probably, a sheep reasons that its none of its business if two other male sheep want to have sex. Isn't nature wonderful?

  • shamus100


    One more page? I'm trying, Ray!


    4.5 more pages Shamus.

    WE perfectionists: we're born that way.

    I think, I am not sure, maybe...can someone start a thread that'll get 10 pages to help me decide what 'they' think I am.

    Oh Joy Oh Bliss. I can hardly wait to be re-defined.

  • exjdub
    Why is the gay issue zeroed in on when the whole world is busy adultering and fornicating all over the place?

    jamiebowers' question is brilliant and deserves an answer from the religious folk. Where is Junction Guy and Burn The Ships when a question like this is tendered? Please, would any of you provide a quote from your sacred book that says homosexuality is a worse sin than any other? If you are going to use the Bible to condemn homosexuality then use it to judge the fornicaters and adulterers. It's funny how many of my married christian business associates condemn homosexuality, but somehow find it OK to go "on the road" as salespeople and visit strip clubs and cheat on their wives. The hypocrisy is maddening, as is the hypocrisy on this forum.

    I wouldn't despise christianity so much if the christians would just mind their business and leave people alone. Gay people, at least the gay people I am friends with, have no interest in pushing any agenda, nor do they wish any harm to the christians and others that judge them so harshly. They just want to be left alone in their pursuit of a meaningful and happy life like anyone. Why is that so hard to understand? Why is it so important for christians to even have a discussion about homosexuality? How does it affect you in any way?


  • BurnTheShips
    jamiebowers' question is brilliant and deserves an answer from the religious folk. Where is Junction Guy and Burn The Ships when a question like this is tendered? Please, would any of you provide a quote from your sacred book that says homosexuality is a worse sin than any other? If you are going to use the Bible to condemn homosexuality then use it to judge the fornicaters and adulterers. It's funny how many of my married christian business associates condemn homosexuality, but somehow find it OK to go "on the road" as salespeople and visit strip clubs and cheat on their wives. The hypocrisy is maddening, as is the hypocrisy on this forum.

    Since you call me by name I will respond. The Bible does not say homosexuality is a worse sin than fornication or adultery explicitly. If we assign a "badness" scale in Scripture, it gets assigned the same penalties, so it would appear to be just as bad. Extrabiblically it has been traditionally considered as inherently more disordered than some other sexual sins, and less disordered than others as well. As for hipocrisy, please show me where I have been hipocritical. I have not held up fornication or adultery as OK things to engage in, nor do I engage in them. I have not judged nor condememned anyone on this thread, I have just discussed whether one can be "born gay". It is my opinion that it is possible. It is my opinion also that some are "made gay" and that some can be made straight.

    What is so controversial about that?

    Why is it so important for christians to even have a discussion about homosexuality? How does it affect you in any way?

    This is a discussion forum. Homosexuality is a frequent subject. I will discuss, and say what I think. I may teach others something, and learn something in return. If you do not like it, that is too bad for you. But it is not hipocrisy. Also, with gay marriage becoming legal in several areas, it is affecting people like me. Churches are getting sued for not marrying homosexuals in violation of their religious beliefs. This happened recently in New Jersey.

    I have long held to the libertarian live and let live motto, and previously took no issue with allowing people to marry same sex people, but there is a backlash where those of us that prefer to live traditional lifestyles in our families and Churches are, in effect, going to have the homosexual agenda rammed down our throats.


  • Junction-Guy

    Good point BTS.

    exjdub, I do believe that fornication and adultery are definite sins, and I dont try to sugar coat them in any way.

    Our society has become way too sexual, and it isn't just the homosexuality either.

  • inrainbows

    I think what we need to discuss is whether being sexually prudish, judgemental or intolerent is nature or nurture.

    Let us be clear we are talking about something (consensual same gender sexual relationships between adults) which doesn't harm anyone. People wishing to assert otherwise can provide proof.

    So what we have here is people wishing to judge people for doing something non-harmful. It is as offensive and invasive as judging someone for watching wildlife programmes or bird watching or playing golf.

    What drives such intolerence?

    Is it that these people were twisteed and damged in their childhood? Exposed to harmful influences?

    Can they be re-educated and integrated with normal soceity?

    Or are they victims of some biological quirk and need to be sympathised with?

    I also have to say as one of the most homophobic men I know hit on a male freidn of mine, I do thing there is a little projection going on in some instances. There's some wonderful research which backs up that homophobia is often exhibited by sexually conflicted people.

    Which joking aside is horrible for the person who is so disgusted by their own sexual oriontation they have to live a lie and crusade against it. Get over it people, even if you like the same gender sexually you're a lovely person (unless you're an a$$hole, but being an a$$hole is an equal opportunitites thing; you can be white black straight gay and STILL be an a$$hole).

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